Defend your technology using only bible verses.
Defend your technology using only bible verses
>Leviticus 18:22 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24
تثبيت جنتو
Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" "Legion," he replied, because many demons had gone into him.
What is a good normal bible translation to read? I'd like to read it but there's dozens to choose from.
[31] And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.
there are a bunch of Bible translation "comparison" sites like this:
Check random verses to see which translation sounds better for you and read that. In content they should be identical.
King James. It's a bit confusing at first but eventually you'll begin to understand it (ask God for help) and you'll be glad to read the closest-to-the-source bible, prior to which it gets too incomprehensible and latin-y.
>You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
Book of Revelations, 3:17
>The agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes. During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.
Book of Revelations, 9:5
>It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
Book of Revelations, 13:16
>Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant.
Book of Revelations, 11:19
ESV, KJV used a bad copy of the bible.
"It just werks." Linus 66:6
Except if your entire sect of Christianity depends on the exact wording of a verse that allows you after a series of mental backflips to claim the the Bible supports your preheld and self convenient beliefs. IE 99.9999999999% of Christian sects.
>But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
Romans 8:25
Pls steam on lynnucks
What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?
- James 4:1
And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?”
- Mathew 8:27
windows user to linux user
Kings 14:9
"You have done more evil than all who lived before you. You have made for yourself other gods, idols made of metal; you have aroused my anger and turned your back on me."
English Standard Version or King James are the way to go. ESV is in simpler English but still orthodox, while KJV is just the raw original book in older English.
I have an archaeological study Bible in ESV that’s dope as fuck and actually has articles on tangible practical evidence for each event and miracle alongside the original scripture.
Catholics literally compiled/released the bible and don't follow it literally! Specially the old testament.
But ofc proteststant pick up translations and follow it literally.
Just another reminder: the bible is a compilation of books written centuries apart in different languages. You will never know what an autor of a paticular bible book meant in a verse. Sometimes meaning is lost in text on your current language, now imaginlanguageg the correct meaning from a dead autor in a dead language.
Everyone taking the bible literally and spending years finding the right translation are retards. Uou should check different translations but you will never find the correct meaning.
>When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.
>As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”
>Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”
>“We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.
>“Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.
Matthew 14:13-21 NIV
Was the creation of Windows 10 a sin?
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Ironically Linus looks like someone who'd be happy using Windows
Blessed are the meek:
for they shall inherit the earth.
Matthew 5:5
There are several versions of the King James Version. There is a new KJV (literally called NKJV) that keeps the poetry style but is modernized. Normal KJV Bible's use words like "thee, thou, shalt" etc. It hasn't aged well by our standard for talking but is poetic.
For an extremely accurate translation I'd recommend ESV like everyone else is saying or Holman Christian Standard Bible. The HCSB is just like the ESV but not as popular because it focuses on Calvinism a little more than the other.
Inaccurate, false, and even flat out wrong standards include The Message and sometimes the NIV. Both of those translations are so far gone that the original meaning is often lost, essentially they wrote a new bible and called it God's Word.
P.S. NKJV is still accurate it just cuts it close sometimes due to the poetic nature of the translation.
He who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty; and he who forsakes upgrading to Windows 10 withholds his bank records from Microsoft.
>He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. - John 3:18
>He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. - John 3:36
Posting the videos that helped make me a Bible-believing Christian, which is the only way to get to heaven: the belief that Jesus, the son of God, died and was resurrected again after three days for not only my transgressions, but the transgressions of everyone who has ever lived.
>Why all believers need to use the King James Bible, as new age versions like the NIV, NKJV, ESV, etc. have been strategically altered and corrupted (especially when elites have stated part of their goal since the 50's as being making changes to the bible that are small, barely-noticeable ones that will help form a one-world religion for the antichrist):
>Check out the lies and fraudulent science used to prop up evolution (especially the hilariously corrupt carbon dating methods), as well as basic elementary flaws in the theory of evolution that even three atheist evolutionist professors can't answer:
There are no contradictions in the KJV Bible:
Blessings to all other Christian Anons.
Evolution is a lie yes, but there is literally nothing wrong NKJV or ESV.
Hit the nail on the head there. If you are interested in the Bible for religious reasons what is being conveyed is pretty close from translation to translation and digging any deeper will put you well below the noise floor of inaccurate literal translation and cultural influence.
now, this is a thread
This is a cozy thread. Tell me anons, why do you believe in Christ?
What exact beliefs do you pertain to? (Calvinist, Catholic, different interpretations of how literal the Bible is or interpretations of Satan, etc.)
