How do we make Jow Forums more friendly
How do we make Jow Forums more friendly
Install Gentoo, please
fuck off
By installing gentoo
By putting brand shills in the ovens
1. End racism
2. Assimilate the Indians
Ban anyone with IP which was detected in Jow Forums AND /v/, /vg/, Jow Forums or /b/
But not /vr/
We love /vr/
/virtual reality/?
Don't bully /vg/. They're a good board.
The retro games board.
* Banning users posting from a non-free-as-in-freedom OS
* Making animeposting mandatory
* Forbidding all "intel vs amd", "amd vs nvidia", "distro A vs distro B" etc. threads
Ban everyone on Jow Forums.
Make it GNU/Linux only.
Champagne and caviar post. Class baby! CLASS!!
>How do you make [insert Jow Forums board] less retarded and mean?
you don't. A good 50% of people browsing Jow Forums are dumb uneducated and tasteless "Muh league of Overwatch" faggots who think they're special because they have "redpilled" opinions on society. You can't fix Jow Forums but you can personally try to make quality posts to give a less unpleasant experience to other anons.
cringe and bluepilled
But he's right you consumer of raw onions
Add /lgbt/ to that list to exterminate the iTards as well. And while we're at it, /fa/ for watch fags.
>how do we make Jow Forums better
>let's ban all other boards where normies hang out so they can flood us here
Spotted the iToddler that doesn't understand programming. You'll be the first to get purged.
remove every kind of person asking to remove others on this thread and all cancer will be gone
(including me)
remove pol and v
Ban phoneposters
rangeban everyone but me and anons who have the same opinions as I do
Yea that's what we need randos getting on here and running our forum into the ground.
Stop blaming other boards and make our board great again.
Shill and drone threads have to go back!
Lolis have to come back!
And newfag thread should be purged immediately!
Are you with me Jow Forums? Do you feel pic related and want to make us great like it used to be? Then grab your sips and start reporting every low quality post in sight till the mods have to act! MGGA!
Is that one of these famous american duck boats?
Shut this shithole down
This is an FBI honeypot. /b/ has daily italian cuisine posts and the mods sleep well knowing that (((they))) pay them to keep this place open to attract more future inmates. this place died in 2008, run while you can
Jow Forums is hate, not the useless kind of impotent hate but the fun "we're better than they are let's laugh" kind.
What do we hate? reddit tier normismos and their dirty but lively website.
How to build identity on hate? by being better than.
But unfortunately Jow Forums can't build an identity on being better than reddit; we know we can't beat them on population, knowledge base or insight.
Realistically the most Jow Forums has going for it is elitism. we're not a bunch of kids going "hehe CSS programmers r dum"
So I guess to make Jow Forums more friendly is to be meaner to those who don't know what a fizzbutt is but nicer to those who do. Go ahead answer Ahmed's question about pointers, cause he didn't ask on reddit. If he can't handle the gibing then fuck him let him go. But if he can then he might join our smart, thick-skinned community.
Then why are you here?
why are YOU here?
Then it would be very boring instantly
By buying a mac and being oblivious to what actually is inside the box
No, faggot. You were the one complaining, you're the one up to defend your point.
League of legends works perfectly under Linux! Thanks Lutris devs! I love this, year of the Linux desktop is coming.
Banning gpu/cpu wars/shill threads would be a good start
I don't understand
That's not very friendly
Kill niggers
I seriously don't get the hatred for /lgbt/. Where did it come from? No one bitched about /lgbt/ before 2016. As far as I'm concerned, it's a dead board. Always has been and always will be.
He's saying by forcing the rest of Jow Forums to become blind and mindless consumers that prefer blissful ignorance over the truth you mongoloid.
Ban American ip addresses.
It's a ban not for boards but to fags who use these boards and Jow Forums.
i.e. if you came here from /fa/ or Jow Forums get banned fag.
Remove the pedos
pedo website
I actually am pretty neophyte when it comes to programming/tech, and I find this place pretty cozy, considering.
>ban all American IPs
>Jow can't access for images
>Jow can't access for captchas
you're not wrong though, that would make this place 100% more friendly forever.
stfu burger
ban the redditors
actually I'm canadian
There are rotating megathreads where Rustle art in the OP ensures lolichat on the sidelines, there's a difference between LMAO V& shitposting and a thread with dead posts that once contained casual Triforce location hints in order to bypass the autoban (but not frantic jannies)
Jow Forums likes to act like they're superior to /v/ because of some autistic rage towards vidya, but the majority of you are /b/ incarnate as far as degeneracy goes
Be nice
implement bot that autoban redditors
wrong pic
which part of "NO TIME FOR LOVE, DESKTOP THREAD" you don't understand?
Brutally exterminate all NEETs, incels, brand fanatics, /v/cancer and autists. The only working solution.
>making something friendly by brute Force
Only working solution is to implement karma for posts and force everyone to make an account.
Your solution will eventually escalate to the one I proposed.
ITT: Ledditors who are tired of being called faggots every time they're being faggots.
Please, stop with this homophobic slur. You're not cool.
ebin xDDD
>/b/ has daily italian cuisine posts
Are you living 10 years ago?
>more insults
>more elitism
>more chinese cartoons
>more cryptic explanations to simple questions
>more larping as an expert when you don't even
Instead of posting actual code, post incredibly dumbed down pseudo-code
Not funny dude. Online bullying is serious issue.
send desktop /a/ scum back into /wp/ oblivion
idk i just post with an air of honesty and respect and literally never get hassled or flamed
aint hard
cry more faggot
Jow Forums needs a code of conduct
those people need to kys
Stop shilling programming languages you don't like.
cull fags like this that can't handle dissent
Less retards
bring back Jow Forumsuro
Ban all mac users
Ban all intel users
This meme has single handedly changed my life. Not even joking, this little tard is so wholesome and happy, just looking at him brightens my day.
The problems of Jow Forums are /v/ and Jow Forums.
/tech/ is 100x better
Ban everyone and if they cant get around the ban they can't come back on
Add comfiness. Like we do in /cyb/.
Please, stop with homophobia. It's very tedious to report all homophobic posts.
My guess is it started with some parts of the lgbt community playing gender politics and demanding not equal, but special rights (xi/xer, anyone?).
Instil reddit's rules and an upvote/downvote system where users can vote down unfriendly content.
wow, user delivered
Read the rules faggot, announcing a report is a bannable offense
add this to 4chanX -> filters -> general and be sure to use 4chanX's catalog
#low effort posts
/>[hH]e's not using/i;op:yes;
/[wW]hy aren't you/i;op:yes;
/[cC][sS] [sS]tuden(t|ts)/i;op:yes;
/found your problem/i;op:yes;
/[cC]omputer [sS]cience/i;op:yes;
/[nN]ow that the dust has settled/i;op:yes;
/[wW]hat went wrong?/i;op:yes;
/>tfw fell for the meme/i;op:yes;
/hack ([a-zA-Z]+(-)?mail|facebook|google|youtube)/i;op:yes;
/why aren'?t you.*\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,4}\/\?/i;op:yes;
/>20[0-9]{2}( *[\+\*\/\-] *[0-9]{0,4})*/i;op:yes;
/think[- ]?pads? (thread|general)/i;op:yes;
/(which|best) (cell|smart|android|apple)? ?(phone|torrent client|antivirus)/i;op:yes;
/[mM]echanical keyboar(d|ds)/i;op:yes;
Yeah, but the /lgbt/ board has never done this shit. Equating Jow Forums's boards with their real world equivalent is fucking retarded.