Other urls found in this thread:
>File:Sissy in schoolgirl uniform gets anally fisted.jpg
God damn, this is a lot of porn. I guess it will do if your school blocked access to everything except Wikipedia.
>The Mystery of the Druids Coverart.jpg no longer on the list
Why... Is this here?
Good find.
tried looking at this page to divine a purpose, but it didn't really help
Why does this exist
people get offended by benis images
fucking kek
Did you somehow miss the first paragraph of the talk page? It's an image blacklist. Those images can't be posted to any page, with some exceptions.
Fucking tragic
wait a min. You're telling me that all banned images are still viewable? wtf
>wikipedia deemed pic related so disgusting as to list in on a special page for dick picks and porn
Wouldn't it be easier to just store a checksum of the banned images?
it aint even that bad. There are worse hanging pics out there
Those image cannot be displayed inline in any article except for a few "special exceptions" (no idea which those are), they're not banned
I concur
>changes 1 bit in the image
>bypasses filter as if nothing happened
great idea dumbass
>thread in a nutshell
>A male fingering female's clitoris.jpg
>Reason for the nomination:It is said: "A male is fingering female's (age 30) clitoris." It is possible that the girl is a kid, and the picture could be child pornography. Moreover the file is not used in Wikipedia
Translated it
>Excretion during diarrhea is often difficult to control. It is my own work
Lmao why don't they just remove them from wikimedia and ban the checksum?
>no header redirect
>non-based libtards mad at penis
>anal fist.jpg
wikipedia trolls epic style B)
Surely that would happen anyway.