Anonymouse imageboards will be the next trendy social media platform. Maybe not Jow Forums but something similar.
You heard it here first.
Anonymouse imageboards will be the next trendy social media platform. Maybe not Jow Forums but something similar.
You heard it here first.
nope. anomolous imageboards have already peeked and then went downhill.
Krautchan: DEAD
hispachan: DEAD
Shall i continue ?
They will be illegal within a decade
Yes it will, but it will be heavily censored and left leaning politics-centric. Tripfagging will still be prevalent, and maybe even more prevalent, so that people can shill their brand.
I thought krautchan moved to kohlchan?
Not unless someone figures out how to make money off of them. Not many brands want to be associated with a site where every other utterance is "nigger" or "fag"
It's PEAKED ya muppet
get a load of this guy
There are many ways desu.
Adsense dont like fake clicks and shitty content, so they dont like such sites.
But affiliates only care about conversions. Clicks are often meaningless to them, decreasing the chance of abuse.
And even without affiliates you could set up your own webshop. In the case of Jow Forums you could set up a webshop for each board as you already know what the interests of the visitors are.
Besides that you also have the Jow Forums gold accounts.
Owning a Jow Forums gold account lets you use the pretty anime avatars.
its always been like that you nigger faggot
It's not illegal if you don't get caught.
>will be
But you will...
Hiro got slapped for tax evasion of 100mil yen (1mil usd) for 2ch like over a decade ago