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I don't encrypt my drives.
Should I?
gabu > satania
I tell people I am a hacker even though I use Windows and use rudimentary technical terms to wow my brainlet friends.
shit meme
i now more about linux but use win10 anyhow
I only use vim for minor edits, anything more and I switch to a gui based editor.
I don't know a thing about Linux but still talk about it to my friends all the time.
Though not a sin, Jesus always encrypted his drives and advises you to do the same.
I only took up computer science because it's the only thing I know how to do remotely decently other than make pizza from scratch
Im 24 going 25 in two months and I feel like it's too late to change degrees or else ill be even more of a loser
At least I can play video games well
penguins lol
My son, your choices have led you to a dark, dark place. However, the Lord's mercy shines through your monitor. Go to a trade school or some shit for a year and make money. Also an Our Father.
I once forgot to close a VNC port to a clients windows server and when someone shut it down I blamed something else after their downtime.
I tell my boss we are compiling our own SO/Distro, in fact, im using Yocto to generate a Linux SO for an embeded device
I'm the best """"""""programmer"""""" at my job and am know for it, yet I don't know a single general case programming language (besides shell script). This is only the case because people come to me to solve programming problems in R and see me using git, latex, emacs and various linux distros. There, I said it.
>Trade school
That's a good joke
i don't believe in personal hygiene
I don't really mind systemd. systemctl status (whatever) and journalctl are convenient, and the one time I've cared about service startup order, it was easy to override units and force them to start in the order I wanted. I don't believe any of the conspiracy theories about it.
Also I watched Love Live because of Makiposting and enjoyed it. Same with Yuru Yuri and the "Jow Forums-chan, daisuki~" threads. No regrets.
I don't use vim for anything. I've used Linux for ten years and I still use nano whenever I need to view or edit any sort of configuration file. Basically because I can't be bothered to do anything different.
I encrypt my laptop but I never bothered with my desktop or server, since they're on all the time anyway, and disk encryption only really protects you against anything when the machine is powered down.
i'm more intelligent than most people on Jow Forums even though i'm a brainlet
yes goyim, go to trade school for 2 years and earn the same amount of money
I often shitpost, then close the thread so I never see the (you)s.
I broke a thinkpad with a hammer once by mistake.
i'm openly Cnile. i also don't know how to use either vim or emacs, i prefer joe since i'm a brainlet but i kinda want to learn vim simply because of all the support it has
oh also i came on my laptop once effectively bricking it forever
lol same
I work in cyber security and I don't know shit.
i use winblows because of gayems
...and I like using it.
Every I've had has been a cobbled together cluster. I'm such a low life I don't even have a pc case, and never have. From my poorfag teen years when I bought a laptop motherboard, the best Apu that it supported and X2 rgb ddr 3 204 dimms threw it all together soldered some random wires I had laying around to the on pin and ground, and used some generic AC adapter that had 19v output (I also soldered that on directly to the motherboard) as a PSU. Worst of all I stuck some nails in a price of wood and covered the tops in hot glue, I then proceeded to glue the motherboard on, using the nails as standoffs. And with that, as I was a poorfag I used my 720p tv as a monitor.
Even to this day I cobble together shit, it's not that I'm a cheap ass, I just spent $1600 on two RX Vega gpus right before the price drop Fuckme.jpg, I'm just a low life, a high tech one at that. Even my current rigs/workstations/servers are parts hacked together cobbled strewn all over the place from deprecated dual socket c32 poweredge nodes (running outside the chassis) to my personal rig and opteron 6276 server. It's all cobbled together no cases, hacket together power supplies...
*Tablet poster, hence the errors from autocorrect.
I said I would be right over to fix the "printer issue"
I spent another 20 minutes watching forgotten weapons before walking upstairs and loading paper in the printer for that dumb bitch who has no fucking idea how to use a computer.
I sure hope you're reselling that, and bought it for the headphones.
It's ok user, I'm a gaymer too.
There's a special level in hell for you!
I wore this to work once
I've charged people to replace their drives and actually put in shitty old ones I had lying around instead of buying new ones for them.
I'm home sick and going through my gf's computer.
I’m not a pro in him but I know enough commands etc. to be nearly as productive as I am in a GUI. I need to learn emacs tho
I'll pray for your soul.
I am using an i5 2400
I desperately search for excuses to upgrade my R9 270X
I am a pajeet posting this from my budget Samsung Galaxy J2
nothing wrong with budget phones though
t. poorfag
I can't triforce
I'm not embarrassed or regretful about anything I do that's tech-related.
I installed Windows 10 Pro on my old laptop a few days ago.
T. Phone-of-the-year consumerist cattle
I openly support and write FOSS but I'm too lazy and scared about flashing my phone to remove the stock ROM
I unironically dislike RMS. I don't have any love for Linus either but I do respect him.
I have non-free repo enabled in most of my Debian installs
Hey, that's everyone in Jow Forums
I hate Western Digital, Intel, and Corsair
fucking newfag
#lang racket/base
(require 2htdp/image)
(let sierpinski ([n 8])
(if (zero? n)
(triangle 2 'solid 'red)
(let ([t (sierpinski (sub1 n))])
(freeze (above t (beside t t))))))
If you know vim commands, you can install Evil-mode (follow instructions at
I don't use Vim or Evil, but I've seen some say that Emacs is the best Vim implementation because of it.
I still haven't installed Libreboot on my T400.
holy shit that's revolting
I actually use gimp
My thinkpad's wifi hotspot is called 'ITSOKAYTOBEWHITE' when my cellular connection is active.
Am I a bad person?
I upgraded my pc 3 times this month, just to buy a new GPU, CPU and motherboard now.
