Is anonymity cowardice? Think about it.
Is anonymity cowardice? Think about it
there is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile
Anonymity allows us to freely speak our minds without worrying about it being seen by anyone we know.
Now fuck off back to plebbit you fucking nigger.
well considering if you have a dissenting opinion on reddit you will be censored via the downvote feature, I would say that's the coward's gambit.
>without worrying
That's the problem, right there. If you are in a position that you have to worry about expressing certain opinions. Your reaction shouldn't be to hide those opinions.
It should be to kill those who are transgressing upon you via meat space activism.
Anonymity and encryption, etc are just convoluted ways to opt out of accomplishing anything.
>suppressing your own opinions and freedom of thought so you can fit in the circlejerk
That's my definition of cowardice
>without worrying
So it is.
At least on reddit everyone is free to read your post history. So uf you bait and have illogical arguments then people rightfully won't take you seriously.
if you like it so much why dont you stay there?
Shutup faggot.
downvoted! sorry bigot
EDIT: thanks for the gold :)
No. Anonymity was created as a response by the average us citizins inability to reconcile that they were, in fact, lied to and do not in any way live in the land of the free.
Now on the other hand, privacy has multiple important applications.
sorry mate, you're only getting silver
if a post is anonymous, then you judge the post by it's content, not the person who posted it.
ITT: cowards who can't stand by their beliefs with a name.
Is freedom the ability to die?
well, if you are going to jail for your speech, it is not cowardice, it's actually showing you have some mind and at the same time you don't want to suppress your opinion.
If you leave here some track, in the first place it means this track can be used to use you, i.e fire you from the company you work on for your old tweets, sell your data, turn you into a piece of human resource, hunt you, etc. If you want to prevent this, you want to stay anonymous.
Also if you hide your name, it does not mean you become anonymous. It is something more than just that. Reddit is getting tons of money selling analytics and user data even despite the fact it does not know your real name.
idk is a censored echo chamber courage?
So courageous
Anonymity helps you protect your life choices from the idiosyncrasies of the society and the government. It also helps exchanging the true information about something.
Jow Forums is Reddit where people can say nigger
I agree with a lot of posts here regarding why anonymity is good.
On reddit people can downvote your shit purely based on who you are without even having to read your shit. Here, all content is on the same level. Anonymity encourages others to actually read your post and it also encourages real discussion. Also, anonymity encourages users to have no filter and to speak their mind, something that is impossible on reddit because of the fact people will start associating you(your username) with the post you made that they disagreed with or that hurt their feelings. So people will automatically downvote your posts without bothering to read them. After that's happened a number of times it turns into a circlejerk or an echo chamber. This is why reddit is practically useless if you want to have a genuine discussion. If you have even a slightest differing opinion from their leftist normalfag beliefs then you can go fuck yourself. There's a difference between something like men being absent from some feminist piece of shit subreddit, and the absence of leftist users on Jow Forums (there are leftists on Jow Forums, but simply not as many - they're a vocal minority at best). On reddit it's very simple. Have a user who can already be banned because you can tell from the username or simply one post that they're a man. After that one post, that user will never be able to initiate discussion on that subreddit, and likely on many others. On Jow Forums this doesn't happen because there isn't a username attached to a post. You have no idea who the person is or if you're talking to the same person again. You're essentially forced to read the entire post before making assumptions. Jow Forums's only problem regarding anonymity are moderators who censor people for stupid shit when they're on a power trip. This is why tripfags and namefags are so hated on this site. They actively go against the good design of anonymity to gain attention and create a circlejerk of their own.
tl;dr reddit is shit
Is privacy cowardice? Think about it.
Also post your name/address/social security/credit card number pls. Unless you're a coward.
No. Also Reddit is awful for many reasons.
>t. used Reddit for a year and can't stand it anymore
+1 what a great post, I really look up to the way how you completed this mundane task, I should try it too xD!!!
(2658 upvotes) Reddit is so much garbage content because people just want to earn meaningless points
If Anonimity is cowardness then usernames is equally so as ego and reputation will affect what you post.
pretty much
there is a voting system here actually. It's called 'bumping'.
The only power reddit has over Jow Forums is a rating system and a tree like reply system. If Jow Forums had both of those, then it would undoubtedly be the best social media ever.
