/ptg/ - Private Tracker Cucks General

"News? What's that?" Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ pastebin.com/thLgSkNE
- WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- PYRAMID i.imgur.com/Xb6bazc.jpg
- INVITE FORUMS imgur.com/a/jmAJNyN
- RANKING TIPS pastebin.com/qviqpzQK
- TRACKER LIST docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zYZ2107xOZwQ37AjLTc5A4dUJl0ilg8oMrZyA0BGvc0/edit#gid=1357476050
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

>Apollo STILL dead (and isnt coming back, faggots)
>Literally nothing else of value in the entire thread because this is a dead general (this remains true)

old thread

Attached: 1516038978720.jpg (599x834, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Which tracker could have the original Lazytown?

google it faggot

>ggn still hasn't fixed looking at your own profile
holy shit imagine if this actually becomes another one of those bugs that they pretend doesn't exist for months

Uh, just be glad you're getting it for free???

private trackers are only free if you consider your time, bandwidth and storage free

apollo confirmed dead. it's over.

Will empornium ever enable https tracker?
Why are they so shit with https
literally the only reason I need to use a vpn since my isp blocks plaintext tracker announces

at least it's not as bad as ggn
it has an https tracker and defaults to it, but it barely works and will give you HNRs and prevent you from seeding shit if you use it, so every user needs to manually change it

Does REDTOPIA allow music videos? Do they plan to implement it?

If not then fuck them.

Just go to YouTube?

>red is hard

Attached: 1527785090794.png (102x31, 969)

Me too.
Why wouldn't you just send the tracker's traffic though the VPN?

IPT has it I think

>tokens expire in a few days
>want to download something after that
>have to wait months for the next tokens
imagine being this cucked

Well first they should implement the site being online

Attached: 1503042928370.gif (200x150, 2.59M)

>cucked a tb of buffer

Sure I have all the music I want, but at this rate it looks like it might be almost a year before I hit 25GB upload for PU.
>RED is a good starting point to get into other trackers!

Joined FileList but I can't speak theft, what are their h&r requirements?

I got 1tb of upload in 6 months.

google translate exists you fucking retard

Why are you participating in a conversation about tokens if you have a seedbox?
If anything that makes you even more cucked

I posted the image :^)

So you're retarded?

>just get a seedbox :DDDD

Why are you mad?

>google translate the rules (incorrectly)
>get banned

Another week another 2MB uploaded on Waffles.

run the following: sudo apt install -f
this should fix the dependency issue

>implement the site being online
t. ESL speaker

Say you click on a phishing link that mimics tracker urls so much that it's hard to tell. Is it possible that the fake can contain personal info only the original tracker would know about, such as bookmarked threads, exact stats, etc.?

If they had the database they could easily do that.

When converting FLAC to MP3 320, do they want CBR or ABR?

Oh no...

Attached: 1534494090806.png (673x728, 109K)

might as well direct me to spotify to get my music

if apollo doesn't come back by the 15th, i'm deleting all my torrents. i don't give a shit.

>being this inept at Google Translate

what did you do to get it? what did you dl

Autosnatched 2018 flac

thought so. which provider? looking to get one and just do it for two months on my trackers to not have to worry

ultraseedbox seemed to work for both normal use and racing but be careful they have a rep of sketchy shit

ABR is a mixed of VBR and CBR which means shit. Did you even interview?

huh fair. it's between them, feral and seedboxco, they seem the best, not sure which to pick. what sketchy shit have they done? logging, no refunds etc?

well ive seen on reddit them taking weeks to setup boxes to refun bullshit. I only had one problem when my box stopped responding so they moved me to another one.

how about you read their fucking rules nigger
>Select all images with taxis.

I got a 24h ban for posting a picture of trump next to an easter bunny from a few threads ago. All i said was kys to an anime poster. wtf


pic related. dont get soft on me
these captchas are rancid. Telling me im wrong after 20 load slow as ass. I might have to quit Jow Forums

Attached: Screenshot_20180907-165802_Chrome.jpg (1069x1375, 507K)

Look inside the English forum.

