Name a more convenient programming language than Python

Name a more convenient programming language than Python
Name a faster programming language than C++
Name a higher level programming language than Haskell

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-fuck yourself


None of those are particularly agreeable

> Name a more convenient programming language than Python
> Name a faster programming language than C++
Fortran or C
> Name a higher level programming language than Haskell
No idea

Ruby way bigger standard library and flexibility in the lang, i call that convinience. Also rails scaffold.

C is as fast as C++ but simpler. Due to its simplicity it is easier to write and mantain high performance C programs.

TemplateHaskell throws us into meta haskell. But yeah just a compiler pre processor, so I guess haskell still reigns. There are some new FP languages around but I don't know how they compare to haskell.

>Army of underpaid pajeets

lisp (?)


If that's a convenient choice for you, please have a look at any other programming language.

Convenient? Bash and Perl. They're already installed everywhere. Python is not.
Faster? x64
Higher level? HTML, CSS, SQL, Verilog, MATLAB. These are "higher level" because they are CLOSER TO THE PROBLEM and FURTHER FROM THE HARDWARE. Python is low-level compared to these because it is general purpose. It is only high-level on Wikipedia and in some literature when compared to other general purpose languages, but compared to DSLs, Python is low-level because it forces you you consider memory, variables, and so on, even if those are completely irrelevant to your problem space.

> Julia
> C
> mathematica

>C is as fast as C++ but simpler
Incorrect. C++ can be optimized better by compilers due to all the additional keywords available. It is possible to tell the compiler with more precision what you are trying to do so that the compiler can optimize more aggressively. Also, C++ provides the programmer with the ability to utilize the stack more effectively. In C, you declare all your variables at the top. The order you declare and access those variables impacts the speed to access the memory of those variables on the stack. In C++ you can declare your variable immediately before you use it, making it the most efficient variable on the stack to access.


Python was preinstalled on my distro.

HTML aka Hyper-Text Markup Language is a, well, markup language, just as the language used for .md files, or even the tiny language encompassing code tags on Jow Forums. It's not a programming language.

CSS aka Cascading Style Sheets is what's called a "style sheet language". Still no programming.

SQL aka Structured Query Language is a query language, not a programming language.

I didn't know Verilog prior to this post, but I can easily find out that it is a HDL or hardware description language.

The OP clearly mentions programming languages. So far, you've given none.

Then comes matlab. It is a pretty high-level language, but it pales in comparison to haskell.


Considering programming languages alone, I think that those which are conducive to hosting DSLs (such as Haskell) are higher-level than Python.

My penis.

>everyone saying Perl over Python
there's a reason why it died as soon as Python took off, retards


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