Post your setup, blocklists etc.
Anyone also running PiVPN for blocking on the go ?
Post your setup, blocklists etc.
Anyone also running PiVPN for blocking on the go ?
ye boiiiiii
don't run pivpn but i do vpn into my router to get blocking from the pi
what exactly is the purpose of a pihole ?
DNS blocking
basically it prevents malicious domains from resolving an address
one of the most effective ways to block ads as well
but isn't that the job of the router ? can't you just add some configuration to your router to do the same thing as well ?
Stig your dig
most routers don't handle DNS blocking, at least not on the scale of a pihole or other proper firewall
with one of these you can block thousands of domains with a click of a button, you just need to tell your router to use it as a DNS server
plus you have total control over blacklists/whitelists, as well as what block lists you subscribe to
sounds bretty good
I want to pee in your hole.
>5 million blocklist
How many false positives ?
stupid question:
will this ultimately help me more easily stream stuff from a website like feed2all? Because right now it seems like I have to manually close ads to get the media player to work in such a way that it leads me to believe the media player functioning depends on the ads. I use adblocker currently. Would pihole just make this whole process easier?
not a huge amount considering... and when they come up it's not that hard to whitelist if necessary
Just set it up with the Pi I got from my CS class.
Anybody have any good blocklists?
What's the advantage of this over something like dnsmasq?
Its a fork with extra features
Question for everyone. I'm using pihole home network and set it up using the method where the pi acts as my hdcp server instead of my router. At home, pihole works flawlessly, however when I use the VPN that's built into my netgeat router, it doesn't. Does anyone know how I can trouble shoot this? When I use the VPN, I can ssh nto my pi, modify my network, etc but ads are not blocked.
What is that screen?
>adding more attack surface to your network to do the same thing as a hosts file
rPi doesn't opensource and it connect you to spy Chinese servers.
In that case I guess your router is giving your client an IP to use for the VPN, normally it will be something outside the range you use for your main network as the router will handle routing/NAT.
If not that, at least the router will set itself as a dns server and you won't be using your pihole as a DNS.
So I should adjust the range of ips my pi uses?
what kind of botnet OS are you running
>rPi doesn't opensource and it connect you to spy Chinese servers.
With that english I'm inclined to believe you're a Chinese spy.
>Android: you need root to modify hosts file
>Windows: can bypass hosts at will
>Linux: works
>everytime you add a blocked domain you have to update hosts on all of your devices
Yeah, I'll stick with using pi-hole.
>Android: "but muh root"
>not having admin access on your own personal devices
>only hardcodes Microsoft's own botnet IPs, all other adblocking works fine
>thinking a router level DNS blacklist will help more than a local DNS blacklist for blocking hardcoded IPs
>using windows at all if you actually care about botnet
>>not having admin access on your own personal devices
I do, but not everyone has and wants to fuck their warranty, besides as I said it's easier to blacklist domains globally instead of per-device level.
>>only hardcodes Microsoft's own botnet IPs
>>thinking a router level DNS blacklist will help more than a local DNS blacklist for blocking hardcoded IPs
as far as I can tell Windows still uses DNS to connect to botnet and update servers, not hardcoded IPs
while testing on windows 10 in VMs I saw no attempts to connect to a hardcoded IP, it always tried to look up a domain first
>>using windows at all if you actually care about botnet
why do you think I use pi-hole in the first place
lmao i'll fug your hole fgt
pfBlockerNG master race
Running on a Debian VM on my Unraid home server atm.
Picked some relevant lists from
Using anything Google will do that. My query log is 80% googleadservices from just Youtube.
Question: What's better to use? Getting a pihole or configuring this stuff directly into my router (a WRT1900AC with OpenWRT firmware loaded onto it)?
Do I just add wally3k's lists and be done ?
I'm too lazy yo set up pi-hole, is there a public instance somewhere?
>rooting you phone void the warranty
This meme have to end
router of course
router. pihole is just cheaper if you have a router that doesn't support custom FW.
Is this the gold standard, or is there something better that I don't know of?
I have 380000. I thought I had all lists and they were updated
I have this running on a VM with DNS pointing to it. Seems to work well
is this what I should be looking at?
Do these lists also block miner addresses too? Does it even work that way?
