Press S to shit on Apple
Press S to shit on Apple
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what is a pride face? something to do with faggotry?
They’re just following local laws.
>something to do with faggotry?
I don't even know what it is but I hope it get blocked in my locale too
>following local laws
>scared of displaying 6 coloured stripes
based russia
Russians think gay is a choice and all gays are pedos so it’s practically illegal to be out in public.
right... I thougjt Apple stood up for us LGBTQRTFGHIGHOcfRRFhOVHskvdlsvdj people
Based Apple. They were only pretending to be faggots.
gay is a choice. Just like me fapping to Henry Cavill is a choice even though I have been with my GF for 3 years
They stand up for those people where not prohibited by law.
sounds BASED
kill you're a self
how the fuck can anyone work with code like this
Where is the lie
go back to your niggerscript
what is minifying/obfuscation
And that's a good thing
this has to be a joke
Because it's probably jtag extraction and the variable names are decompiler chosen?
>Russians think gay is a choice and all gays are pedos
Wow, what ignorant barbaric bigots.
wtf i love russia now
>think different
Of course diverse coders who have no idea what they are doing find them confusing
It’s decompiled code you humongous faggot. You can see their naming conventions if you look at the function names. You don’t actually believe they program the watch in asm either do you?
are you shitting on chris lattner unironically?
if a guy can make a fucking ir to machine code compiler, i think he can see that the pre- and post-fix operators aren't difficult to understand
If apple watch runs on ARM, why the registers are named esi and ebx instead of r0 and r1?
>no faggots allowed in russia
wew, putinland is starting to look pretty good compared to burgerland
Apple watch confirmed officially as a gay product
What's the value of x - ++x or foo(++x, x++)?
Anyway they were only there for C compatibility and that’s not what they care about anymore. C style loops are also going out.
What was this picture originally of?
The decompiler was probably designed for x86, but you're right, that still doesn't quite add up... If the generated variable names don't match the actual allocated registers, how *is* it assigning names?
I was going to suggest that there could be an x86 version of that code for use with the simulator etc, but that still doesn't add up because those are 32-bit register names. Apple wouldn't ship i386 binaries, it wouldn't make sense.
an iMac
or its just hand-decompiled. not really hard for such a simple and short snippet
x - ++x should return -1
foo(x + 1, x)
>x - ++x
>foo(++x, x++)
foo(x + 1, x + 1)
I think this is a fair point. They aren't confusing when they're used as their own statement, but they /are/ confusing when the resultant value is read. Whenever I see while(X++) I have to double take and try to remember how it works.
it makes code shorter and more readable
arr[i++] = x;
arr[i] = x;
i += 1;
if you dont want it, dont use it. but dont remove it because you're a brainlet
Spotted the mactoddler.
(it does have one right evaluation but as lattner said and you just realized, it's too complicated for what it gives you)
>Whenever I see while(X++) I have to double take and try to remember how it works
t. swift "programmer"
But even the "harcurrr" faggots who wanted it in (even though they don't even use Swift) got foo(++x, x++) wrong
it's a stone age operator, literally "boomer: the operator"
x++ returns x first then increments it, like the example did
not very complicated if you know what the pre- and post-fix operators do
Have you seen the Samsung remote? It's the best remote out there, and it has like 4 buttons.
Too bad the Samsung OS is shitty/buggy garbage
I know. When I say "x + 1" I mean relative to the start value of x
complicated enough that someone complaining it was removed got it wrong
if you want C style code, program in C
for reference.
because that example is confusing on purpose, its not something you'd ever see in production code.
At least post the real one, the one with microphone and voice control.
Yours is a lower cost version
It's not "practically illegal", it's illegal period. Homosexual propaganda is banned.
What drives someone who is either an amateur or a student at best, to think his opinion matters more than the one of a world class programmer?
Textbook entitlement
>being openly gay is "propaganda"
Yeah they're quite backwards
>got it wrong
because there is no right answer, its undefined behavior. Therefore its not a 'confusing' use , its an illegal one
And by removing the operator which has no real use other than a microscopic reduction in verbosity, you remove a retard using the operator in that way.
It is absolutely not undefined behavior. It's confusing behavior, which is why it was removed. What the fuck is wrong with you? The absolute state of Jow Forums
Are you retarded? The watch has nothing to do with "being openly" homosexual. The watch is openly displaying a gay political symbol, so yes, it's homosexual propaganda and Apple could get their ass broken by a Russian court.