I want to buy a Raspberry Pi so I can put together a modular laptop and break out of this x86 hell. The rpi people are completely despicable and the board has blobs out the ass, but all of the DIY and pre-made kits are only for Raspberry Pi, and everything else wouldn't be compatible due to physical differences.
Forgive me father I just want a something resembling a good arm laptop.
▲ ▲
I'm trying to get Android x86 to work on a Sony Vaio Duo 13 for the memes, but so far it's been impossible to boot into anything that isn't Windows even after turning off security in BIOS. Kind of at a loss here. I've been running live usbs of Android on every computer I own, I'm kind of obsessed.
I don't think Linux is ideal for personal computing.
>break out of x86 hell
>into the even worse ARM hell
Get something RISCv
Hey making pizza is quite a unique skill that not many people have
stop using wingblows
I'm significantly more interested in the damn thing being modular, so I don't have to fight with ebay and chink shits for replacement parts, than I am with it being specifically ARM. But I refuse to believe that ARM is somehow worse than x86, nothing could possibly be worse than this tangled web of bullshit and backdoors that Intel has woven over the course of 30 years. Not to mention RISC-V is only an answer if you have a billion dollars to spend on it. Those High-V kits or whatever they were called are worth a fortune.
I hoard Jow Forums images. I download 2GB per day on average. I don't have the time to sort through them. I have only 170GB free left on my HDD. I just can't stop.
>I get paid a 6 figure salary and only do 1 hour of work a day
>in a low cost city
>as a software engineer
I live in fear of being fired but I only get praise. Anyone else in this boat?
On Clover.
I would love this
What you say bitch
It's a comfy life for sure but it's stressful trying to do the least amount of work possible while still getting paid a lot. I'm not gonna work hard for no reason like a cuck, but I don't wanna lose my comfy job. And to be honest there are days where I work 7 or 8 hours trying to fix some bug and make zero progress and feel awful about myself. It's not actually 1 hour days all the time. Well maybe it is if you work for the government.
i like C# and Windows and think linux sucks for anything other than tinkering
In the same boat as you user, but I only make 62k instead of 100+. Work from home fridays, only do about an hour of work a day at the office, work from 8-3, do an hour at the work gym from 1-2. It's cushy but very boring and, as you said, oddly stressful appearing busy while actually doing nothing.
Just this last week my boss had a 1:1 on me, and for some reason I figured he was going to lay into me for slacking off. Instead he piles on praise for how much "I've been doing" and has to reiterate how much he appreciates what I do. I mean, it's a good problem to have, but it's also fucking weird.
Glad to hear I'm not the only one... For reference, I've been working for 4 years in web backend Java. I started out making 45k, and have had 5 different jobs since then, each time exaggerating about my previous salary to get a raise.
I'm getting tired of the whole thing and I feel like I can escape soon working with smart investments and side projects. I hear some devs live on the bare minimum and save the rest in order to retire early. Is our field just that bad that people want to retire? It seems like the perfect comfy job, but it turns out to be very stressful.
I have a great job as a system programmer at a mid sized firm, and do it well even though I barely remember most of the theory for Univ like sorting algorithms, big oh notation, complexity analysis, etc
I feel inferior to our intern who's know this stuff well
My girlfriend came out as a flat earther.
I don't even know where what to say to her.
I own a soldering iron and know how to use it. But when I splice wires on the fans in my PCs, I don't, nor do I do proper heatshrinking. I just strip the wires, twist them together, and mummify the result in electrical tape.
Father, I have pinned. I'm sorry, I was weak.
Vim is best for hand hacking anyways. Big shit you should use emacs though.
that actually souds cyberpunk as fuck. pics?
i only look at /sqt/ because of the op pic
I'm unemployed
leave her immediately
>be 12
>be horny kid
>fill the shower with water
>get naked
>get inside and crouch
>take my phone
>try to masturbate while recording myself with my phone
>phone dies
>oh fuck
>continue taking shower
>get out
>get clothed
>look for a issue of a magazine
>find instructions how to fix wet phone
>follow it step by step
>finally fix it
>phone gets dry
>turn it on
>it werks
I actually tried to record a shower porno, but my phone got filled with water and died.
i actually really like windows
I can't decide who's hotter: iJustine or SexyCyborg
Putting together my own laptop has always seemed like a really cool idea.
You could take an old thinkpad chassis, for example, and stick a Pi or something very efficient in there. Fill the extra space with more batteries, and you could probably achieve some insane battery life.
Or like the guts of a powerful Android phone, I wonder how much power they use.
i only know how o build a smooth/fast PC but got no idea how to even install Windows, never touched Linux or else in my Life.
programming is like witchcraft to me
I'm still using Windows 10
I saw that command encoded in base 64 in the 'best of Jow Forums' thread just before going to sleep, typed half of it just to discover it was 'rm -rf $HOME', believed I had actually executed it, freaked out and spent the next 2 hours trying to rescue a backup from another HD. Turned out it was 2 months old and couldn't even copy it to my HD. I gave up and rebooted to see what was left of my system, only to discover it was intact.
Never type anything Jow Forums posts.
I'm being tested brothers. I'm anxious about using Ubuntu for the first time for gaymes. I'm worried I'll puss out and pirate 7
Don't do it
When I used Linux, I frequently distro hop and I focus on cosmetics. The freedom you get on Linux is nice but it's just too time consuming.
You could just do "ls $HOME" to see that it is intact.
You are the master of faggots. You are what Ralph massarcres in the red dragon movie.
At Kroger/Walmart self checkout, I'll take two items and scan them as one to get free stuff. Works pretty good if it's light enough to not set the weight sensor off.
you can just stop focusing on distro hopping and aesthetics you know