/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
*Many free software projects have an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

Attached: apu-desktop.jpg (1024x788, 98K)

Other urls found in this thread:


No can do, this thing has serious nostalgia value for me.

so is your mom's ex

Why are you so angry about me trying to set up a powerpc machine?
They were great processors. Much better than the intels of the time.

nigga with 128mb ram you can barely start X; you'd have to use a cli browser and that's just plain autistic

I don't, I'm just shitposting
don't reply to me anymore

Is Pop! OS any good?

Oh I have 1gb in it.

Can the thing boot from a USB mass-storage device?

Debian supported PPC, but dropped it in Stretch, you'd have to run Jessie. And of course there's always Gentoo.

As i mentioned in the previous thread, im writing another installation script for ArcheryOS. I am using dialog to prompt the user for what software they want to install. Hows this selection? what should i add?
dialog --nocancel --backtitle "${TITLE}" --checklist "Install Desktop Enviroment" 0 0 18 \
"gnome-extra" "" off \
"mate-extra" "" off \
"xfce4-goodies" "" off \
"Fonts" "" on \
"Themes" "" on \
"lightdm" "" on \
"NetworkManager" "" on \
"yaourt" "" on \
"firefox" "" on \
"thunderbird" "" off \
"mutt" "" off \
"ssh" "" off \
"Printer Support" "" off \
"SAMBA" "" off \
"mpd" "" off \
"mpc" "" off \
"ncmpcpp" "" off \
"mpv" "" off \
"vlc" "" off \
"media codecs" "" on \
"gimp" "" off \
"imagemagick" "" on \
"bluetooth" "" on 2>/tmp/.software_selectioff

Some options actually install more than one package, but you get the idea.

>Install Desktop Enviroment
Whoops, that should be
Install Additional Software

Yeah it can. I guess I'll give gentoo a try. Would it be possible to run a modern browser with it?

It's a security breach, use pacaur if anything at all
probably, it'll just take a couple of days to compile :^)

why would you give an option to install yaourt?

Attached: IMG_20180905_102533.png (1060x1023, 242K)

Would probably work, but don't expect to have many tabs open. JS, should you choose to run it, will be dog slow.

>it'll just take a couple of days to compile :^)
Gentoo has binary packages for a few humongous things (like browsers) for just this purpose. Or, distcc.

ok so i have shit in a notification area and then there's also shit in an indicator applet

sometimes things go in one or the other its not always the same

Would the binary packages work on powerpc?

But pacaur is discontinued
Good point though. I'll replace it with yay or pikaur

Good question. I don't know.

Is it possible to get extensions like 4chanX to qutebrowser, or should I just install firefox and vimium?

>Is it possible to get extensions like 4chanX to qutebrowser


Attached: 2018-09-05-144210_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 365K)

qutebrowser has GreaseMonkey support and 4-chan X works just fine: github.com/ccd0/Jow Forums-x#webkitgtk--qtwebkit--qtwebengine


this is what I did
$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/qutebrowser/greasemonkey/
$ curl -sL github.com/ccd0/Jow Forums-x/raw/stable/builds/Jow Forums-X.user.js >~/.local/share/qutebrowser/greasemonkey/Jow Forums-X.user.js
$ qutebrowser

I have i3wm, X, and compton installed right now but the default desktop background is grey after starting up i3wm, is it possible to change the background to black without installing any type of package? I mean if its grey somehow it should be able to default to any standard solid color?

I'm using arch with Enlightenment windows manager. It works fine but I would like a better windows manager to work with that is also not too heavy but that has all the bells and whistles. Any recs?

it's black because there's no package that sets a wallpaper
that's Xorg behavior not i3

dwm, it doesn't even parse any config file on runtime

No, I mean I want it black, but right now its just grey.

How do I change it to black with X without installing relevant packages for xsetroot/hsetroot?

thanks man

Attached: 1512323136611.png (324x522, 291K)

Quick question. I am using manjaro and a Gainward 1060. Do the free drivers clock down the card when idling? Temperature seems to be the same as in windows but I can't read the fan speed

xsetroot -solid "#000000"
i believe

You need to install xorg-xsetroot to do this I think, and I'm trying to achieve a black background without installing any sort of package.

after some research it seems like its comptons fault. Best way to fix it is xsetroot or hsetroot, but changing something in the compton config might also work.

Heres the issue report from github. Seems like you have to use hsetroot or use something other than compton. xcompmgr works fine in my experience.

Yeah I've seen that, but I was just wondering if its possible without xsetroot/hsetroot, since you're required to download a package.

Whats the main difference between compton and Xcompmgr?

I remember having tearing issues with compton that I managed to resolve, it would be a hassle if XCompmgr had the same tearing issues that i'd have to try refix

just install the package retard, also tearing is easily fixed without compositing

compton is an "improved" fork of xcompmgr. Basically the same but both have thier bugs and quirks.
Why are you so afraid of installing packages anyways. xcompmgr and hsetroot are like 0.5mb combined. its nothing.