>more buttons = more better
Here you go bro
it IS undefined behavior in C, you retard
>being gay is political
Who cares about C? It was removed in Swift. Because such behavior is not undefined and is undesirable.
It's a mental illness but he is talking about the symbol
then what is the result in swift for f(++x, x++)?
It's not that you don't understand, it's just that you don't want to understand. His explanation was simple and clear; it's Russian law.
Don't worry mactoddler, one day you'll grow out of your fruity toddler toys.
x = 1
f(2, 2)
x == 3
This proves that the operator is confusing for what it does. Therefore it got removed. It's as easy as that. The fact that C style loops are deprecated too means that the only legitimate use for ++ is
>++x instead of x += 1
and the decrease in verbosity wasn't deemed worthy of keeping the operator
Where can I get the rest of the code?
>Russians think gay is a choice and all gays are pedos
I don't think it has to do whether homosexuality is a choice or not, they simply don't like LGBT propaganda. And as homosexual myself I completely agree. Sexuality is a personal private thing, it shouldn't be something you're proud of.
Just take a look at the pure degeneracy of gay parades in the west. It's disgusting. Not every homosexual is a degenerate, there are decent people among us.
Could be due to intravenous drug use.
Now, that is a very well-though desicion. Not only wearing lgbt symbolics are prohibited by the law, most people in russia hate gays too. You can easily get in trouble for having such a thing on your wrist. Probably even end up severely injured.
Yeah, because it's not like you can get HIV after heterosexual sex, after sharing a shot, after being breastfed by your mother, or even after touching infected blood with a small wound. Only because of homosexual sex.
All homosexuality is degenerate. However, if you are a degenerate in private I don't give a shit
It's disassembler generated code
>Sexuality is a personal private thing, it shouldn't be something you're proud of.
Are you OK with not being able to hold hands, kiss, or otherwise act like a couple in public, while others can?
Unironically based and redpilled. God's wet dream
Not him but I'd support banning intimate kissing in public. A quick peck goodbye or whatever can be brushed aside as culture but if you're seriously kissing someone when others can see you're a degenerate.
>get pulled over by police
>check apple watch to see if you're going to be late
>Appjeet software glitches out
>starts to bootloop
>shows LGBT pride logo on boot because it was downloaded against your will onto your proprietary device
>it starts blaring "It's A Gay Man's World" by josh reimer
>immediately taken into custody
>get interrogated by KGB for spreading gay propaganda
>sent to the gulag
>all the other gays were sent here as well
>become their bitch boy and take it up the ass daily
>family disavows ever knowing me
A sane compiler will warn you about you being retarded.
/tmp/tmp.4V17akiAuJ> cat faggot.c
void faggot(int a, int b) {
printf("faggot(%d, %d)\n", a, b);
int main() {
int a = 5;
int b = a - ++a;
printf("a: %d, b: %d\n", a, b);
faggot(++a, a++);
return 0;
/tmp/tmp.4V17akiAuJ> gcc -o faggot -Wall -Wextra -pedantic --std=gnu99 faggot.c
faggot.c: In function ‘main’:
faggot.c:11:14: warning: operation on ‘a’ may be undefined [-Wsequence-point]
int b = a - ++a;
faggot.c:13:15: warning: operation on ‘a’ may be undefined [-Wsequence-point]
faggot(++a, a++);
>while others can?
I'm okay with holding hands at most, kissing and everything else is disrespectful for others. This includes heterosexual, not just homosexuals.
Also this I'm sorry you have that view of homosexuals. But I don't blame you. I'm pretty conservative myself. I don't like the fact that I am homosexual but I don't hate myself, just live with it. As I said not all homosexuals are degenerates. Some of us are good not-promiscuous people looking for a significant other to have a fulfilling life while respecting others in the process.
>apple users
it's not that homosexuality is disgusting.. any display of sexuality in public is disgusting.
I hate seeing awkward sex scenes in movie, no matter who is fucking what. I hate seeing people kiss in public, it's just disgusting. the loosening of society's norms on what is considered private and what is considered okay in public has swayed way too far.
you wouldn't want to see some hairy fat fuck being belly-rubbed by a whale female in public
it's not "backwards thinking" to consider that showing cleavage or your thighs in public to be indecent. fuck I hate people
>I hate seeing people kiss in public, it's just disgusting
It makes me want to kill myself since it's reminds me of how lonely I am. At least I'm not the only one.
Where's the lie?
Raced and bedpilled
Homosexuality undermines the nation-state and most homosexuals are pederasts.
I absolutely hate seeing people kissing in public, exchanging bodily fluids should be done in private.