This is insane

This is insane.
I want to make a super simple front end for a simplistic REST API.
I don't need a 4 MB installation with 40 fucking files that is a total hell to navigate and understand.
What happened? I actually liked the first version, all I had to do was drop in a single file and it was good to go.

Attached: 01[1].png (2000x532, 86K)

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Feature creep. Angular is modular is it not?

You can install what you need. Angular-route probably is good for a rest api, although I've never touched it.

Might as well find a super simple one elsewhere.

>by Google
Overwrought? Hard to believe!
To be fair, tho, these JS wangdoodles are complicated because they try to force all browsers to work the same way. If you think of them as a massive platform-flattening shim, 4MB is cheap.

The first version had a habit of turning into a nightmare once things acquired the tiniest bit of complexity.

And let's not forget Angular1 saviour and prophet, $timeout()

I don't see why you would use it at all. I have a bunch of static html files, one per page, and a js for each html, and one js shared between all. Pages load data using ajax. It works flawlessly, is tiny and extremely simple.


Because it's an interview task and I have to use Angular.

You do realize that if the interview succeeds you'll have to work with those guys, right?

I'm suprised Google took over AngularJS. Don't they have their Polymer thing?

Honestly I just prefer vue.js
All these gimmicks with fucking transpilers and thousands file to write a hello world are clearly getting out of hand.

It's starting to dawn on me.

what do you guys think about react ?

You poor bastard. You are also about to work for a company that uses Angular. Good luck :)

last time i checked angularjs byte size was less than jquery, around 190kb
angular is not angularjs

What happened is the same thing that happens to all the Node/JS related projects: over-engineering.


It's php levels of bad.

learn to treeshake nigger

scratch some of ive checked just now and jquery core is around 90kb while angularjs is about 170kb

> 1 - Polymer is only working with view itself
> 2 - Angular is more of Model/Control
> Both have a very nasty configuration to get started with
Best solution if VueJS (pure, no webpack shit) with some customized bootstrap CSS

If you want to make a super simple front end, don't fucking use Angular? It's for big webapps, if you want something smaller, pick a smaller framework.

poor bastard has to use angular for an interview though, otherwise he should just use vanilla js.

This pretty much desu.

Also note that if you learn vanilla javascript, then you'll be able to use all of the idiotic js libraries that get released every fucking day. I know fuck all about Angular but I was able to rewrite one of our pages that was written in exclusively that. There were some hoops, but if you are a semi competent developer, you can get through all of them.

But if he has to use it in an interview, the company probably has apps that aren't just super simple front ends and he has to use angular properly in the job.

fucking retards using shit they don't need. companies out there that are interested in making money instead use what works, simple and high market share. there are cases where a company closes a 1 million dollar contract and the stack they would use is laravel/codeigniter, mysql, bootstrap and jquery.

Probably so, but they probably want a demo of something relatively simple (for angular) to filter out the plebs. If he gets the job they'll introduce him to the more complicated stuff if he can prove he can do simple REST calls and stick the results in some shitty dynamically generated table or something, which probably covers a good proportion of what they do.