>We're here for the technical interview
We're here for the technical interview
Other urls found in this thread:
>I hope you’re ready to write css
The guy on the left with the suspenders works for Google and is a huge contributor to clang. He is better than anyone that posts here by a huge margin.
pic related is how i dress for work every day, how am i doing /fa/?
hem your pant and take the buzzpill
>dat old MBP
How old is that picture?
Ew, man up and wear light cream pants, or at least khaki if you're scared of white.
>classic fit
If you're 40 years old then okay but if you're 30 or younger go with slim
Are you done being a lying faggot?
Youre not white though
20-30 Tucked or untucked? Top button or not?
absolutely disgusting shirt colour combination you must work as a garbage collector
yes, we only employ artisanal memory managers
Why does literally every old person dress like this? You do realize you look so stupid.
Why do Americans always dress like this? It's even worse with khakis.
How else would people dress?
>inb4 traditional outfits
When I dress like this, everybody at work knows I'm on an Adderall Binge. I'm not to be bothered.
Pretty good, you don't look like a soi
I unironically think the guy on the left doesn't look bad. Can't say the same for the one on the right
"Thanks the broken printer is over there."
Many jobs mandate that you must wear at least a polo, and you cannot wear jeans. This is the lowest effort clothing many people can wear to the office.
>go with slim
>Why does literally every old person dress like this? You do realize you look so stupid.
>Why do Americans always dress like this? It's even worse with khakis.
>slim fit
Found you on youtube, user
sucks to not be a neet :^)
> working for google
> not a subhuman cuck
pick one
only fags go for slim
How can one country be so fake.
t. boomer
>Sure thing gentlemen
>Let me get my whiteboard and then you can show me your hard problem solving skills through algorithms.
>Whats that? You only do copy paste, unoptimized front end work?
>Sorry sirs all our pajeet positions are filled up.
essential 40-year old Jow Forums autist core
This is how I dress for my job in silicon valley, wdyt?
I just dress like this, polos are top tier
his name?
That covers most of Jow Forums
Well there's a reason I don't use clang user
No part of that sounds even close to true, so it probably is.
No shoes, no tie.
No job. Goodbye.
albert einstein
No shoes is unacceptable.
Nothing wrong with no tie though.
Here's how I dress up for a paycheck. Company chooses what I wear and pays for it. I dont care as long as they pay me
Looks like a Wal Mart employee
tunic with a kolowrot on the chest
If I wasn't sweating so badly I'd wear the shit out of suits.