
>Free beginner resources to get started
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>PHP resources

Attached: 1.jpg (250x167, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How to learn new stuff (design patterns, more efficient ways to program) if I work on my own?

Online tutorials
Go to meetups, conferences, conventions
Pay for classes

Is there an existing tool that displays a count of regular expressions in a webpage?
Like a box in a corner (or a button to display a list) that shows how many occurences of a keyword are present in a webpage?
Keywords :
wdg : 2
gore : 1
maga : 8
sjw : 97

It would be like an automated ctrl+f for several keywords / regex

user, you know you have a project which could be worth millions, why aren't you working on it? why so much procrastination?

Attached: 73228006939f9b7db6c05c0e9aef9175.jpg (697x1024, 169K)

but which one of my ideas will be worth millions? there's so many to choose from

choose the one you know you will a lot of fun making. if you are not jumping out of bed to code it, just don't bother

Nice work forgetting the /wdg/ title OP

I raise a petition to rename 'localhost' to 'loclehoast'

Not a front end guy.Previously I've used vanilla CSS/JS or Default Semantic UI for all of my frontend projects.

I'm having more and more to take on, so I would like to define build CSS/JS themes that I can customize easily. I want to have a base theme that I can federate child themes off of, and then I would like to be able to build a specific child theme with a config setting. I.e. select 'Theme 1' or 'Theme 2' in a config and then have the files ready for use in the directory when I initialize a project.

I have no idea how I would do that but I feel like it is possible? Would I use Webpack? What does Webpack even do?

Attached: what-is-webpack.png (2598x1299, 360K)

depression i guess lmao

howd you get freelance clients?

i want to make videos since blogging is so hard to stand out / everything feels like its already been written

OP is fag

just redirect localhost to loclehoast or whatever in your HOSTS file

you need some fruits and vegetables and some lemon water. also get some fresh air, go walk in a parc

can someone explain to me what the point of jupyter notebooks is? i haven't seen anyone use a notebook outside of the browser so why not just use ML/mathematical/graph libraries with javascript to build templates that can be shared without needing to use a server program?

are scientards so retarded they can't into anything other than python?

>muh processing power
is not an argument as modern day chrome is efficient enough to run multiple graphic intensive webGL videogames simultaneously

Tooling mainly:
Numpy, Pandas, Pytorch, etc

Python is a better language than JS to boot.

>Python is a better language than JS to boot.
[citation needed]

also, you could just transpile python into js and use all of those without jupyter and making things much simpler

Attached: 1536148242690.png (1280x900, 52K)

>>PHP resources

Here to help you with PHP, ask me anything !

>write code to fix itself when errors happen
>now every time I tr to test for weird errors it just fixes itself
>can't figure out if it's a good or a bad thing because it always works


I have a Django web app I want to deploy on an AWS EC2 instance. I will use Guincorn + Nginx. Standard.

How can I set up an identical virtual server on my home machine so I can practice all the deployment stuff beforehand, VirtualBox?

how much php do I need to learn if I know perl

what's the equivalent of cpanm and pip for php

what's the difference between frameworks like laravel/symfony/zend/etc, is just a case of same shit different toilet

Familiarize yourself with webpack, and scss. Utilizing imports in scss can allow you to create a base theme with variables set for different colors, or animation timings or whatever

Also interested in this. I run a flask app. Doing it the old way. Not very efficient.

You forgot to inglude "wdg" in the thread's name/subject. Fatal mistake, don't commit it again.

I predict this alone would break the whole thing in a million ways

scss != sass, right? search results for scss import bring me sass results

Thanks user

post github? wtf

extra long shot, anyone has experiences with embedding cryptominers?

I want to add a miner to my site for testing purposes. There is coinhive who take some percentage like 30% but I don't really see the added value. Can I just join my visitors to a mining pool to mine to my wallet?

I know very little about this, but the only difference seem to be Coinhive pays per solved hash while pools distribute earnings by contributed hash%, which could be average out to be the same in the long run?

trying to insert an image right on top of the slider like:

working with this .php files:

no luck so far, this is WP btw
any ideas? cleared cache and everything, where the fuck is WP pulling the code from?

Attached: triangle.png (1920x186, 27K)

Browser miners aren't as profitable as regular ads or affiliate ads. So it's not even worth trying desu.

it is an experiment, the site is not monetized in any way

I guess my question is, what is the point of Coinhive, where is the added value?

If you mine alone and mine a coin you will get 100% of the profit. But it's unknown how long it will take to get it. If you get it at all.