I just like having what I need

>clearly needs functionality provided by something
>but but i don't need it i just want things i need

So I want to create a hotspot using a Pi to share a single connection on a hotel with multiple devices connecting to the Pi, as some hotels limit access to one or two devices. Can this be done using Raspbian? Would I need a second separate WiFi adapter, so one interface connecting Pi to hotel, and second interface for the local hotspot with private passprhase?

>Would I need a second separate WiFi adapter, so one interface connecting Pi to hotel, and second interface for the local hotspot with private passprhase?

Maybe replace VLC with Gnome MPV. I'm not sure what VLC has on it in terms of normie-friendliness.

...Wait, loop buttons instead of l/shift l. VLC it is, I suppose.

I have mpv as an option as well

In other news, the installer is buggy as fuck (fixing it up now), but it fucking works!

Now, now. This is the FRIENDLY gnu/linux thread, remember?

Guys whenever I remove a package with pacman -Rns $package_name why does it not remove all related configs. What else is not removing? I hate the fact that there might be scattered files which are irrelevant and unused still on the system.

pacr() {
files=$(pacman -Ql $@ | awk '{print $2}')
pacman -Rns
for f in ${files[@]}
if [ -f $f ]
rm -rf $f

Idk if pacman has any better way of doing this, but you could add this to your .bashrc and use this

>Guys whenever I remove a package with pacman -Rns $package_name why does it not remove all related configs.
this is what all sane package managers do by default. They usually have a separate command to wipe leftover configs and another command to make uninstall automatically remove them too.

>pacman -Rns
Wouldn't it be better to take out -n and leave it as -Rs? On the man pages --nosave says it ignores backup designations, thus it should be the opposite and you'd want that removed, I think?

>this is what all sane package managers do by default.
Where can I actually get proof of this? (Specifically arch's pacman)

>Wouldn't it be better to take out -n and leave it as -Rs?
Yeah, you're completely right, my bad.

i want to make a script execute every time I boot, how can I do that??

I am using ubuntu 18
in ubuntu 16 there was a rc.local file which does this but after updating to 18 its doesn't work anymore

put a .desktop in ~/.config/autostart.
You can find examples for .desktop files in /usr/share/applications. The syntax is really easy to understand.

I'm also unsure about one thing however, since your script is based on -Ql, specifically it only lists files owned by a given package, but either 1 of 2 scenarios happen

1) Packages which have already been removed are not listed in -Ql so any orphan files don't ever get listed and are stuck somewhere.

2) Package manager has deleted such relevant files

I don't want to automatically assume 2), would there be a way to just scan files for keywords on your system? I'm sorta new to arch so I'm not familiar with all the tools yet, so I'd like to manually check no files on the system have a keyword of a package I've previously installed


cron is for running a program at a specific time, not at boot.

1. Thats why i put all the files in a variable before running pacman -Rns in pacr, but if you always run pacr rather than pacman -Rns, this wouldn't be a problem.
2.run this to see what files will be removed
pac_list() { files=$(pacman -Ql $@ | awk '{print $2}'); for x in ${files[@]}; do if [ -f $x ]; then echo $x; fi; done; }
pac_list firefox

See pic related

Attached: 2018-09-05-203740_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 325K)

It does remove the related configs. You're most likely talking about configuration files in your home directory and that's by design that they're untouched. No sane package manager will manipulate things in your home directory.

>every time I boot

>use DE autostart to run something "every time I boot"
>use cron to run something "every time I boot"
stop posting, both of you.

you need to write an init script (systemd .service in your case) and enable it.

holy shit Jow Forums is this dumb

>installed linux again for the fifth time this month because i don't know how to uninstall programs or even how to check what i have installed and everywhere everyone says if you install programs on linux it will break because the commands will delete all files and programs associated with the package including ones that other programs also use

What about .pac* files?


So g/uys I recently got interested in moving to GNU/Pinus.

Windows gets more anal every day and also crashes.
The software and even the games that I use every day all have native linux support in fact it runs on linux better,
And there also is wine and Proton for the other software I could possibly need.

But i'm not very experienced and also I really enjoy having tiered storage. I currently use Store Mi that comes with my Ryzen and it's cool AF. I heard I can do it in Linux too but I have no idea how.
Can you point me in the right direction?

Also what distro is friendly to beginners but is free from systemD and other potterng cancer? I would prefer if it comes with KDE or Mate DE.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1470x1001, 209K)

>free from systemD and other potterng cancer
You're a naive idiot. Don't fall for retarded memes that you know nothing about.

Do you mean cached *.pkg.* files? remove them with pacman -Scc

>Also what distro is friendly to beginners but is free from systemD and other potterng cancer? I would prefer if it comes with KDE or Mate DE.
alternate init systems usually require a lot more interaction than systemd. just use systemd.

I wanna do aerodynamics simulations like that. how and where can I do em like that?

