Why hasnt smell-o-vision been invented yet
Why hasnt smell-o-vision been invented yet
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Vision breaks down to wavelengths of light. Hearing breaks down to frequencies of vibrations. Smell you actually have to get the specific molecules in your nose
On a more interesting note, why haven't we digitized smells and tastes yet? I want to smell and taste my mistress in an immersive reality.
you mean that thing from Dog's Life?
It has, they already have demos of it, however its gimmick as fuck, and kid shows will ruin it if it had potential due to fart jokes getting a smell along with it.
It could be used for... lets say an avatar where you want to have a jungle smell, or something like that, but shy of this, its never going to work and why its only in certain theaters and demo stations.
How young are you?
he is asking presumably about the non scratch and sniff card smellovision
No. Both vision & sounds are just the same spectrum different frequencies of space garbage
for braaap?
Light is a photon/wave, sound is vibrations travelling through the collisions of molecules in the environment
Its why you can see light in a vacuum but can't hear as well
No. Light is part of electromagnetic. I was obviously joking but don't correct me if you belong in /v/
>Its why you can see light in a vacuum but can't hear as well
I think you mean can't hear at all, brainlet.
If i recall correctly, some dudes were trying to build a smeller nodule for the dreamcast back in 99 or 2000. The thing worked off of a collection of oils that were heated to specific temperature in order to get specific smells- kinda like a big box of those girly dorm room glade oil warmer things.
The challenge here would be twofold
[1] software support - who the fuck would include a smell encoding layer in video or games or whatever vr meme media of choice and how would such an encoding layer get standardized?
[2] physical limitations of the configuration. This sounds to me like the problems of an inkjet printer on steroids. No longer just r/y/b ink but dozens of scents of oil flasks inside of the contraption to manage.
>light is part of electromagnetic
EM radiation? Yes?
>I was obviously joking
Pretending to be retarded.
Well, yes if you get a perfect vacuum.
Unlike sight and sound, smell and taste require a consumable resource to produce, meaning you'd need to refill your smell-o-vision "monitor" with presumably quite expensive and proprietary cartridges every so often. The health effects of breathing in whatever the fuck those things contain are also questionable. The device would also have a very poor response time.
All in all it's a shit gimmick that'd cost too much and produce little benefit. Maybe in specialized forms, such as VR arcades, but it's still a gimmick. It wouldn't offer any real benefit.
If i had to give up a sense it'd definitely be smell.
dude you must be deaf, my vacuum is super loud and scares the shit out of my cat
That's... a left foot.
your cat sounds like a faggot
Because porn smells disgusting
Go back
That's because you're outside the vacuum dummy. Stick your head in it and it'll be perfectly quiet.
I want the same thing, wish we had scratch and sniff h doujinshi.
Fuck you, he's right.
Poor damage control. You can't even articulate a full sentence.
Light is just vibration like sound but it's much higher frequency
Fuck man, what do you want to smell so bad?
Boogie has been actively lobbying against it
It's getting there;
because everyone would make everything smell like shit
How did they fuck up this bad? I mean, its an anime drawing, so they get some leeway but, shit man, this is some basic anatomy stuff.