Mining in a pool lets you benefit from the findings of others as well. So your income is more guaranteed. But others share from your work as well.

indeed, but what does coinhave add to justify its 30%, why can't I join my users to a pool for a brief period of time?

>what does coinhave add to justify its 30%
Nothing. Giving you their code I guess.

the slider is like the one found:

I wanna insert an image right above:


I've found pic related, and the bits in red is where I'd insert th mg cd

Attached: triangle.png (1920x1080, 118K)

is it worth learning vue? i already know react

Meme but true: just use Docker.
A simple deploy is to run a script via SSH that: downloads the latest image, stops and removes the running container (based on an older image) and starts a new one with the new image. With docker-compose it translates to docker-compose down && docker-compose up, basically.

i know jack about perl but learn laravel
most of it is symfony anyway lmao

also, look up composer

Using bootstrap I'm trying to create small elements containing just a word and a X button to delete them. Basically like cards but not with a fixed width and I want them to align horizontally. Just a collection of words to which dynamically more are added or removed. What's the easiest way to do this?

>Github removes jQuery from their front-end. No framework.

>We’re finally finished removing jQuery from frontend. What did we replace it with? No framework whatsoever:

>• querySelectorAll,
>• fetch for ajax,
>• delegated-events for event handling,
>• polyfills for standard DOM stuff,
>• CustomElements on the rise.

is there a ~single binary webserver with embedded database capabilities? I just want a very simple rest api, set the port, fire and forget but I need persistence.

in english, doc


why not?

write your own in C++

how do I persist data without having a full blown db server running, preferably with some guarantees? I want to query the data from a http/rest api later. I only need to manage a small amount of data


frankly, I would fail that, but more importantly it is for a weekend project from start to finish

just store it in an array

i don't know really i don't have much experience with perl ( i use php/go/c/c++/js )

php have a package manager called composer and its really amazing.

difference between frameworks :

- laravel :
laravel was made to be easy and have a really clear syntax, it doesn't follow all php standards and its a mess to expert php developers but a peace of art to the new comers. anyways, its easy ( good for starters ), good for small projects and single page applications.

- symfony :
unlike laravel, symfony is not easy, its actually the hardest framework out there, but the good thing is, if you learn symfony, you can learn any other framework in no time, since all major framework are built on top symfony ( even laravel ), symfony follows some of the PSRs ( php standards recommendations ) by FIG, but not all of them ( not following PSR-7, PSR-15, PSR-17 .. ), but it have its own standards, its solid, really good for big projects.

- zend, is one of them minority of frameworks that are not built on top of symfony, zend now is trying to follow all PSRs by FIG, and it did that with Zend Expressive, a very solid framework, not that much far from symfony, but its less complex. good for APIs ( check zend expressive )

those are the top 3 frameworks and the most popular with huge communities behind them, i won't recommend using any other framework, most of them are dying.

Same thing just different syntax

do you know what persist means?

use subprocess.Popen to run it in the background
import socket,re,sqlite3

#change 'sql_file_name.db' to your preferred database name/path
sql_conn = sqlite3.Connection('sql_file_name.db')
sql_cursor = sql_conn.cursor()

HOST, PORT = '', 8000

#write your own response map/hash/dictionary/function for handling http responses
response_dict = {}
listen_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
listen_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
listen_socket.bind((HOST, PORT))
print 'Serving HTTP on port %s ...' % PORT
#main request loop
while True:
client_connection, client_address = listen_socket.accept()
request = client_connection.recv(1024)
print request

web_path = re.match(r'GET /(.+) HTTP.*',request.split("\n")[0]).group(1)
print web_path

if "sql_query" in web_path:
my_query = web_path.split("?",1)[1]
text_response = "OK"
text_response = response_dict[web_path]

http_response = """HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n%s"""%text_response

laziest version: localstorage, just shove json into the client's storage and hope they don't delete it, and if they do that's on them anyway

second laziest: something like firebase where you need fuck all knowledge of DBs, you just do whatever the docs say and copy/paste tutorial code for auth

actual database: SQLite

I don't care about my stuff going to sleep i just want a database i don't have to set up or manage: Mlab with MongoDB or postgres on heroku

Can I use @guest and @auth in .vue components with Laravel? or is @guest and @auth only utilizable in blade templates?

they are available only with blade.

Well shit, thanks.

It's a shame .com is still King, with so many options available.

