You jumped back to 2008 with few working samples of spectre attack in hand.
what do?
You jumped back to 2008 with few working samples of spectre attack in hand
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find and kill OP
Throw away that shit and find a way to tell my parents to make me more independent, so I won't be as fucking homesick as I am right now
i've yet to see someone actually try the spectre exploit to attack anything, not a single malware has been released
post them on the Linux kernel mailing list so that shit gets fixed a decade sooner
make ridiculous amounts of money stealing insider info i guess
forget spectre acquire cryptocurrency.
Publish all of them.
First days at college? Just roll with it kid. Call your parents often and for god's sake stop thinking about home and good times and other shit.
It'll pass by the end of this month if you keep your chin up and try new things.
umm, there's already proof of concept for spectre/meltdown.
read the Q&A section, it isn't like your regular ol' malware where anti-virus can detect the attack ffs.
I'd be a billionaire now...
Get a huge bugbounty or sell to the NSA.
The NSA has it since Day 0 you fucking retarded negroid
Why would the NASA need virus for rockets?
Warn people that Microsoft will relaese Windows 10 in the future.
Steal people's crypto wallets
nothing because it's a retarded pseudoproblem that's only a security threat in theory but not in practice.
Immediately send it to Intel and AMD and as many security researchers as I could. Intel would be gimped earlier and AMD might have caught up earlier.
So by the time Ryzen rolls around AMD wouldn't be the underdog anymore and would just be a competitor releasing a huge leap forward in performance.
People think of money first, we are going back to 2008 there are way easier and better ways to make a fuck ton of money, buy tech stocks, buy crypto, etc.
how do you think they located Osama Bin Laden?
Wow great timeline we would be stuck with bulldozer refresh 10 and pentium 16
Bringing down enemy rockets
Take hostage whole datacenters with ransommalware.
If I can bring working examples of Spectre back, I don't see why I can't bring working samples of Ryzen and Coffee Lake back as well.
Give both to AMD and tell them they launched Ryzen and didn't do as well as they could have because they didn't push the open source part as hard, tell them to remove the PSP from their mainstream parts. Then tell them to nab Lisa Su from Freescale and appoint her CEO after two years.
If we are going back in time might as well tweak things as much as we want. Sure I'll probably fuck everything up and we would end up worse off, but hey, as long as the crypto boom still happens I'm rich so fuck it.
We would either end up worse off than we are now, or we would get open source Ryzen before 2013.
Notify Intel.
Do nothing because who gives a fuck? Better to put money in GOOG, AMZN, NFLX, NVDA, etc.
Also study harder in school.
Sell for a lot of bitcoin.
And get yourself killed by CIA niggers
This will go away if you can push sadness out of your mind long enough to socialize and make some friends
If you see some kids that look up your alley (even if that means nerdy/autistic) walk right up to them and ask if you can join them. Ask them if they heard about the recent collegeboard scandle and what they think about it. News is an easy way to start a conversation with normans and express your personality
this so much
use spectre to make a bitcoin mining botnet
OK Intel whatever you say
Love you guys, nobody helped me on Jow Forums
Jow Forums confirmed for best board
Sell it on the black market
What a total fucking faggot you are.
No one gives a shit a out you, your family, or babbies first month in college. Fucking kill yourself you worthless shit.
Make a Bitcoin mining botnet.
>tfw there are autistic neets who bought play doh money who are richer than most of us on this board
Join a fraternity, fag lord
Unless you're too much of an autist