Also, would this block ads on youtube if I was using the official app and/or casting it to my smart TV?
Come on people, where the fuck are you?
Why does every thread I post in become a void? I swear every thread dies right after it post. Am I a mutant?
install gentoo
uninstall gentoo
Copy the ones from uBlock Origin?
does it show domain requests for each client on the network?
i am looking for something that does this
Fucking sold. Not even him. Sounds like an awesome little machine.
Probably could add a few more lists but happy for now. Also what is with androids and phoning home all night jesus christ.
You're exactly right.
Pihole is actually useless. Just an excuse to use a Pi that is gathering dust in a drawer.
my router can't handle this kind of config. better a pihole vm
Don't run gapps user
imagine being this fucking retarded that you offload network traffic to this slow piece of shit
jesus christ, you're retarded
the stupid pihole will just slow all of your browsing down, because it's slow as fuck
Anyone have problems with google? like drive or docs...
I quit the pi-hole beacouse can't use this services.
>blocks botnet
>complains when botnet doesn't work
I didn't notice a difference on a 400Mb fiber. I use Firefox 60 ESR, both PC and raspi are connected by Ethernet. Stop meming.
I don't have problem with those, but I do have problem with onedrive.
To anyone asking for blocklist recommendations, go here:
And use all the lists with a checkmark, you can also be lazy and just copy the contents of this link:
That should get you started with a solid blocking list. You can pick other lists as well but be warned that some of them may block way more than you want to.
Though you would need to whitelist a few things if that is relevant to you, like link shortners for youtube, twitter etc. If you are unsure you can go through here and whitelist the things listed for whatever you think is appropriate:
>the stupid pihole will just slow all of your browsing down, because it's slow as fuck
Nigger do you even know how a DNS works? A pihole works fine even with a gigabit connection. It is NOT a tunnel.
you still have to request shit from a device that has a lot of overhead through both wifi and LAN
Not all commercial routers can do DNS blocking at the scale a pi-hole does. It is also far more configurable and has more features than router based DNS blocking.
I don't know how feed2all works, but if there are a crap-ton of ads on the site, it might make it far easier with system resources. so to answer your question: In theory, yes.
This is basically dnsmasq, but with more stuff added on top to make it more user friendly.
Take it fucking easy. No you can't block youtube ads with this because youtube ads are served from the youtube domain. Block youtube ads you block EVERTHING on youtube. And yes using a proper block list you can also block miners. Contain your ADHD please.
Network wide botnet blocking? Not useless in the slightest.
>Not knowing how the very basics of the internet works like a fucking DNS
The state of Jow Forums everyone.
The DNS requests are tiny, you will not notice any difference. Even with 20 clients on at the same time it will barely break a sweat, hardly using 5% resources.
>>Not knowing how the very basics of the internet works like a fucking DNS
fucking kill yourself, it still takes time to run the dns requests through the fucking pi. what part of this do you not understand? it'd be faster to run this shit on my main pc. what's the fucking point of the pi in the network, other than added overhead to dns requests?!
go ahead and test it yourself if you really insist on being this retarded
0ms round trip across the network. You really have got no fucking idea what you're talking about.
> pi-hole
> unironically using some shitty tacked together quasi-obfuscated "maker" blog bait software
> not just setting a cron job to wget a ad server hosts file and adding a addn-hosts directive to dnsmasq's conf
shiggy piggy
are you really gonna miss that fraction of a second, you fucking sperg?
it's not "0ms", you retard. also, that's not how you test dns resolution
you might want to pick up a book, fucking retarded winfag
If only you could read..
Only running the command from my Windows machine. Defies the fucking point to run it from the pihole.
I've got the resolution speed tests, I know how fast it is. It's basically instant for cached, and even with DNS over TLS, only a ms slower than direct to my upstream.
You're an embarrassment.
>not using dnscrypt-proxy or unbound
I hope you're using Wally3k list
Anyone have their pihole on a pi-zero wireless?? Mine was working fine for months but these past couple of weeks it's been randomly shitting the bed; all internet stops working and a reboot doesn't fix although I can still SSH into it and after an hour or two things magically fix themselves.
I added Google as my router's secondary DNS so my shit isn't broken until I have time to troubleshoot,
Any ideas what could be the problem?
Pihole works with dnscrypt or unbound, if you want