I think the premium pricing many new tlds have also has a lot to do with it.
Because how can you build a brand on a domain if you aren't certain about its future pricing model.

Make one in Go

I've just been to a tumblr page (of officiall tumblr, referring some dead tumblr site) that had scroll snap WITHOUT the fucking scroll bar,sick, there's two pieces of the puzzle /*introduces CSS breakpoints to the page scroll*/ /*hides scrollbar*/

Attached: maxresdefault[2].jpg (1920x1080, 143K)

*better scroll snapping method, cross browser:

Though it only seems to work for 100vh
so you're better off with js version for that matter

jquery way

How can I decrease the size of this motherfucker?
Should I load bootstra, jquery, vue and all that crap separately in the index.html so it doesn't get loaded every time with the bundle if I change something in my app?

Attached: modules.png (1872x981, 150K)

Are you fucking retarded, OP? Been searching for a wdg thread for a few minutes and I couldn't find it because your stupid ass didn't put in the subject title. End your fucking life.

your "app" can be made with raw javascript.

You have no idea what you're doing.

Also, what tool do you use to visualize the modules in that image?

just gonna leave this here

Why is it better to use render props instead of higher order components in react?

>no /wdg/

Node is saying fs.append is not a function. I'm trying to write a cron job in Node. I don't think that matters and is affecting fs.append in any way but I'll post all of the code anyway. What could be the issue /wdg/?

const fs = require('fs');
const Job = require('cron').CronJob;

new Job('0 */1 * * * *', () => {
const time = new Date().getTime();
fs.append('checkthis.txt', time+'\n');
console.log('Info added.');
}, null, true)

the new settings page in vscode is absolute


use python + cronjob unix command

>using VS code


>use python
I don't want to, I'm trying to use Node in place of Python

check the documentaiton for fs. i dont see anything for append, appendFileSync maybe?

2 bad

Ayy I worked it outt by using fs.createWriteStream with append flag.

const fs = require('fs');
const Job = require('cron').CronJob;

new Job('0 */1 * * * *', () => {
const time = new Date().getTime();
const stream = fs.createWriteStream('checkthis.txt', { flags: 'a' });
console.log('Info added.');
}, null, true)

Amazon services are so fucking confusing, there's like a million and the setup is all messed up. Does anyone know of any simpler alternatives for cloud storage to Amazon S3? I heard Google Cloud is straightforward but expensive.

>Amazon S3?
just upload to the bucket

what's the problemo, friendo?

Trying to use a react app to upload multiple images simultaneously to S3 and somehow save their URLs in specific js objects to a database hosted in mLab, their horrible documentation isn't helping.

>Trying to use a react app to upload multiple images

i had to that a few months ago,

here's how i did it

>Amazon API Gateway with a POST request
>POST request calls a lambda function
>lambda function receives the image in base64 and uploads it to the s3 bucket

and then in your react code you make a POST request
fetch(API_URL + "/upload-photo", {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({image: formData['file']}),
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },

literally can't agree
no more having to save the file for settings to apply, thank god

is this the right place to start focusing on learning for MEAN stack?

Does anyone here uses React Native for Web? Just found out about it, it lets you use React Native components on your normal React projects, I was looking for something like this since I want to eventually make a React Native out of the React webapp I'm making and this will make it so that I don't need to rewrite a lot of it. Do you guys have any better options?

Reminds me of

any way to mirror a website with dynamic JS content? inb4 wget

I'm looking to build a tiny site for links to my portfolio. What's the most braindead/easy way to do this? Already set up domain & hosting.
I don't need anything fancy, just a way to maybe turn some Markdown into 5-6 pages. Prefer no client-side JS.

I'm an embedded dev so in no way does this need to be visually impressive. Sorry for scrub questions.

Just had an interview that lasted 3 hours, and they wanted me to sit in on a scrum. This means they don't hate me, right?

Attached: 1422069034241.jpg (211x290, 7K)

use a cms like wordpress/wix/ect

wget won't work on dynamic JS pages

you can use selenium webdriver to automate a web browser, then save the page or access the DOM and save the relevant data

what's the most in demand stack atm?
and how do I build a portfolio? I can't think of any interesting things to build

Please respond.



mongodb is a meme, and a shitty one at that

>there's a stack called wakanda complete with a wakanda IDE and a wakanda nosql db
>it's all written by a white guy

Attached: 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg (258x245, 12K)

i know, hence the inb4 wget

i was looking for something that would automatically crawl the site and rename files, etc. but from what i can tell nothing like that exists