Other urls found in this thread:
>switch statements for 2 test cases
if else syntax is harmful language, and should be replaced with "please do, otherwise i will".
I shaved my nuts so I could drag my scrotum across people like you more efficiently because there's a lot of people like you and they desperately need testes slide over them badly
How do you shave your balls so it doesn't inch afterwards?
Not him but I've never had the itchy balls problem. I just shave mine with a razor in the shower. No itching when growing back.
You're a liar
What would I gain from lying about my balls being not itchy on an anonymous imageboard?
You tell me. I just don't think your balls don't itch after shaving them.
But do you shave your anus? that's the real plebfilter
my balls don't itch after shaving either
You think wrong. End of discussion.
Yes, of course.
Sage not to bump this shitposting thread further.
I shave my balls too and they don’t itch either. Does your bears itch when you shave it too?
Do you use a razor for your anus as well? Surely that's a two man job...
Always return early
A switch statement isn't a "multiple if-else" convenience feature. It is optimized differently. For contiguous values, it is likely to be compiled to a jump table. For enough sparse values, it will probably become a binary search. Meanwhile, if-else is suggestive of a "precedence" relationship -- more likely branches should come first.
Not using nair.
Yeah I do. I just squat down and get down to business.
It's not like the compiler doesn't optimize the if-else.
I thought itch from shaving came from shaving against the grain of your skin. Ball skin doesn't have a grain.
Of course it does, but if you take a look at Clang, "if-else" suggests "this is more likely than that," since it's hard for the compiler to figure that out on its own. It can still be compiled to a jump table or a search, but the optimization path is different.
no the itch is when the hair grows back, the genitalia has many folds and you continuously prick yourself with the sharp stiff ends of the new hair strands
user that has to do with the grain. If you shave with the grain then the end of the hair ends up in a state where the sharp end just isn't pointed towards anything, it leaves the pore easily.
Ingrown hairs on your ballsack isn't likely, you just can't get that close a shave on your balls without risking a cut.
Why is there a "serious" conversation about shaving balls, and itching balls in a programming thread... Ha yes, we're on Jow Forums
Maybe because it's a low-tier bait thread?
>My anus is no stranger to raspberries
>see shitty retarded /v/tard thread
>no replies
>consider telling OP to kill himself but decide against it, leave it to die
>come back to it with 25 replies
i hate this board
this is not a fucking programming thread
>otherwise i will
No means no.
Don't you hate it when you get programmer's ass, and it itches and smells from the dingleberries.
how is this thread bait? if else is retarded. if you need to use if else for logic instead of splitting up the code into return/step through logic your a brainlet
> mom look at my i'm anonymoose on Jow Forums in 2k18
> son only normies and retards go there nowadays, go find a real board
brainlet here, explain
Fourth user whose nuts don't itch, reporting in!
If you don't shave your balls or they itch after you do, your balls are SHIT, you're a subhuman, and you should cut them off since you should not breed anyway.
If...else statements are compiled into assembly where each if...else statement is exectued (jump is equals, jump is less than, jump if greater than...etc). With a switch, there is a table lookup, so when the statement is 5 it looks at the table it says to begin executing at the address that corresponds to 5.
so are you saying that a switch with two cases is strictly better than an if else statement?
Not necessarily. A switch, at least with C, requires an integer for the case. This means any kind of difference to be calculated before the switch is even called. With other languages, I don't know.
haha posting in an epic thread right guys
Is that artificial intelligence?
If else is a masculine construct that is sexist because male minds think only in binary terms while women see a whole bouquet of correct solutions for any given problem
Also I'm transgender and I identify as a transgender MIT undergrad. Can I get on the fast track to a degree please?
data Then = Then
data Else = Else
iff :: Bool -> Then -> a -> Else -> a -> a
iff True _ x _ _ = x
iff False _ _ _ x = x