Please watch the two video links I provided -- they show you many examples of why that isn't true:
Also, this video covers contradictions found in non-KJVs that aren't in the KJV:
Non-KJVs are based on Wecott and Hort crap and Alexandrian texts (this is explained in the XPXYSjflvOQ YouTube video) which changes key verses and removes hundreds or even thousands of verses from the entire Bible.
You might say that non-KJVs are easier to read, but the KJV has a lower grade level reading score than the others, and many of the non-KJVs replace simple words like tree with words people have never read and can't understand.
Any change or alteration to God's word should be viewed with extreme suspicion. Otherwise, you might as well believe that the faggoty new Bibles that make God gender-neutral are A-OK.
I like the advice of a pastor I follow: "If you want an easy-to-read book, go read Dr. Seuss. The Word of God is something different."
Oops, I meant to say "often equal or not much higher than" in terms of reading level.
Also, don't miss the Dr. Richard Day tapes, discussing, in 1969 (though taped and recalling in the late 80's) the massive changes that would be brought about in the world's society (and that have come to pass since then, such as the rampant promotion of faggotry and sexualization of children) and how the controllers of the world must change small parts of the KJV Bible via new versions in order to bring in a one-world antichrist religion. (And of course, he says, "those who notice won't be enough to matter.":
>Thinking Jesus had long hair when Paul specifically says it's a shame for a man to have long hair and a shame against Christ.
I did not expect this passage to work so well
I'm a catholic
I was raised catholic and I understand most of the logical holes are from human error and whatnot. It answers pretty much all my questions about the world and gives me a sense of comfort, and I see no logical reason for me to abandon it.
I think most of the old testament was passed down orally for generations before being written, so with that, the line between tribal mythology and the world of god is blurred. Yet God is omnipotent and shit, even if people wrote it down wrong, he could fulfill their misprinted prophecies to make a point. The New Testament is much more rock solid though.
God is a non-interventionist, so as to not infringe upon our free will. If I pray that I get a girlfriend, if he made a girl fall in love with me when she wouldn't have normally, he's violating her free will. Most of the miracles performed in the Bible are done to prove a point or something. God is capable of ending human suffering at the flick of a switch, but as Genesis alludes to, we have been given free will instead, and by being responsible with such a gift, in the end we don't have to suffer. But God is mysterious, we can't try to understand everything he does. Think of a little ant in the forest that sees a huge truck go by. The ant is physically incapable of understanding the complexity of what the truck is and how it works. It just sees a large, strange, moving object.
>this thread
How do I go about improving my relationship with Christ if I have trust issues?
What is a good translation and where is a good place to start reading the Bible for a brainlet such as myself?
>Check out the lies and fraudulent science used to prop up evolution (especially the hilariously corrupt carbon dating methods), as well as basic elementary flaws in the theory of evolution that even three atheist evolutionist professors can't answer:
Come on man, I really liked what you were saying and then you came with this.
>taking the letters of paul at face value
>using them as any kind of religious guidance
The new testament should have ended with the gospels. Paul had some good ideas but he is not God, and should not be regarded as any kind of authority. Only that which comes from the words of God himself should be followed.
KJV Bible (not to be confused with NKJV), and if you are unfamiliar with the story of Christ, read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, as they are all renditions of Christ's time on this earth from each author. After that is Acts (stories of the apostles after Christ's death and resurrection), and then Romans, etc. are all letters to various churches and pastors.
Or you can just listen to the audiobook (this is the best one you will find, with great sound effects):
Why? Can you prove anything he said as wrong? None of the three evolutionist professors there could. How do you explain such various and blatant inaccuracies of carbon dating? How do you explain carbon dating, dating a live snail as being thousands of years old? How do you actually believe with a straight face that nothing exploded and created everything and that rocks got rained on for hundreds of millions of years and that made a soup of chemicals that became monkeys after millions of years, that then became humans? I hate to be one of those "just watch the video" guys because it's usually a cop out, but JUST WATCH THE VIDEO. The raw amount of information from his speed-talking is enough to appreciate:
He assblasts all of those professors as they just sit there almost speechless. Remember, user, satan is the prince and power of this world, and his job is to get you to doubt the Bible. He's not exactly dumb.
It's no coincidence that shortly after his tours were gaining traction, he spent nine years in prison for withdrawing his own money from his own bank account.
That is weird. We should just discard all of the OT and NT then, since they were all written by men via God. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John weren't God either, by your definition. And even so, Jesus didn't have long hair by many other methods of observation. Long-haired Jesus was made up by Renaissance Catholic faggots.
I'm the first poster you replied to. I'll check out those videos later but I believe I thoroughly researched this years ago and made up my mind a while ago. I really don't believe there is anything wrong with word-for-word translations, this is coming from someone who only used KJV until I was 16 years old.
The one world government shit is scary and we are obviously heading in that direction, but as for seeing the Antichrist or anything like that in our lifetime I don't think it will happen.
