WEBM metadata (title)

How the fuck can you edit (or add) title metadata for webm files without having to recompress them?

Attached: 1530652956895.jpg (511x485, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:



ffmpeg -i input.webm -metadata title="This is your metadata title" -c copy output.webm

thanks user.

I also found this (which makes it easier if you need to edit more than just the title on one go)

it appears to write the title, but also gives me a strange error. pic related.

Attached: 1521556866167.jpg (886x304, 98K)

testing if the ffmpeg method worked.

should be ayy lmao title

Attached: 1505263171304.webm (256x434, 31K)

file is ruined. probably because I told it to overwrite the original file. how can I get around this? I don't want to have to delete the old file every time.

testing this editor.
title should be a youtube link.

Attached: 1525286238141.webm (256x434, 2.78M)

You should definitely not overwrite the original file. Personally I use a script to loop through all webms in a directory, add the filename as the title metadata and automate the process of deleting the old files.

sounds nice too, but most webms I've got don't have filenames that are useful in the title (like youtube link to source material). I want a batch (.bat) file where I can drag&drop a webm onto, type a title and have it replace the one I dropped.

currently I have this:

@echo off
set title=0
set /p title= "Enter title (empty to ignore): "
echo title is %title%
%~dp0/ffmpeg -i %1 -metadata title="%title%" -c copy %1
but I would somehow have to remember the filename of the dropped file, then rename it to a temporary name before editing its metadata title, and then saving the new one using the original filename of the dropped file, and deleting the original file that now has a random/temp filename.

>drag&drop a file onto a batch script
What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you run it from the terminal like a normal person?

>What the hell is wrong with you?
it's faster you retard.
>type title only

>why does someone not want to type more for every single file edited.
oh gee, maybe he's not autistic.

No, it's not faster, nor simpler. In any case, here is a batch script that should do what OP wanted:

@echo off
set title=0
set /p title= "Enter title (empty to ignore): "
echo title is %title%
%~dp0/ffmpeg -i %1 -metadata title="%title%" -c copy %1:~0,-5%_temp.webm
del %1
ren %1:~0,-5%_temp.webm %1

something doesn't work right. also the webm is gone forever (good thing I tested on a copy)

Attached: 1523899067040.jpg (979x743, 264K)

I don't have a windows machine on hand so I am doing this blindly. Anyway, this one may work:

@echo off
set title=0
set /p title= "Enter title (empty to ignore): "
echo title is %title%
set "old_fname=%1:~0,-5%"
%~dp0/ffmpeg -i %1 -metadata title="%title%" -c copy %old_fname%_temp.webm
del %1
ren %old_fname%_temp.webm %1

same issue. btw I appreciate the help.

Attached: 1526603524657.jpg (979x921, 258K)


fuck off autismo.

Got it, finally. This time tested:

@echo off
set title=0
set /p title= "Enter title (empty to ignore): "
echo title is %title%
set old_fname=%1
%~dp0/ffmpeg -i %1 -metadata title="%title%" -c copy %old_fname:~0,-5%_temp.webm
move /Y %old_fname:~0,-5%_temp.webm %1

>creating a new file
Use mkvtoolnix. The mkvpropedit tool can edit metadata in-place. There's a GUI, too, if you're too pleb.

pic related, though it did create a second file (which still remains along the original one)

not sure why it's giving this error. (enabled echo for screenshot)

Attached: 1506158045249.jpg (1443x899, 330K)

it's trying to move a file from the same directory to the same directory

It's probably something silly like escaping spaces. Try to replace the following line:

move /Y %old_fname:~0,-5%_temp.webm %1

move /Y "%old_fname:~0,-5%_temp.webm" "%1"

same issue.

Attached: 1506514014832.jpg (1021x166, 57K)

Thanks, mate.

Found the problem. Again, tested:

@echo off
set title=0
set /p title= "Enter title (empty to ignore): "
echo title is %title%
set old_fname=%~1
%~dp0/ffmpeg -i %1 -metadata title="%title%" -c copy "%old_fname:~0,-5%_temp.webm"
move /Y "%old_fname:~0,-5%_temp.webm" %1

testing. it worked if the title is a youtube link.

Attached: 1510250148859.webm (450x360, 1.24M)

it worked, thanks a lot user!

Attached: 1528542913786.gif (270x203, 476K)

You are welcome. Let me know if you want a solution (batch file) that works with mkvtoolnix too.

thanks, I only use mkvtoolnix for removing junk audio tracks or inserting subtitle tracks into movie files though, for stuff like this, I have multiple batch files for specific things to do with ffmpeg.