Why are Americans such voltlets
Why are Americans such voltlets
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Their infrastructure is too shit to alloy 220V, people still have unearthed appliances and powercuts there.
Don't Yurocucks use 60hz TV's and Monitors?
American products are far more efficient and consume twice as less power than Eurocuck products consume.
What does refresh rate has to do with anything? I use 144Hz monitor.
Russia uses 220V and no grounding. and everything is fine grounding is a harmful meme.
I licked a negro once
Russia doesn't care about electrocuted citizens I guess.
How the fuck would you get electrocuted from a socket? Unless you shove your dick in it of course.
Nah. But there are actually a handful of European countries that consume more power per capita than the USA. I'm surprised.
ITT: A lot of people who don't understand how power works. No 220 Volts won't kill you if there isn't enough amperage. And no 110 volts is enough if you have enough amperage.
Have fun when you touch exposed wires. 120 on dry skin is spooky, but it won't kick your ass like a 220.
Most products are made to work with anywhere from 100 to 240 volts nowadays so the same product can be sold anywhere in the world with minimal changes.
Only difference is electric radiators don't work as well in the US now
You can also not touch exposed wires. That helps
> if there isn't enough amperage
15mA - 100mA can kill you already.
It's not like this is a rare thing to have with 230V 10A+ household power.
Probably won't even get shocked at 110v. Electroboom demonstrates this.
Because based Tesla figured 60hz 120v is better than 50hz 220v
Obligatory "Underage faggot detected". That said, CRT sets used to synchronize their vscan to the line phase.
I had a brief hit from it. Like I said, spooky, but not awful.
Argie here. Got kicked by 220v several times when I was young and stupid(er). I liveded.
>twice as less
You mean half as much, chink
>t. still microwaves water
>he drinks the hippie koolaid that photons are bad
He means twice as half
>he thinks people don't microwave water because they're afraid of photons
But you can deliver power at 220VAC on smaller wires than 120VAC.
t. Ohm's Law
Not a meme if you care about quiet signal lines.
Tell me user, why don't you microwave water?
Is it because you think the water will turn radioactive from the microwaves?
I don't do it because it usually heats the container faster than the water. Electric kettle ftw.
because i have a fuckin kettle you dumb cunt
try this:
get into a bathtub and throw a toaster there
More amps
yuo are like a little baby, watch this
>implying most normies know about photons.
Is this one of those photon showers
A toaster isn't a socket
Russian population has enough basic intelligence to not do that.
are you drunk?
electron shower
you're not a socket
Are you?
Sweden, Norway and Finland are cold so they need a lot of energy. Iceland is cold and I think they have an abundance of geothermal energy so they have a lot of energy-intense industry.
I guess Lichtenstein gets cold in the winter and they're rich with big houses.
120v DC is what he noted is nothing, but 120v ac is a kick.
For his dry skin he had it on there a few seconds. It's on the gfci video. He couldn't even get it to pop with dry skin
because it allows them to do THIS safely ;)
you jelly
I had a training session (USN) where a fellow was working on his car - not runnning - and he took 12VDC at high battery amperage through the chest. Was in a puddle, so ended up on a slab.
Those aren't American outlets though. Looks European
well if you send really any current through the heart i imagine you could disrupt it's rythem and cause issues.
>bongs act like there's something wrong in the pic
>Switched sockets
>Polarized prongs
>RCD (GFCI) on the switchboard
>No ground needed on double insulated appliances
>Not fugly like the UK plug
Literally the best power delivery system there is
50Hz is 15% more expensive to transmit than 60Hz.
a) looks like germoney
b) perfectly safe
>high amps through the chest
Pick one
V=IR, learn it.
If you want to pass a high current though a high resistance, you need a high voltage
That looks like the UK and US sockets had a baby
>he microwaves water
fucking savages lmao
Are you literally retarded?
I've seen the YouTube compilations, no they don't.
