What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Nothing? It's a hell of a lot better than OpenGL, no more hammering the CPU and wasting battery.
nothing, fortnite runs quite well on an iPad :^)
stagnated in the 90s, only boomers listen to it now
Devs are 90% stupid and said all they needed was a low level api. Now that dx 12, Vulkan and metal api are a thing. The devs do not know how to use it properly. So open gl is still favored by shit devs. Riptide gp runs on metal api and runs great
>inb4 who pays for apps
>Inb4 wow mobile gaming
It’s still technology talk
Support in all game engine,support on desktop and mobile.
But still begin inferior than vulkan.
Devs realized they can barely handle vulkan let alone metal and when they realized apple wasn't putting up with opengl shit anymore they ran away.
Nothing, it's perfectly fine.
It didn't need to exist.
The only reason why people use it is because its only alternative is OpenGL.
And Apple fucking hates OpenGL for some reason. They stopped supporting it, is out of date by a decade, and the drivers that exist are horrible.
Logo looks like a man getting fucked in the ass under a blanket.
I thought mame was still being actively developed?
OpenGL is wasteful and inefficient and incongruent with how GPU hardware actually works. It needs to die.
nothing went wrong, this is a correct step forwards in terms of graphics API. It's just that apple's faggotry for not implementing vulkan, instead of platform locked vulkan-clone. Thanks to Valve they bought MoltenVK and open sourced it, so there is no need to worry about metal anymore. Just write vulkan and wrap it with MoltenVK for macos builds.
Apple BTFO
>Let's implement our own proprietary version of Vulkan and deprecate OpenGL entirely
Apple literally never supported OpenGL in a coherent fashion, any inefficiency in an OpenGL program under OSX is 100% the fault of Apple themselves.
No it isn't
No it isn't
No it literally isn't
Have you ever written anything in OpenGL? Ever? Do you understand the underlying process behind an OpenGL call and how commands are buffered to a GPU?
yep it’s basically totally inefficient when it comes to multithreading. context switches destroy the driver.
>Company that hasn't shipped a half decent GPU in over a decade in charge of graphic acceleration
Trannies program it
This. Plus (s)he's actually quite hot when wearing some of those cosplays (s)he likes so much. I'd totally hit >her
You shouldn't BE context switching you dumb fuck. OpenGL never supported multithreading context calls because there is *literally no reason to*
OpenGL calls are instructions for the GPU, which should already have texture allocations loaded in and VBOs loaded in. You only need a single stateful signal-based context thread to properly managed complex scenes.
Throwing more context threads would only complicate the pipeline and make programming for it even more complex.
Mactoddlers BTFO
>Let's implement our own proprietary version of Vulkan and deprecate OpenGL entirely
You do realize Metal was around years before Vulkan and even a year before D3D12? It's about as old as Mantle. It's also much easier to develop for than Vulkan.
Also, yes, OpenGL is fundamentally inefficient. The underlying concept of a single-context single-threaded state machine, the runtime compilation of shaders, and the need for GPU vendors to wrangle individual applications into running half-decently through their ever-growing drivers, means a lot of computational resources are wasted because of an outmoded abstraction model from the early 90s.
OpenGL only exists now as a legacy API.
Source? All I'm finding are meme compilations and other unrelated uses of the image. Looks like one hell of a police chase.
>OpenGL calls are instructions for the GPU
No, they're API calls that the driver then has to break down and schedule in a format that is intelligible to the GPU. All this translation and queueing is done on a single CPU thread.