I can't believe how anyone would so autistically obsess over a couple operation systems. This must be like the flat earth movement. Good satire is indistinguishable from truth after all.
Linux is just a meme right?
yea sure. its a meme. what ever.
>I can't believe how anyone would so autistically obsess over a couple operation systems.
Then why are you trying to start another OS war thread?
I'm not. I didn't even mention a specific os.
Suggest an alternative.
I mean, stupid people often argue over things that don't matter. So tell me, where did linux hurt you? Because smart people just let people enjoy their own choices especially if it doesn't affect you. I like linux, but you seem to need to tell the world you dont.
>"I can't believe how anyone would so autistically obsess over a couple operation systems"
>obsesses over an operating system
Why are you projecting? Neither Linux nor it's uses hurt me. I am just wondering why people, like you apparently, get so deffensive and elitist about some piece of technology.
Says the person that started a thread about how he dislikes something. Sure dude, I'm defensive. Enjoy your thread.
Power users install GNU+linux to take advantage of powerful GNU software such as Libreoffice and GIMP. The goal of the GNU project is to bring extremely powerful software to consumers are no additional cost.
Please point out where I say I dislike Linux.
>Linux is just a meme right?
>I didn't even mention a specific os.
No, just the name of a kernel that is commonly used to refer to all GNU/Linux distros. If I say Windows is shit, I don't refer to Windows Vista, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 specifically, but people still understand what I'm getting at.
And yet I never said that Linux is worse than any other distribution. All I did was ask whether this obsession is real or faked and all I received was projection like everybody who doesn't mention Linux in a glorifying light is out to get you.
So that's your concern? Seriously dude, consider taking a break from the internet; or at-least find something else that interest you than an obsession with the fanbase of something. Once you graduate from middle school, come back to Jow Forums.
You're a nigger.
What you are doing here is the equivalent of saying "Why the obsession with iOS?" and then wondering why people start talking about Android as a reaction to your post.
That would be just as retarded
i am not really obsessed with the Linux user base. I am just curious. Is it that hard to imagine someone finding it odd how such vast amount of people would get really defensive over software?
Why do people like chocolate ice cream over strawberry? Why do people like PS4 over XBone? Why do people like X over Y? You need to graduate middle school. Caring about what people like doesn't matter. Stop being a retard.
Take care.
Can't even spell it correctly at that.
I don't get how you aren't getting this. I don't question your taste but the intesity of your defense of said taste.
>Hey guys what kind of ice cream do you like the most
>I like strawberry
>get the fuck out of here lemon is clearly superior
>I bet that guy is a chocolate eater fuck him
If it's just taste why get so defensive? Why do you even bump this thread?
Akshully, linux is a kernel.
>"Hey guys, a vocal minority is the same as the entire user base"
I'm normally against abortion, but goddamn you and people like you make it seem like a great idea.
First, >food analogy
second, your original post is more like "is lemon ice cream a meme?"
Nah, his first post is like:
"is milk a meme, not things that are made with milk, but I don't get why people are fans of milk"
OP is fucking retard.
I didn't bring up food. And if you would read more than the headline you'd understand that I never talked about the product being a joke.
Things fly over your head often, don't they?
I'd just like to interject for a moment
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Please don't act like insulting Linux users wasn't your original intent.
But let's ignore this for a second. Let's pretend you actually asked a question as to why there are people autistically defending Linux.
It's simply brand loyalty mixed with shitposting. It doesn't matter whether you look at Linux, Windows, Mac, BSD or any other kind of hardware or software. Jow Forums only has more people defending Linux, as this board probably has the highest share of Linux users across all Jow Forums boards. If you go on /v/ then you'll find more people defending Windows to the death.
thank you for not being a dirtbag
Linux is unironically a good OS
>Hey guys what kind of ice cream do you like the most
>Ice cream
>"I didn't bring up food"
Are you legitimately mentally challenged?
Linux is based and redpilled.
I think so too (well, depending on the distro), but it does have its pitfalls like every other OS and it certainly isn't for everyone.
How about you read the thread first eh?
Linux is a meme. The people here are Windows users who trick people into wasting admirable amounts of time trying to "get used to the Linux ecosystem". The victims usually reinstall Windows after 2-15hrs
If you say so.
So how do you play games on this high power rig? Dualboot?
It's GNU/Linux.
If you're of below-average intelligence, you don't belong here.
>Linux is just a meme right?
I've been using Linux as my main, "everyday OS" for about 8 years now. Since around 2014/2015 I think it would be a viable alternative to Windows for the average person's home PC needs (web browsing, streaming movies & tv shows, basic word processor and office documets, etc.) when using computers with Intel CPU & iGPU at least. I've heard that AMD GPUs now have pretty good Linux support too but I have no experience with that yet, but I do hope to buy a new laptop soon with a Ryzen 2700u APU so we'll see how that goes.
For work I use Windows because I need several Windows - specific programs and really can't be assed to try and run them in Wine or a VM, it's easier to just have a work-only laptop that only has Windows installed along with all the work-related programs that I need. Similarly my gaming PC also just has Windows installed on it because it's easier to just play video games on Windows than it is to fuck around with getting some of them to run on Linux.
not Alpine linux
Don't call yourself a Linux user when you still use proprietary software.
Fuck off freetard, I'm free to use whatever software I want to and no amount of Stallman's salty tears will make me stop using proprietary software when it is the best and most convenient solution to fit my needs.
No one right in their mind actually uses a Linux distro as Desktop OS
alpine is a good argument for using the term gnu/linux
In the past, yes. Nowadays I barely play anything besides roguelikes (which run natively on Linux) or old CD-ROM games of mine (which are easier to set up with PlayOnLinux than on modern Windows).
Wow, you actually just destroyed me, guess I'll install Windows now.
This sounds like something an anime villain would say when the hero does something unexpected in a shounen.
>Villain preforms Windows virus attack on hero
>Villain thinks he won and starts gloating
>Hero gets back up
>The attack didn't even affect him because he was running Arch this whole time
> unix like oses' font is made by 2 guys in their spare time
> is unironically better than the patented ms applel
how can /v/irgins even compete
Literally kill yourself asap