Why is it America or Russia?
Education system?
What country has the best hackers / programmers?
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Why is that?
Go to they'll tell you everything you need to know about (((them)))
*hacker voice* i'm in
because they don't have to hack anything they already have information to access everything.
From a computer science perspective specifically the US has a pretty great record
>best hackers
Tough call. Some countries have a lot of them (China) but ultimately lack quality. Some are shit but get the ropes because most hackers false flag them ( Russia). Some are good but are inherently obscured by the amount of shitty ones ( America. It depends. Ask any person ( and by that I mean no normal fags) and they will give you a different answer.
>best programmers
America. All the other nations follow the poo philosophy so yeah. China especifically follows the poo philosophy AND steals a lot of shit from other countries. My advice to all tech CEOs is to not hire cheap chinese coders or even chinese at all because of the amount of patents they steal even from major companies every. single. fucking. year.
In relation to programmers again, europeans are not better, by which I mean they always get fucked by the EU on the business side. They are however, more capable on average than most american coders but can never grow too much because of where they are.
What is the poo philosophy? youtube videos or something?
Hire a gorillion underpaid monkeys in the hopes of finishing a job, by the means of violating labor regulations within countries where fiscalization is too lax. As we speak, there is a team of 1000 pajeets in a warehouse writing code in a warehouse in Delhi for 2 bucks an hour at the rate of 3 characters per second. Said code is roughly 70% useless and will have to be redone.
When McKinnon was arrested for breaking into US military computers and NASA, he claimed he wasn't the only one in there and that there were IP ranges from Russia and China in there with him as well.
This was the early 2000s. Several years later the Chinks were beginning trials of new stealth jets that closely resembled American designs. Because they probably were, along with American technology.
American security is woefully incompetent. They've been hacked repeatedly over the years and rather than fix the problem they threaten to put the perpetrators into Guantanamo for decades. Like the Chinks or Ruskies are going to hand their own over to the Americans. The only people handed over are allied civilians. The only reason McKinnon wasn't is he's autistic.
poo in loo cow worshipper. your country is a shithole and always will be #superpooper2020
Thanks to Canadians, Europeans and Asians. Based Trump will end this shit.
Designated shitting streets. Nuff said.
Israel (USA) has the biggest tech R&D environment in the modern world.
Yeah of course hackers are actually fuckboys that do online quizzes
In terms of quality? America/Israel.
In terms of quantity? India or China.
Both are deadly in their own ways.
I would say French.
Russia/North Korea have the best hackers
Computer Science Research:
- Americans, they are undefeated in 70s-90s, they literally made CS
- China, 21st century (most American CS researchers are going to China because of murica's lack of funding)
Code Monkeys: Any developing countries. (They lack creativity and perspective, but they adapt fast.)
cybersecurity/SEO/bot-accounts/spamming: Russia.
a lot of crazy people here, all hackers are nuts in some way.
as an anglo seeing pictures of slav countries always surprises me just on how similar we really are
Solving known problems: Russia & China
Solving unknown problems: America
fuck off anglo
Immigrant americans. Pure american people are kind of dumb desu.
>cheeeki@breeki: ~./makeTrumpPresident.py
Sure thing.
пoшoл нaхyй
Ah, the French
based and redpilled
Patents are a recipe for extreme capitalism and aught to be scrapped
it is the opposite oop, so functional programming
India doesn't have computer literate people. They have people that know how to exploit and scam old people and children.
Indians are some of the dumbest fucks on planet earth.