Can u post the direct link pls

>these captchas are rancid. Telling me im wrong after 20 load slow as ass. I might have to quit Jow Forums
just use the no js captcha, takes like 3 seconds to solve

any easy way to keep the extra files separated when finishing a download that i'm going to cross-seed?
i like to keep the (((trackers))) separated


I do not understand your question. If you are using pre-existing torrents then the 2nd tracker you are cross-seeding to will only check and see the files it was made for and ignore the extra files you got from tracker #1

If you are making a new torrent from scratch to cross-seed on tracker #2 w/content from tracker #1 just de-select the extra files you don't want included?

It didn't. The GUI is usable again so I'm satisfied for now. Thanks anyway.

just disable the plugin if you dont use it

it's the other way around. already have a series downloaded, but the other tracker's torrent has a few GB of trash included. i'm willing to download this extra trash to cross-seed for as long as i can but i want to keep the extra content separated if it's even possible (make a new folder and direct the extra files there?) as i don't keep everything i download in one folder

>i'm willing to download this extra trash to cross-seed for as long as i can but i want to keep the extra content separated if it's even possible (make a new folder and direct the extra files there?)
I see what you are asking for now. I don't think of any solution that will let you set different "download locations" for within the same torrent. You can download the entire folder all at once and move it, but not individual files contained in the folder. About the only thing I can think to do would be to copy the content from tracker #1 to a "Tracker #2 Dupe" directory and then file check & DL the extras to that second one for cross-seeding then you 'll remember to get rid of it completely when done seeding. That would take up even more filespace though.

yeah guess i was getting my hopes up, fuck my ocd or whatever causes me to be this autistic. thanks anyways

this has been the issue for 6 months and the admins don't see a problem with it

symlinks or hardlinks would not use extra space

in my rutorrent conf.php, i had to specify the curl path in $pathToExternals, e.g. "curl" => '/usr/bin/curl'. Type in 'which curl' to see where your curl is, unless you still couldn't get it installed due to the dependency issue.

sym/hard links are what you seek user. if windows: schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshellext/linkshellextension.html

i'll look into it but i doubt my tiny brain will be able to figure it out, thanks


Junctions for folders, Hardlinks for files.
If you can't use it now, you have not a tiny, but no brain

It's not that complicated.

Attached: gaimz.png (663x237, 36K)

Fuck piracy and torrenting n shieet

>Animebytes gives me a notice about suspicious activity
>says some shit about monitoring my account and possibly closing it
>check login attempts
>literally the one where I initially made the account
now this is epic

The PM is just a global message. notice.php should be the same for everyone.

how could you misread the notice?

Nothing will be as good as SCC was
> sorry not sorry user

just got my db9 invite

Can anyone look for "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage 1980" in public/private trackers? BLURAY VERISON 1080P FAGGOTS not normie

nah fàm

It exist.

WHERE user.

porn hub inc

another day another 35 mb upload on red

Attached: file.png (1920x1200, 3.29M)

private trackers

Attached: Jokesonyouanon.png (1085x238, 14K)

Wrong series brainlette.
1080p doesn't exist also :^)
it's 1080i

wheres the joke

I'm retarded user.

Obligatory FUCK RED post

Did you check mvgroup?

this general is dead

without apollo there's nothing to talk about

Nope. It's Friday night.

Yeah. There's D&D tonight.

power trippin mods faggots

I got in HDB two years ago. I only come here to give bad advice to neons

wtf is this shit?

Attached: shit.png (834x251, 17K)

Actually /marked/

fucking Russians

blu staff don't know shit. the people need to rise up

honestly they should just give up
design looks shitty af, and it starts to take cpu resources after 5-10 minutes

Seeders, rise up!

Yeah, I'm still having dependency issues since upgrading from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04.

Attached: 1534834777210.jpg (450x345, 44K)

try to upgrade again using 'sudo do-release-upgrade'