In 1990 they told us to never use our real information on the internet now it's the opposite.
Don't forget usernames so we can tell who is right and who is wrong based on who they are rather than what they're saying.
Yes, but only if you demand your voice beeing heard. Otherwise it's just like smearing stuff on a toiletwall, why would I sign this?
Shadowbanning and auto-hiding comments is cowardice.
Go fuck yourself.
Back in 1990 it was computer programmers writing the warnings and not corporate interests.
We're not hiding our opinions. We're hiding ourselves so the only thing you can focus on is what we say.
People that dislike anonymity are looking for a distraction. They need IRL biases to be at play so they can ignore someone based on how they look, etc.
Keep your real life shit off the internet and internet shit out of real life.
Oh wait. We can't do that anymore because you faggots politicized everything and the only reason you're upset about it is because you're losing.
>social media
>Jow Forums
Pick one
Anonymity != Privacy
here is a cat picture for you, so I can get 1 trillion upvotes.
>meat space
You have to go back.
>Reddit & Jow Forums
>social media
Somebody's been huffing lamestream media propaganda. These are not social media.
Usually tech communities end up having golden assholes, people begin mediocre programmers and start gain karma/points/upvotes using simple questions or vocal popular opinions and getting several young people start to follow it, these people use social pressure to exclude any new competent member or decent discussion to gain more point, you found nickname had dozens to hundreds in almost every topic mostly shallow or personal attack comments.
nah it was that hard core computer users in 1990 were perceived to be either dangerous loners or geniuses. So, better safe than sorry.
Shifts focus from who said it, to the subject itself. Which is obviously the thing why you're posting about it in a thread, the topic. Bad side effect is that you have retards who don't know anything about said topic spreading lies about it in the form of memes and shitposts.
Anonymity allows words to be judged by their content instead of based on the the ego of the poster or the bias of the reader.
"Consider that across the forums there are multiple warnings to members to conceal their identity. Anonymity isn’t a choice but a necessity — they know what they’re doing is probably illegal, and that their anonymity insulates them from any consequences. They know their “entertainment” harms vulnerable people, which is why some of them felt bad when that one target hanged herself. But, most important, they know that if their anonymity were compromised, their own community might eat them alive."
I always remember this quote. Besides, when you see what these people look like in real life, you'll realize they're only tough online, anonymously of course. Pretty fucking difficult to be intimidated by someone online when you realize what they're actually like in real life.
Buuuuuuuuut... If used appropriately anonymity has a lot of benefits. Such as this format I like because of what said for example. You have to take the bad with the good.
>The only power reddit has over Jow Forums is a rating system
Only thing this encourages is cringe.
>and a tree like reply system
>what is 4chanx?
Is pee mixed with poo poopee or peepoo? Think about it.
on 4khan nobody knows im actually an idiot
so anonymity is a benefit
That's only a benefit for you though.
Yes, it is. Only the brave who have nothing to hide tripfag.
This, fuck that stupid site.
Give this poor pajeet some reddit gold Sir
>there is a voting system here actually. It's called 'bumping'.
Yes, wanting any modicum of privacy is cowardice. Hell, even not vocally expressing your inner thoughts is cowardice. Just think out loud you fucking pussies.
Are you brave enough to post your verified full name, pic, address, place of work?
Think about it.
Without anonymity you can't freely talk about taboo topics, discuss taboo political opinions, etc.
You absolutely can
>Think about it.
Fuck you.
>literal, unapologetic reddit faggotry
Sure, if you're fine with being doxxed, fired from your job and get on a fucking CIA nigger list.
Identity stifles creativity and thought.
That's why Jow Forums is such a juggernaut in the Internet culture war
>Just tell us what you think bro!
>Two genders
>gets fired
On a serious note, anonimity is a ggreat way where people can express their opinion without the stigma of their social status. Also, there has been plenty of cases where somebody who changed his view on something has difficulty of being taken seriously due to his actions he did in the past.
No. The idea that every statement and every idea requires a name to be attached to it is fucking retarded.
reddit leftists now LOVE the CIA.
The opposite of cowardice is courage, a.k.a. stupidity.
Do something stupid -> get lucky = courage
-> fuck up = stupid
No reply from op.
Op has been murdered.
You can go be an "anonymous" namefag on reddit too without having to have any info linked to your real life there.
go back and stay there nigger.