Nothing unsafe about it
>not using both 127V@60hz and 220V@60hz
>the absolute state of Jow Forums
kys zoomer
You probably can't even get 12v to go through you. Let alone high current. Retard
It has nothing to with line frequency. I dunno why you got so much shit for this.
>all these niggers not even knowing simple shit such as Ohm's law
Americans are lets in everything.
Differently from eurocucks, they know losing millions to output 220 V to people's homes when they don't need it is a waste of money. No one cares your government is stupid enough to lose money over bullshit like this Sven, winning the trade war is better than being able to turn on a 2000 w PSU from EVGA or some shit.
They're in an inflatable pool on a cloudy day. Somehow that doesn't seem very American to me. Also that building on the left doesn't look American either.
> americans MICROWAVE their fucking water
Go to bed Trump you're drunk
What's wrong with that?
Fuck it, I'm going to microwave a cup of water for tea right now.
depends if he is sweaty...
>americans still can't understand electricity
That's why you are stuck with 110V
>microwaving water
It's going to get deionized
Microwave ovens shoot tiny waves into the liquid at random locations, causing the water molecules at those points to vibrate rapidly. If the water isn’t heated for long enough, the result is isolated pockets of very hot or boiling water amid a larger body of water that’s cooler. Such water may misleadingly exhibit signs of boiling despite not being a uniform 212 degrees. For instance, what appears to be steam rising from a mug of microwaved water is only moist vapor evaporating off the water’s surface and condensing into mist on contact with cooler air—it’s the same principle that makes our breath visible on frigid days.
Hey retard:
Go look at your breaker box and tell me how many amps are available on that circuit. Then also consider you can pull 4x that amount easily for a brief period before the breaker trips.
Use orange photons instead of red, tea isn't supposed to be boiled.
Amps are irrelevant to killing you.
>What is a Pyrex measuring cup
l o l
240 for modern plugs.
20 years ago, maybe. So?
120ac is, at peak, only 1.4 times higher than dc.
proof I actually did it
>It's going to get deionized
sounds cool
I don't get it
is this loss
Natural selection made sure it's not an issue.
The Nordic countries finance the electric usage by burning waste. We even buy waste from other countries as burning it is actually profitable. Plus, it's the sole reason Sweden claims to be a recycling superpower. They consider burning garbage as recycling, knowing full well what the rest of the world thinks when they think about recycling.
Personally I don't care if they burn or recycle but Swedes are funny with the way they lie to make themselves seem better. The rest of us are at least honest about the destination of garbage.
What's cyclic about burning trash'
The real answer?
Back in the 1800s, the US had 2 competing electric systems. Edison's DC distribution system, and Westinghouse/Tesla's AC system.
The DC system came first, and ran at 120V. The primary use for electricity at the time was lighting, and incandescent light bulbs don't care if the power is AC or DC, so the AC grid was set at 120v as well.
Europe got 220v because years later the metal-filament bulb was invented that could run on 220v, so the Berlin electric utility switched to 220v to save on distribution costs. By that time, the US implementation of electricity was too large to economically switch over, and things have been fine ever since.
There is actually 240v power in most American homes, provided through 30A sockets to run things like stoves/ovens/dryers.
Actually America uses split phase power predominantly and if instead of taking power from phase to neutral you take it from phase to phase then you can get 240V instead of 120V.
>Implying these brainlet fucks can comprehend
We take photos all the time moran
Color me surprised, that's actually a decent solution.
>We are 110v vs 220v so we consume twice as less
a lot of the video standards, like NTSC and PAL come from trying to match the framerate to the AC frequency.
I taught basic electronics. I stated in the example that the person was in a puddle, lowering the overall esistance. I don't doubt he was sweating as well. Since a car battery can deliver 100s of amps (look it up...), it is certainly possible. Retard,
fucking retards compering lcd hz with voltage hz kys
3/10 this one is grounded tho. 2safe4me
Back in the 1950s, yes.