Greeks were Mediterranea-

Even liberal scholars now agree that the Greeks portrayed their gods as having blond hair

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Greek gods were ancient finns that stayed around in greece after the finno-korean hyperwar ended

Mediterranean people can have blonde hair, retard. Some of my Med family are blonde with blue eyes.


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Alexander the great.

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No shit retard. Mediterraneans can have blonde or red hair. Nero was described as being a fucking redhead with light blue or grey eyes.

See this?

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Can be used on hair too.

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A rather old custom.

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Leave it to the gypsy to know about old indian customs

Right mate, the liberals are saying that they were blonde cucks, must be true right? Lets ignore that all the pottery they left behind and paintings showing them with jet black hair. When south of europe was an empire, the blondies were attacking villages at night like the niggs they still are. No wonder they crave for sandnigger cocks these days.
>Dying hair was popular among women, although the frequency that hair was coloured often made it weaker. Tertullian discusses how hair dye burnt the scalp and was harmful for the head.[23] Artificial dyes could be applied through powders, gels and bleach. Henna, a temporary dye, or even animal fat, could be applied to make the hair more manageable.[24] Aside from henna, more common permanent dyes were based on natural substances and perhaps more unorthodox mixtures. To prevent graying some Romans wore a paste at night made from herbs and earthworms and pigeon dung was used to lighten hair. For example, to dye hair black, Pliny the Elder suggests applying leeches that have rotted in red wine for 40 days.[25]

y'all light skin whites and dark skin whites both off point, Ancient Greeks = BLACK

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This :-----D


Based Fingolian poster

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Minoans were not Greeks dude
Also Minoan civilization is one of the most underated civilizations with technology rivaling Hellinistic era despite being 2000years older
Old Greek myths about Talos, Daedalus (these myths are really old, probably before 1700BC) etc are all indicative of how amazed Greeks were with the Minoans

Varg was right again. Apologise.

they're literally painting them in 4-5 versions because they didnt actually find any proof for shit, it's a scam to attract visitors and make them pay for badly painted copies of the original

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half of the "experts" are niggerifying them and the other half is greeks wuz vikanz

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of course he was right everyone knew this but fucking wogs lie

>Mediterranean was highly advanced because they had blonde Germanics elites/kings

>yet Germania was literally nigger tier with 100% white Germanics

huh. really makes you think

Northern europe was actually pretty advanced.

That hair looks African.

They should be tanned but not this much.

this. everyone knows about the famous northern civilizations of Germania and all their inventions like using a hole for toilet, advanced weaponry like daggers and pointy sticks and complex literature like carving lines on a stone

That's because they had an injection of Indo-European blood into their gene pool at some point in the past.



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Bait because you're a memeflag. However, NW Europeans did not exceed at the same things Meds did but they still had advanced knowledge of things like medicine and metallurgy.

> inb4 snownigger

I'm Persian studying in UK.

yeah everyone knows about the ancient German doctors that helped shape our modern medicine with techniques like, eating pig butt to cure your cold and snorting reindeer balls to cure aids

They correctly identified plants that could help cure disease or alleviate symptoms and that things like copper could help make water safer to drink. Fuck off, shill.

wow, they knew about plants and stuff? are you saying that ancient Germans might have been even more advanced than niggers? you changed my whole worldview now

>Rome and Greece were white
>lol no fuk u northern europe was underdeveloped sparsely populated land haha fuk u whites
Do you understand how you,are retarded?
Its no surprise nth europe became the most advanced civilisation of all time after rome and greece fell.
Thats where all the whites were.
Scandinavians had these during the stone-bronze age.
They are more advanced than med ships,
Literally the first scouts from the south reported the Scandiavians had hundreds of these ships in their waterways.
Its the design modern ships use.

this. Germans didn't even exist back then and northern europe was literally empty. It wasn't until Italians moved north and renamed themselves to "German" and invented a new language

>Greek antiquity depicted fictional characters with exaggerated features they deemed beautiful

Early Islamic art depicts Muhammad with a fire around his head all the time, doesn't mean he actually had it.

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Here we can see a rare specimen of an educated American user

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>lost his marbles

>claims longships existed in stone age
>the link he sends says longships were used in 800 ad, literally more than 4000 years after stone age
>the original model of the stone age was a fucking 2 meter boat

>Muhammad with a fire around his head all the time
Well you could say thats true now at least

ITT: Butthurt Vargfags

hey fuck you. Ancient Germans invented the wooden huts, thats way more advanced than the nigger mud huts

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They also had chariots.

Why can't nordcucks cope with the fact they were unironically niggers until like 1600 years ago? Are their cuck egos soon fragile? Is that why all nordcuck females dream of being impregnated by the seed of big strong African males?

You could say he was a hothead :^)

why cant meds cope with the fact they have non-european ancestry after getting raped by moors?

even berbers in north africa can have blonde hair and blue eyes

meds are IE too, the first IE that migrated to W. Europe

woah, they even had carvings on rocks? now thats what I call advanced literature

wog pride fag denial is really strong on this issue. They can't accept ancient rome and greece were white.
What does it even matter they are straight up admitting they dont view themselves as white or european.

This stuff predates rome you idiot.

Are you gonna cry?

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niggers used to carve stuff on rocks before ancient Egypt too

And its well known that the hollywood dramatisation of vikings as grubby dirty barbrains is exaggerated.
They were a really clean people. Modern Scandinavians are unsurprisingly neat freaks.

Niggers didnt have chariots and boats you fucking tard.

this. ancient Vikings even had monocles and tophats and smoked from pipes

Meds > nordcucks anyways

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pretty sure even prehistoric niggers had boats. Its really not that hard to float on a bunch of wood

Can someone IP ban this degenerate already?

Anglos > dagocucks

you are so butthurt

you are right, I have severely underestimated the advanced technology of ancient Germanic boats. I mean, if they could build boats, something that even aborigines in Australia 40k years ago also did, they must be really smart

>Minoans were not Greeks dude

anglos pressured us into giving away our colonies retard


Not really Mr 56%, just pointing out the fast decline of white percentage in all anglo and nordcuck countries due to their women getting blacked

look this amazing ancient Germanic architecture. Can nigger mudhuts even compete?

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northern europeans couldnt become large civilizations or empires because of the climate. the med is perfect for it however.

also northern europeans would have had the highest IQ's compared to meds because of harsher selection pressure.


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Gaul rivalled Rome at the time of its conquest.

this. thats why eskimoos have the highest IQ in the world because cold makes your brain bigger. I know this because everytime I put my head in the freezer I immediately feel smarter

>would have had the highest IQ's compared to meds because of harsher selection pressure.
This is the most retarded thing I read today

they were phoenecians but everyone was the same race at that point

pic related is a minoan

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they had higher IQ on average but smaller populations

the med could sustain civilization and huge populations which allowed for a lot of dumb but a lot of smart people too (but the average IQ being lower overall)

eskimo comparison is retarded. living at the poles is less harsh than inland northern europe.

That would imply Arabs, Berbers and Eskimos have a higher IQ than Nords ever could, since they live in absolute shitholes of a climate

anyone got any redpilled meds

>living in subzero Arctic conditions with no food other than seal and whale blubber, and in a fucking ice house with no sun for 3 months of the year is less harsh than Northern European islands

Phonecians were literally Sea Jews though and the Semites didn't even come to Caanan until after the Bronze Age collapse whereby the Minoan civilization collapsed



and yes it is less harsh. feasting on fish and moose year round is easy as fuck. no access to plant food = brainlet syndrome.

seasons played no part in their life because seasons didnt change anything for them. dealing with seasons = high iq.