What are some of the dumbest things ever seen or said on Jow Forums?

What are some of the dumbest things ever seen or said on Jow Forums?

Screenshots would be appreciated.

Attached: makeup technology.jpg (670x526, 125K)

would look better on the lef if she didnt try the creepy smile on purpose.

i'd tattoo that shit on

op is not gay

Attached: IMG_20180905_002841.jpg (1080x341, 50K)

"nothing to hide, nothing to fear"

makeup always makes it worse

she went from meh to trashy chain-smokin' bar skank


someone post the microwave screenshot

How did her nose get thinner?


Right looks creepy as shit desu

>same clock speed same strenght

yet my 1230v2 runs every single game smoother than a 3770 overclocked to death

Attached: Taylor-Swift-Fairytale.jpg (554x554, 56K)

"I'd develop that ass".

Left > Right

Unused memory is wasted memory.

True tho.

the 3770k should run way better though unless it has a bad overclock.

Pretty much anything that is hateful towards oldfags.

Anyone else thinks beauty filters make girls look uncanny af?

This is the most beta shit you can ever say, especially to a woman, even if you're right. Wondering if you're actually just replying to OP?

You won't get any answers because:
1) Board is full of newfags who couldn't have archives
2) Almost nobody screenshots anything, or at least very rarely, especially retarded stuff.
Hence why this thread has gone so poorly.