Nice digits
Install QubesOS and your machines will be stateless. Software installs only last until you reboot a machine and if you decide you want it permanently you can install on the template image

Attached: 1532394309727.gif (200x317, 892K)

Debian wheezy

>Also what distro is friendly to beginners but is free from systemD and other potterng cancer? I would prefer if it comes with KDE or Mate DE.
Debian wheezy

>You're a naive idiot. Don't fall for retarded memes that you know nothing about.
>alternate init systems usually require a lot more interaction than systemd. just use systemd.

Last time I used linux System D didn't even exist. It was hard but I manades.

>get a software package with CFM
>Make a model of a penis
>boolean it out of a block evvectively making a model of air around the penis
>set the boindary conditions for every geometrical surface such as (blows in here, blows out here, nothing p and down there, hard surface of a penis)

The easiest way to do it is with solid.
But in ANSYS you can even make dynamic videos of hypresonic armor piercing penises destroying all kinds of armor.

Hey guys, right now I'm running a tiling just with X. The only problem I have is that I have no idea which window im actually focusing, I think it might be a good idea to have inactive windows more opaque or transparent relative to the focused window, is this a good idea? What are some alternatives?

>just with X
wat? u mean without wm?

X + Tiling wm is what im using right now.

I'm trying to think of a way to differentiate focused / unfocused windows, previously I used compton to set inactive window opacity lower than the focused one but I dont feel like this is a nice solution since compton has issues with desktop wallpaper managers like feh and such.

Is there no option to enable microphone and what not with icecat? I'm trying to get the microphone to work for web version of discord but I don't think icecat has microphone functionality installed?

jesus h christ on a stick why is installing oracle database on linux is so fucking retarded?? am i that dumb??
not to start a shitflinging contest but what the hell man, this fucking thing is literally "press next to install" on the goddamn windows, basically every single one of them, and those fucking jews even have a goddamn linux fork so why the fuck is installing this shit such an unholy mess?
there's got to be some dumb shit i'm overlooking because i'm linux babby tier and i need either help or counseling because this shit is driving me up the fucking wall

>But in ANSYS you can even make dynamic videos of hypresonic armor piercing penises destroying all kinds of armor.
that's a whole new level of rape


because reasons, literally

Someone explain the systemd meme

GNUL people hate it because it's a bit bloated now, and breaks the UNIX philosophy of "do one thing great/ modularity". Among many,many questionable design decisions.

You'll hear "it's a botnet", but it's just shitposting. As it's FOSS and no one has came up with a solid citation of either a blob or an example of shady behavior.

it's a nice modern system management toolkit, which has greatly reduced the amount of overhead in writing init/service scripts between distros
but it's not very unix-ey, so hardcore unix fans hate it for that reason

-- also, don't be that bandwagoning faggot who goes out of their way to get a non-systemd distro yet hasn't so much as written an init/daemon script in his life
look things up and try them before making decisions, if you actually care at all

Why can I not stream anything on icecat? Like twitch.tv or any streamable embedded video player, is there an addon to fix this? I'm not really sure whats required for streams to work

Can we talk about android?

that should be it's own thread, unless it's about things like termux
the ecosystem is completely different


VLC or MPV for arch?

Took a brief look at the repo and the dependencies for vlc look aids.

Can someone give me a quick redpill? I just want to watch movies,anime and listen to music, so mainly .mkv, .flac, .mp3/4. hopefully I'd assume both can do all by default in 2018

mpvs okay, i wish it had the GUI of mpc though, as it's more inconvenient and has god-awful default hotkeys.
Use deadbeef for music though, it's basically foobar.

So they pretty much can run all standard formats? bluray and all that?


>i wish it had the GUI of mpc though, as it's more inconvenient and has god-awful default hotkeys.
both are because of familiarity and legacy
mpc in that that's what you're used to
mpv in that the common hotkeys were kept as is from mplayer, which predates mpc
for me, i used to use mpc in windows, and mplayer on various other systems, and since moving to linux, just mplayer (then mplayer2, now mpv), so i'm very used to those keybinds, as are, i imagine, the mpv devs and many of it's other users
changing them now would be like messing around with how mpc looks and feels, we both like the respective players because the provide a familiar and consistent user experience, just to different people

Is this true that the official AMD driver for ganoo lanix performs worse than the open driver?

opengl performance is better with the free driver, vulkan is similar

use the open source driver for older GPU, if you have a RX480 or better, check the AMDGPU driver. I think they have a AMDGPU PRO which contain some proprietary stuff related to vulkan.

this is misleading, amdgpu is foss as well, only amdgpu-pro is non-free

Okay brainlet here, I find this silly but how come I cannot mount and write to a usb? If you sudo mount the usb with --wr bash tells you that you still cannot perform the operation (cat > hi.txt) in the mounted usb directory.

No I am not going to fuck with fstab just for a usb.

sudo mount -t vfat --wr /dev/sdb1 ~/Desktop/usb/ is the command im running.

How do I make it werk guys.


Just had my credit card cloned so i'll be changing for Linux for security reasons. Using Windows just for gaming.
So i would like to ask you guys what is the better version for someone going out of Windows. I'm seeing a lot about Mint, what do you guys think? Is it the most popular version of Linux?

Still permission denied

tired pepe.jpg

what was the exact command you did?