
Why arent windows users using this editor?

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I use ubuntu and my default editor is atom. it's very optimizable. is notepad++ any good?

but i am

yeah, its the one editor that actually does its job right and itsnt bloated to the core, for ubuntu, look at vim or geany, those are decent enough

Because I'm using either Brackets, Jetbrain IDE or plain notepad

plain notepad, people actually use this?

Visual Studio 2017 is unironically what I edit text on

It was literally the go to editor before things like atom and vs code tricked people into bloated meme editors

I use it.

Mostly because I like the search (and replace) function. And the themes. I have the poop colored theme with golden letters.

I think the theme is called hot fudge sundae.

Not the person you're responding to, but to make sure I didnt play video games all summer I used a cheap netbook to learn Perl back in 2013 or so. I made sure to not leave myself with hardware capable of playing anything too interesting, and ended up learning a lot.

I had a digital copy of an off-brand book, and didn't want to spend 5+ min waiting for an IDE to load up so I just did everything using notepad. Was it painful? Not really, it just forces you to learn the syntax and error messages more than one would enjoy normally.

To be honest if I had used a proper IDE all that it would've done is make the code easier to read. By the end I had built a simpsons-rule function to do integrals from scratch just to get extra credit for a calc class I was taking.

Can't say I learned regex enough to confidently say I know Perl, but getting into the practice of focusing on a task like I did has helped me in life.

To this day I still use notepad to write bat files and whatnot, but notepad++ for python and other scripts.

You can call me a hipster but I'm not a programmer by profession so I kinda don't care.

no it's outdated shit, don't listen to Jow Forums autism. atom is good

> t. he doesn't run Notepad++ using WINE like a fine patrician would

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Get Notepadqq if you are on Linux

i dont use sjwware

editpad lite fits my needs better, or just use vi

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>*gives money to ugandan apes*

Wasn't this thing compromised by the NSA once.

Had to look into this. Fucking Jow Forums ruins yet another thing for me.

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Just use nano instead.

they sound like a pissy little bitch

Pure shitposting.

im tho

i see a based terry poster is already on the scene

>le programmer memes
jesus christ what cancer.


I love it its great

T windows server 2012 and win 10 fag

i hate how it looks on windows. and apparently the creator is a cunt too

Fuck that frog shit

>here's microsoftshit instead!

got any other suggestions?

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Sounds pretty based to me, I'll be using it from now on

Hi Brendan!

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Use it all the time at the office. Personally, I prefer Emacs.

GNU Emacs

Because Sublime Text is better. And I only use that for HTML/JS. You should be using Vim.

sorry i need VS, PS and LR pretty badly.

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It's free software, it's not like you're paying for his livelihood anyway. It's perfect for what it is and that's all that really matters.

>it's not like you're paying for his livelihood anyway

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The dev also tried to be edgy by adding a Free Tibet banner to the website during 2008 Beijing Olympics. It got Sourceforge as a whole banned in China.

Because gvim is available for Windows. GNU Emacs is too, for people who prefer that.

You do understand that you can choose to not give him money, right?

>just take something without paying

Attached: dunce34.jpg (1000x1000, 71K)

As you can clearly see by following the link you posted, donation, and thus materially supporting the developer, is entirely voluntary. Use of the software is not contingent upon this support. Posting retard wojak does not somehow win an argument, or make a point. (You) braindead faggot.

That's why it's free software you brainlet

>using someone's labor without recompense is OK

Attached: dunce12.jpg (750x1000, 49K)

It amuses me to no end how butthurt and grumpy people here get about sjw bullshit. And then everyone has to burn their free software nikes like they're proving something.

>someone labors to create software
>you can download it freely
>it's free software dummy!

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That's the dumbest shit I've ever read, dude. You could have used vim with syntax highlighting and other helpful things. Even with all that it would be more lightweight than notepad, and you'd be 10 times more efficient. Using notepad to program is never a good choice. You wasted your time.

Ah yes, I'm sure you donate to the developers of literally everything you've downloaded without paying for.

Some of us have principles. You should try living with honour sometime.

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Stop roleplaying, you're not impressing anyone

vim is better
yeah, there are ports.

I can't wait until you bernie bro NEETS get the rope. You pay a man for a honest days labour, nothing complicated about it.

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I am. Its great, very lightweight.

But they are?


Okay boss, how much on average do you donate to developers that willingly distribute the fruits of their labor without cost? You must be quite the saint.

well thats disappointing

long live emacs

$1 a megabyte

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I'll be sure to package my next project with Electron.

Fantastic, I'm glad that you're so affluent as to spend literally thousands of dollars on an operating system image. Please feel free to exit your NEET fantasy created for the sake of a Jow Forums argument and join us here in the real world at any time.

notepad++ is a shit notepad.exe replacement and there are way better editors for programming.

You make a lot of assumptions about my choices in "free" software friend. I'm sure you've already been told that this is an 18+ website, right?

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Such as?

Lmao if you don't use 010 editor ityool 2018

Who says the whole purpose of an text editor is programming?

Notepad++ excels at working with config files and sysadmin task on Windows at least.

Sublime is better.


poop and basepilled

It's Boomer Tech, Visual Studio this thing now.

I cringed hard. What can I use to edit texts on windows now?

I can understand in 2016, but are you seriously still a Trump supporter in 2017+?

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Name another viable candidate from any party who will resist the globalist agenda.

Because vim for the win!

What's wrong with the globalist agenda?

Because I use VS Code.

I am. Not for everything, but I do frequently use it.

I use N++ for .txt files, but VSCode for anything else.

>resisting globalist agenda
LMAO. He's a devouted cocksucker for Israel

Because it's literally babbie's first text editor for people who don't know better alternatives

numerical integration by simpsons rule?
isnt that doable in like a few lines of code?

Hey, isn't that Timmy Thicc?

this. I'm fine with conservative politics, but trump is clearly failed this first year. He did absolutely jack shit, he is unpopular and hated by both parties. He only become popular because contreary millennials and straight up buthurt rednecks who thinks anyone who rich/powerful is a fucking evil satanist in the first place. It's the same shit as libtards "white privilege" bullshit. Fuck burger politics, its so fucking stupid.

because i'm using gvim which is much better

Yup, its a notepad replacement hence the name, notepad++... Are you being retarded on purpose? You bring nothing to the discussion.

Because Sublime is 100x better

Developer is a leftypoltard chink cuck.

I use Kate for small time edits and Sublime Text otherwise

Because Sublime Text is cleaner and has better implementation of regular expressions

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I`ve been using Geany in Windows and Linux and it`s pretty good. Simple, lightweight, support for many languages, nice tools and plugins.

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Based Kate user user

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Absolutely based. Installing Notepad++ rn

because I use emacs

wtf this shit, gonna install sublime now