Should I learn C or SQL or juggle both within 2 years? And should I use a dedicated IDE or notepad++ is fine?

Should I learn C or SQL or juggle both within 2 years? And should I use a dedicated IDE or notepad++ is fine?

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you're absolutely clueless.
what is it you would like to achieve?

SQL and C#/Java

I'm looking for an automation engineer position and some companies requires either C or SQL. I've got some basics of C and know nothing about SQL.

Thank you, SQL and Java then

You really don't need 2 years to learn either of those, C is 6 months tops and SQL is like 3 if you're mentally retarded

How about Java? I'm not doing web designs, just small applications to ease the data collection process

stopped reading right there

Just use emacs and you get an entire OS at the same time

I believe you're thinking of Javascript

Java is a good language but as said, in the context of websites you're probably thinking of JavaScript. One of my favorite languages, it's quite easy to use and can fit many purposes.

I'm planning to move to linux on my 4yo laptop anyway because installing anything heavier than google chrome will blow it up
Yes this is perfect, thank you.

there's nothing wrong with ed.

Why? There are no benefits of using Java in 2018. It's pure garbage compared to C#


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wtf, can't we for once have a sane discussion?

We were having a sane discussion until you said that Java was garbage compared to C#

C# runs on both Linux and Windows. C# has more features and cleaner syntax.

Why should you use Java instead?

>tfw no notepad++ on Linux

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As explained above, I only got a BEng in automation egineering so web development doesn't help me much right now
enlighten me on your opinions
yes, it's quite easy to use. Shame that my laptop ages too fast for windows 10

Fuck Java c# master race

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You should definitely learn SQL first, because it really doesn't take too long.

There's more to SQL than INSERT and UPDATE

It has platinum rating on winehq. It'll work just fine with no tinkering