I'm an hour into this and this is the most based and redpilled video I've seen in years.
People actually believe we're nothing more than evolved apes? BAKA
Sure, but make sure you're not one of those people that forgets or doesn't really follow up on videos they intend to watch. I know how annoying "just watch this multi-hour video man, then you'll understand" is, but this is a case when it's much needed.
There is nothing wrong with word-for-word translations, you're right, as long as (1) they are from the correct manuscripts, and (2) they are translated honestly and correctly, both of which modern-era non-KJV bibles don't do.
Here is an example for you:
>Can that which is unsavoury be eaten without salt? or is there any taste in the white of an egg? (Job 6:6 King James Version)
>Is tasteless food eaten without salt, Or is there flavor in the juice of a mallow?
(Job 6:6 New World Translation)
Make sure yoU watch the video that shows common Bible contradictions in the non-KJV but not in the KJV:
And, if nothing else, the video from 1988 of a pediatrician recalling things that a NWO insider addressed to a roomful of doctors in 1969, talking about things to come and their agenda (one of which being, to change the Bible, in small, barely noticeable bits, and to intentionally build American cars so that they will be pieces of shit and people will become more open to other countries' products. Also the pushing of homos and sexualization of kids, and cameras built into TVs. It also talks about how they will take over the Catholic church. Remember, this was all in 1969, and everything he said would happen has happened or will):
If you don't watch these, it will screw you up big time, in my opinion. The antichrist is just around the corner, man. Look at the way the world is going, and the fact that we are so close to having the capability to deny sales or transactions to people without marks in their right hands or foreheads.
Glad to help.
Hmm never actually read that book. Is it worth a read, or is there a better fantasy book that i should read instead?
Revelation 9:6
>And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
Where are the telemetry which came in to thee this machine this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
Jeremiah 5:22
Should you not fear me?" declares the LORD. "Should you not tremble in my presence? I made the sand a boundary for the sea, an everlasting barrier it cannot cross. The waves may roll, but they cannot prevail; they may roar, but they cannot cross it.
Job 29:18
Then I said, I shall die in my nest
Their horses are swifter than leopards,
more fierce than the evening wolves;
their horsemen press proudly on.
Their horsemen come from afar;
they fly like an eagle swift to devour.
They all come for violence,
all their faces forward.
They gather captives like sand.
don't listen to these lads, KJV is good reading but is fraught with issues and needs a lot of footnotes in parts where you could pick up a very different meaning. I strongly recommend NASB
i don't know any bible verses
Excellent post.
the nrsv is usually accepted to be the best but for believers something based on the textus receptus might be better. also read the chapter of john first. any missionary will tell you its the best to start your reading with
So, OP is a faget?
Why did it have to be an RX-78?!
>tfw there are christians on g
oh my god why would anyone in their right mind believe the bible is anything other than bullshit
holy shit this is so sad
For once, the tripfag was not a fag.
I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.
Note that it says speak and as I'm not speaking it's much safer to be blasphemous in written text.
Reddit might be more up your alley
I can't believe this thread is making me want to read the bible. I haven't read the bible in over 20 years.
One "son of God" wasn't enough.
>For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be
known and come to light.
>So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
>What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
Here you go friend. Just follow the guide feel free to ask any questions.
I also recommend you getting a bible with both the Old Testament and the New Testament as they both reference each other, especially the New Testament which heavily references the Old.
Avoid Protestant translations (like NIV) as they remove books for some ungodly reason. (Pun intended)
>believing in the bible on a board about technology
"bleez go to reddit"
What did he mean by this?
What is your preferred Bible app?
For me, it's AndBible, found on the FDroid app repository.
Religion is necessary for most people to function optimally. Ultimately it's just a social construct X amount of people follow because of X construct but the thing is, most people are too afraid to settle with unexplained phenomenons and mysteries so to cope they assimilate the closest explanation they believe to fit the bill and move on in their life rather than take into question what they have been taught or taught themselves due to X construct and risk an existential crisis.
It's the way it has been for eons and I believe will continue to be so as things are absolutely objectively proven otherwise and the mainstream comes to accept it. See catholics doing a 180 when it was scientifically confirmed many times over the earth is not flat and not the center of the universe. My best advice to accept it as a part of life and just let others choose to believe what they want as long as it doesn't hurt you or others. In the end none of this will even matter and your time and space occupied here is infinitely small compared to the know size of our universe to which may reside along other planes of existences.
Religion is dying my dude. The assemblies of god church network added like 60k followers in 2015. That's out of a nation of 400Mill.
Just take that number into mind. If you're not familiar AOG just google it. If you spend any time with the youth today in a non specifically religious setting you'll quickly realize that religion will be mostly dead with gen Z.
