BASED Elon is obviously just trying to tank the stock so he can do the buyback he wanted for cheap.
>I don't approve of people I don't know doing something I don't like but if I just come out and say it people will tell me to fuck off so instead I'll tell this "joke" in a transparent attempt to associate them with an unfavorable stereotype and communicate my disdain for their activities
I'll come out and say it for him: weed junkies are brainlets.
Then they're in good company of the freetards and men who need to wear girl's clothing to soothe their constant suicidal urges
Can't argue with that.
Why should it tank the stock? Clearly that shit made him smart.
I guess selling vaporware to plebbitors is smart in a sense, but I just can't bring myself to consider it as such.
oddly specific
But pretty accurate.
>it's fucking real
Maybe I should start watching normalfag news again. Their world finally seems to be on the verge of falling apart.
Success is by no means a measure of intelligence. Playing a stupid game well doesn't make you smart.
This is so common in the tech industry. Silicon valley is all over weed and microdosing shit like shrooms and lsd. It's an open secret; why and how are people surprised by this?
It's obvious he's not an intelligent man, but you have to admit that targeting the "i fucking love science" plebbitor demographic is the smart thing to do today.
The only thing they should be targeted with is a fucking thermobaric rocket.
For a better world, sure. In the meantime sell them pictures of colorized nebulae and retire to the bahamas.
>people are still this antiweed
Don't even smoke and not even a teenager but what the fuck is wrong with society.
He's definitely smart, but it's like all of his knowledge of AI comes from watching movies
in 10-20 years when they all die no one will care about weed
No one cares now.
are you retarded or smething? read the fucking thread, its obvious that old farts still care
why else did the stocks go down'
Notice how Elon avoided the privacy question. That's because Tesla cars all collect "telemetry" and other data including GPS, with no way to opt out. You pay for these cars and you're essentially paying for glorified botnet and to be spied on. Elon is not /outguy/.
Weed is soma. Never read Brave New World, kiddo?
I blame /mu/'s talentless hack of a mascot for this
>why else did the stocks go down'
Musk's vaporware companies have been headed towards the cliff for a long time. The guy himself is getting more and more erratic and confused. It's not about weed per se, it's about Musk's mental illnesses.
this, also
>Jow Forums - Ganja
The time to make a better world is now. The present time, like every other, is perfectly good if we do what needs to be done.
Not today, I'm a bit under the weather.
>It's obvious he's not an intelligent man
t. took an iq test once
it's laughable seeing literal kids who think they're smart talking about someone like musk
>Not an asian gf
What a fucking loser
Go to bed Musk, you're stoned.
This guy gets it.
OP says blunt. Youtube comment says joint. Possible false flag?
Word. Something cant be quite right with Musk.
wtf i live tesla now
I would really like Scala to throw a compile warning when I use any "catch all" (case _ => ...) case when pattern matching, unless I specifically write it like (for example nowarning case _ => ...)
Catch-all statements can be unsafe and there's nothing telling you where you've used them
No, but might have to pick it up
I don't know why I thought this post was so fucking hilarious
I didn't mean to post this here
He's going to literally be arrested for securities fraud, isn't he?
>asian gf
He's not an incel in the US
Reminder Kpop General isn't really /mu/ and Carly Rae is the one and only /mu/ waifu
He didn't even inhale
What a fraud
>Elon has a qt goth gf
Maybe he's doing somehting right
Can you explain why people, and particularly CEOs even care about him smoking weed (lmao) with Joe Rogan?
This. All gnu/linux community eat lsd and smoke weed everyday. Also stallman eat food.
>not knowing the difference between a joint and a blunt
>qt goth gf
You don't know who she is, do you?
meanwhile, in my country crops are fumigated with glyphosate, following orders from america
water and food is poisoned, farmers are bankrrupted, and people are sentenced to a life in prison in order to produce that blunt
I only know she's some weird musician, but really outside my neck of the woods so no clue besides that. Am I missing something big?
uhh... why would the U.S. be able to order that and for what purpose?
>I like her songs. The song Oblivion is about Sexual Assault! Apparently it occurred in Montreal and she was targeted by a black man who asaluted her and infected with herpes. She later found out that she was pregnant from the assault. Also, she had an abortion as a result of being asasaulted , yet she went on to write "Oblivion", a song she calls a "lighthearted take" on her being assltted. The lyrics in part of the song say: "girl you gotta watch your health". That part is a plea to girls to get on birth control before they start living a life of wearing skimpy clothing around downtown on a dark night and get raped so they won't have to have abortions like Claire did. They could not get pregnant in the first place. I wonder if she will ever write Oblivion 2 about how she aborted her rape baby. Maybe something like "girl you know you got have your unborn child killed and his corpse disposed of."
All my weed comes from America, gustavo
You just don't get her autistic vibes.
This. How the fuck is anybody still trafficking weed to the USA? For what fucking purpose?
>what in the hell
how is it soma. if anything SSRIs are soma.
All of them is ugly or retarded.
My point exactly.
> it's about Musk's mental illnesses.
Maybe he doesnt care about the stock price.
>be Musk
>wear an occupy shirt
Still better than normalfags.
Are you sure this isn't just some cucks from /mu/ headcannon of how it went
That's pretty low if true. He's got lots of people working for him and lots of customers invested in his stuff long term.
gonna go on a limb and say Elon is a tad more successful than you though...
Race mixing scum. Anyone who is white and goes for an Asian woman is usually a söybōy or a loser.
>Grimes looking around no one to relate with
Tesla 420 confirmed.
So is Bill Gates
>Also stallman eat food.
What did xer mean by this?
Who said I'm white? I'm a fucking mongol
stocks been falling pretty steady for at least a month, not sure if it's because of yesterday...
its all on purpose right?
LSD? More like modafinil.
Sending a car into Mars orbit and not being able to smoke weed properly. Holy schmoly.
It's fake
my boy is just living out chere
No it's not, brainlet
Pothead faggot
>tesla stock has been going down for over a month
>elon musk smokes weed yesterday and people think it's down because of that
keep seething about it
Hope you OD next time you inject
say what you will about the elon or his companies but this man produces quality entertainment
that's elon? why does he looks so terrible?
It's his "Occupy Mars" Tshirt you dumb fuck
>calling others a brainlet
The irony
You must be one of those fat alt-righters
sierra nevada is still better than any american shit
Ambien and Alcohol is ok though.
He was in California, where it's legal. Nothing wrong with that. No different to doing it in Amsterdam.
Not that it should be illegal anywhere, but I hope you get my point.
>No one cares now
tell that to conservatives
>Not that it should be illegal anywhere
Shouldn't this be up to the people of any given sovereign area?
>current state of /mu/
You seem like the gay boy worrying about what other people put into their bodies.
You too much of a brainlet you can't sacrifice a few IQ pts and hit a joint?
Go OD on your next injection bro
Git filled by your next injection bro
>cucks from /mu/ headcannon
That's because it is.