But that's what happens here.
>Tyranny in democratic republics does not proceed in the same way, however. It ignores the body and goes straight for the soul. The master no longer says: You will think as I do or die. He says: You are free not to think as I do. You may keep your life, your property, and everything else. But from this day forth you shall be as a stranger among us. You will retain your civic privileges, but they will be of no use to you. For if you seek the votes of your fellow citizens, they will withhold them, and if you seek only their esteem, they will feign to refuse even that. You will remain among men, but you will forfeit your rights to humanity. When you approach your fellow creatures, they will shun you as one who is impure. And even those who believe in your innocence will abandon you, lest they, too, be shunned in turn. Go in peace, I will not take your life, but the life I leave you with is worse than death.
No, anonymity is FREEDOM.
>but muh faggotry
Yet here you are dissenting
Why don’t we just have people put their names on their votes?
I agree
No real conversation ever happens on Reddit because of the lack of anonymity. If people where anonymous like here, they wouldn't be scared to actually express themselves. On Reddit, you'll never have actual conversations because everyone downvotes comments they disagree with. It's a shame really
If text is the only thing to work, dumb people have a harder time. Some still start presuming shit because admitting you are wrong is impossible to learn past the age of 16
>real conversation is saying "nigger" and "jew" to other people
Wew lad.
>kill those who are transgressing upon you via meat space activism
Is there anything more leftist than calling war "activism"?
Thought about it since 2005. No.
look what happens on pol if you have a dissenting opinion
You get people tell you why you're wrong...
you get called a faggot but your opinion doesn't get removed by some tranny
no you get told you're a libshit and it is implied you get paid money to post on pol.
Still better than what happens on reddit
At least you get heard, rather than being censored and (probably) banned
>Is anonymity cowardice?
Is it cowardice not to go into certain parts of the city at night?
Anonymity doesn't even exist. What you have is perceived anonymity, aka posting without a name.
Anonymity allows for true discussion. I can be arguing with someone in one thread and agreeing with them in the next and neither of us would even know.
Well you don't know who I am and vice versa, and i like that.
Yeah buddy, because in the golde anonymous shrine like Jow Forums people engage in actual discussions and not simple shitposting, random partisan insults and thread spamming/neutering.
Reality is that proper discussion depends on the level of expected and demonstrated civlity of users, not the style of platform.
>implying Jow Forums isn't completely pozzed
>implying there aren't liberals and even gommies shitposting on Jow Forums freely
>implying there aren't anonymous alternatives where free speech is included in the board rules
It's almost as if you've never been there and you're just repeating what leftist subreddit #9058308504 told you
>inb4 but they called me a kike they hurt my fee-fees
A stranger calling you a rabbi on the internet doesn't hinder your right to free speech. Reddit mods banning you because of your opinion does.
>inb4 but it's a private company they can do it
You're advocating for manipulation of public discussion. You might as well go full gommie and admit it. Before the internet, during the elections journalists could agree on not reporting on a candidate, and since for most people there was no other way of acknowledging his existence than earing it on the TV on reading it on a paper, this candidate simply didn't exist for the public opinion. Now, with the internet, it's much easier to report on facts indipendently. Even if journos gang up and decide to not report on a fact (or to report on it partially or imprecisely), anyone can boot up his pc, open a blog and denounce the fact for millions to see. It's because of this that you're losing so hard and it's because of this that you constantly try to limit free speech on the internet, calling it "hate speech", and claiming it's lousy kids on the interwebs spreading ghost stories.
A reddit gold to you sir!
Don't push the argument onto the victim.
It's ACTUAL cowardice for a state armed with police, a military and an intelligence agency to resort to totalitarian violations of free expression.
People need anonymity to speak out against state and corporate abuses precisely because states and corporations cannot be trusted not use the power available to it to destroy and discredit whistleblowers, which is something they consistently have done.
When a government has control over truth itself, they can do to us whatever they want. Just look at China and Stalin-era USSR.
Pull the cock out of your ass, OP
If I reveal something, I will die. Am I a coward for not revealing? Or smart?
>The only power reddit has over Jow Forums is a rating system and a tree like reply system.
nested replies are garbage, you're an idiot
why are votes anonymous then
couldn't have put it better myself.
>Think about it.
na, i'm good.