Then that could be a bad thing since clinging to long held beliefs is what got us here in the first place. Don't say religion is bad since the inherent nature of consciously believing in things without objective affirmations isn't really understood well.
>religion is what got us here
What? Please don't pull this Jordan Peterson "le jewdeyo chrishtun principles" meme. Nearly all of societal and scientific progress was opposed by the church throughout history.
There's a reason it's despised in academic settings beyond religious studies. It's an enabler of ignorance, it teaches you to not question and not think and to live by a set of norms established by terrible people a couple thousand years ago.
This is absurd rationalization of religion. You're not religious, are you?
>*tips fedora*
>Nearly all of societal and scientific progress was opposed by the church throughout history.
Which is exactly why they pursued their endeavors to prove/disprove whatever they were after. Think about it, religion's non compliance in and of itself was a tool for making people engage in scientific pursuits.
I know this sounds retarded but without religion we might not be where we are today. Think about it for a second.
They didn't pursue science to spit others. They pursued science because of an insatiable desire by humans to know more. Some people are wired this way, and that's why they aren't religious. They don't buy into the religious meme of "dont learn, don't question, don't think". Meme in the literal sense.
>without religion we might not be where we are today
Absolutely this is correct. We would have a much more socially accepting and scientifically advanced culture.
You're doing a bad job at apologetics, no offense. I know how to play your role by the way, I was raised very religiously and studied the Bible, I've read it through and through.
To expand on how religious I used to be by the way, I'd pray for an hour a day. I adhered more than most other believer around me did.
>Religion is dying my dude
Correction: religion is dying in a decadent and dying civilization. You may notice basedboys, bugmen, cucks, feminists, fags, etc tend to be atheists (or, at the best, "cultural """""christians""""" "). They lack meaning of purpose, but continue to insist that their shackels are a blessing. Meanwhile it is those men and women who seek higher purpose beyond merely getting by and pleasure who seek God and find him. The west is rotting user, its days are numbered. This sodom shall perish, don't fall for the shit.
Also the mainstream media only covers christianity when people under that flag do bad things, otherwise they never report the numbers (which is #2 in the world by population), only the chinks and errors in its all too human fault.
I fear you're right about Gen Z. They were the West's last refuge and they dropped it whole-heartedly, once the millenials die the west may as well not exist.
is that way, user.
You have to go back
God says... boyhood I'm_not_sure unfailing Moon errors proposed chewing food poison travail withdrawn publication forego prevails wither application openly unchain mighty proportion lawless mariners choice boil suggested Thou employee depth overcame readers' basket_case law-skirmishes okay Whither hair contains walks Already limed nut_job magnified companion Okilydokily fixedly Let's physical perused heretofore masters enmity furnace threats speechless health's imaginary ensnaring travail otherwise slumin choleric moderate afford womanish incorrect rais'd slavery neglecteth surmount Almighty rashly with Sacraments fill Lovely fairest presidest amiable enemy applicable one_more_time first muttering laden reposes godless do_I_have_to Greenland admitted because_I_said_so tempts courses smack_some_sense_into_you pen resistest scraped cloaked WANT materials atrociously family-estate thine Whether corporeally indentures existence blessed which piecemeal hey_thats_right cleansing utterance resolute Beginning criedst youths disguise pitied grammarians polished Continual dialogue toward * allow oppresseth very popular evidence mid-day nails sparrow achieve wickedness unspeakable nine barred medicine begun restrain extinguished unsating passes whoring Highest learned boss brethren artifices school draught confound I_see_nothing I_planned_that resume
>socially accepting
>social construct
wait a fucking second...
Thanks user, laughed.
Its true though.
On its last legs roman men were more effeminate, women more controlling/domineering, social programs up the ass, too much bread, too much circus. Homosexuality and pedophilia made mainstream, etc.
These are all sings of a decadent society on the verge of collapse, it has been observed throughout all of human history.
yw :)
The Quran
Anons what I'm trying to get at is religion in and of itself might have played a deterministic role in the scientific discoveries and technology man has invented. Think of it this way: if most of humanity was not inclined to accept the social constructs around them without question due to existential fears would that really be a good thing long term? You and I exist because of generations of mostly people who did the opposite. It's not even about who was right or wrong but that the existence of polar opposites deterministically allowed beneficial things to happen.
Maybe I'm on the verge of going insane but I think we look at things way too localized without any regard for the perspective of a third person.
>faggoty new Bibles that make God gender-neutral
What in the fuck, is this shit real?
Christianity is in decline in literally every country on Earth, meanwhile Islam is the fastest growing religion and it is on track to eclipse Christianity as the dominant religion in the United States within the next 20 years or so.
A gender neutral God is fine, but Jesus had better still be black.