He preordered a nvidia card

>He preordered a nvidia card
>not waiting for amds 7nm GPU that will be coming out soon

whats wrong with people?

Attached: 1531805233840.jpg (1181x1679, 1.41M)

onions in the brain

Found the nvididiot

Attached: aHR0cDovL21lZGlhLmJlc3RvZm1pY3JvLmNvbS9ML1UvNzc3MDkwL29yaWdpbmFsLzAyLkpQRw==.jpg (755x388, 57K)

I dunno but I'm loving the Escher edit. Your own work OP?

>coming soon
>just wait


>still upgrading GPU in the year 2018
Why? Videogames are the only GPU intensive tasks the common user would want to do, and modern games are shit.

>answer op question
>"found the nvididiot"
are you retarded? or just looking for nonexistent arguments?

also this

I have the suspicion GTX 2060/2050 will be 7nm.

>>not waiting for amds 7nm GPU that will be coming out soon
do we have any confirmed dates?

The only good option was buying a 1080 Ti nearly 18 months ago. If you didn't get in then, you're a retard no matter what you do now. Buying Nvidia's overpriced trash for 1080p/40fps, buying a 1080 Ti now 18 months later for the same money it was back then or waiting for AMD to finally deliver (this time, honest, we really mean it). A trifecta of cuckoldry.

Attached: look out sneed.jpg (1433x1056, 414K)

>this time, honest, we really mean it).

You sound nervous

>bought a meme nvidia 970 years ago
>Jow Forums keeps saying how shit it is
>works for high res gaming
>works for VR
>works for some basic video editing
>good temps
>no coil whine

Everything is fine, and Jow Forums's outrage culture is kaput.

When did AMDrones give up even trying to make sense? Do they not even pay for your English lessons any more, Ranjit?

That's quite some level of COPE you've got going on there, friend.

Attached: 1440p_vhigh.png (582x848, 80K)

>showing graph to a game nvidia paid the game devs to run poorly on and cards


0.35% performance increase


Still very good.

35% increase
Are you really retarded?

>graph wasn't even aimed at you
>AMD cards performing extremely well in graph, 390X matching 1070
AMDrones confirmed for having given up on reality.

But what about my career in SMF/Blender/Maya etc, porn animation?

are you going to fight a miner to the death for it?

Attached: cupoftea.png (500x500, 228K)

i played RE7 on a 970 at 1440p and these benches are bullshit.