Firefox doesn't have telemetry

>Firefox doesn't have telemetry
>Safer than Chrome


Imagine all those idiots on Wangblows and Lelnux who don't have something like Little Snitch to block incoming/outgoing connections and keep sending all this data to Firefox.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-06 at 2.55.44 AM.png (542x308, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

There are alternatives though.

Attached: cyberfox.png (256x256, 52K)

>Using some random release which rarely gets security patches

Yeah ok buddy

> what is about:config

Isn't cyberfox legacy and deprecated?

This is for power users. 99% of the users out there don't know this shit.

>power users

>Le Cringe

Ok you're not a "power user" but you're a fagget.

>homOSeX user
>too dumb to configure software properly
This all checks out.

Attached: average mac user.jpg (1536x2048, 189K)

>power user

>power users
*script kiddos

Attached: zoomer x boomer.png (786x358, 165K)

>Firefox doesn't have telemetry
it's like you haven't been here the last 6 months

>Le Configure Properly

Nigga please.

If you really think I have time for that dweeb shit, you're surely mistaken.

nice job attacking an argument that literally no one made.
It's even in the about page you stupid nigger.

Attached: d66ecfeb26eb0b6d53999af52191401a0c513c03.jpg (768x432, 23K)

my firefox doesn't look like that
it even doesn't have such dialogs

That's Little Snitch, idiot.

>click to enable/disable settings
>power user

it has telemetry and no one denied it.
but unlike chrome this telemetry is opt-outable

op has confirmed he's a faggot

Do you have reading comprehension?

99% of the users will not disable telemetry you stupid nigger faggot.

Thats on their dumb ass heads, anyone who is worried about telemetry will disable it, people who dont know what telemetry is are gonna click 'allow' on your dumb ass prompt

>Thats on their dumb ass heads

Yeah blame the consumer for being forced to opt-out of telemetry.

It seems that you really care about privacy.

Seems like you are ok with WANGBLOWS telemetry shoved down everyone's throat too. Are you going to tell people to run some tool to remove it?

Stupid faggot.

how the fuck are you able to speak for 99% of users, you buttfucked head

firefox literally opens new tab with the proposal to configure telemetry on a new install and also puts a warning 'choose what to share' on the bottom of the screen

you better to shut your fuck up

>you better to shut your fuck up

Pajeet detected.

based autistrians improving privacy n shit

I have a feeling that someday all of this telemetry, tracking, and logging shit is going to fuck everybody.

I think it's inevitable that it's all going to get leaked and there will be websites with indepth records of your online presence and what you on the internet. You're going to be able to search for somebody's record by their name, email, or internet handle and read all sorts of juicy stuff they'd want to keep private. It's going to be the biggest wake up call of the millennium that this shit isn't okay. It's going to take a lot of people getting exposed and being embarrassed for it to change.

That dev is actually pretty legit and based.

I just wish he made Little Snitch for Wangblows too.

>it has telemetry and no one denied it.
>but unlike chrome this telemetry is opt-outable
Also, Chrome is proprietary. Surely safer OP, surely safer.

I don't care what other people do, I'm not their dad
I know that I find it acceptable to use software on which im able to disable telemetry with my moderate level of knowledge.
The average user is trained to click allow on anything so a prompt with some computer words wont save them

Keep thinking like this because you're in the minority.

You keep giving these corporations more power and enabling their anti-privacy stances...let's see where it gets you.


It literally asks you if you want to send them telemetry on install.

I'm not their dad, policy maker or messiah
Nothing i can do

It never asked me.

I just updated to the latest version and got this dialog box.

As long as you think like this, corporations will rape you.

I can't save other people from their own ignorance, incompetence and apathy

Just kill yourself.

Loved cyberfox, but got EOL almost 2 years ago iirc

Lol user, not all of us have a savior complex

>>Firefox doesn't have telemetry
I guess the information used for these pages comes from thin air:

How are nu-Mozillians going to explain that? And let me remind you in advance that "It's just from the users that have telemetry enabled." isn't going to cut it.

Firefox is literally the browser of choice for people from the "Boomer" meme.

Unless you live in a third world country where your gov actively controls you, who the fuck even cares?
Firefox Nightly masterrace

Attached: 1535041423099.jpg (568x543, 176K)

Attached: 65165169841651.jpg (225x225, 7K)

T. Pajeet here

When you faggots understand technology?

Attached: heavy vetting.webm (592x720, 777K)

>Not understanding this is a memeing board for tinfoil hat hipsters who pretend to understand technology and live in "free" countries

>Imagine all those idiots on Wangblows and Lelnux who don't have something like Little Snitch to block incoming/outgoing connections and keep sending all this data to Firefox.

R u dumb?

>Firefox doesn't have telemetry
Said nobody ever. Most telemetry isn't even bad, Google has malicious telemetry. Call me when Mozilla starts recording your voice constantly if you're logged into Mozilla sync like Google does.

Anything telemetry related is in settings. Firefox has an infinitely better settings layout than Google so it's much easier to figure out what to do there.

Not an argument. Anyone who CARES about telemetry will fucking disable it. Are you this retarded?

The consumer is exactly the person to blame. 90% use chrome or edge which can't even disable telemetry. Anyone who's smart enough to install Firefox for privacy won't be retarded enough to not ever open settings to see if any telemetry is enable. Firefox even gives you a huge pop-up saying "choose what you share. Choose privacy options. You can disable telemetry in settings, click here to be guided there. If you're retarded enough to skip that you clearly don't care about privacy.


Wtf is this shit. Why is Firefox touted as the best privacy browser when this happens?
Is there a Firefox fork without this botnet that actually gets security updates?


Debian disables Firefox telemetry at compile time.
Stop using shit operating systems.


Attached: 18.09.06-15.10_sel_maim.png (682x274, 28K)

Please post lines of code making all telemetry impossible to disable in Firefox.

Pathetic Amerimutt

apt-get install firefox
on Debian doesn't have this problem.

Sorry, that isn't the code that makes telemetry impossible to disable. Try again little buddy.


Nope, that's not code either.

sudo rm -rf /

Firefox has an option to turn off telemetry in the settings.

Did you forget where you're supposed to get the code from and what the code is supposed to prove? Didn't think you'd struggle this much desu.

>what is about:config
the cheapest dumbest excuse.
In the end, you can always fork it, modify it and recompile it.
AmIright g...guys?

burry the fucking configuration deeper and deeper and eventually you'll confuse the user so much that he won't care about it.

>eventually you'll confuse the user so much that he won't care about it.
Sounds like something a retard who doesnt give a shit in the first place would do. Are you projecting?
You retards act like there aren't tons of eyes on the project and the source code isn't available.

not make your own User.js file.
Jow Forums are uber larppers

fuck off you filthy indian

>last update 6 months ago
use palemoon

That's unfortunate, indeed. It's hard to call your software "privacy-conscious" when it collects data by default and you use Google Analytics on its own website.