Does anyone in current year still bothers pirating computer software?
Does anyone in current year still bothers pirating computer software?
Piracy refers to murder and armed robbery on a boat, which is a felony in the US. The correct term is copyright infringement, which is a civil offense. In any case, using proprietary software is harmful regardless of whether you paid for a license. Use free software instead.
there is really nothing worth pirating except maybe old games
Yes, Linus.
No, there's no need when FOSS alternatives are available
I can't think of anything even worth pirating anymore
This. Nobody who needs professional software pirates so FOSS alternatives are perfectly acceptable.
>pirating a botnet
go keep sucking dick linus
Do you think they actually care about correct terminology?
In Germany they call it fucking "Raubkopieren"~="copy robbery".
I just buy volume licenses for $9.
Wtf is Microshit gonna do, arrest me?
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as piracy, is in fact, unauthorized copying, or as I've recently taken to calling it, unauthorized sharing. Piracy is not the act of obtaining an unauthorized copy of a copyrighted work, but rather robbery or criminal violence at sea.
Many computer users make unauthorized copies every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the act which is widely performed today is often called piracy, and many of the people who do it are not aware that it is basically copying, and not stealing.
There really is a piracy, and some people are doing it, but it is just robbery at sea. Piracy is an act of theft: an action at sea in which goods are forcefully transferred from one ship to another. Piracy is important to be aware of, but unrelated to unauthorized copying; it can only function at sea. Piracy is normally not used in combination with unauthorized copying: the two acts are basically separate. All the so-called piracy is really unauthorized copying.
pirating open source?
idk i use a ghetto ass t400 libreboot riced up arch
everybody be looking at me weird as my pc boots
nobody has linux nor crapple
ok Stallman
Nah, software you buy when you grow up. Movies and music you pirate to find what you want to spend your money on.
I mean who is so welfare that they cant afford $20 for a windows key?
video games
>Do you think they actually care about correct terminology?
Lawyers do, and if you stand by what you do then you better be prepared to defend it properly in court.
Stallman will die someday just like Terry.
Do not pay for proprietary software, it is the enemy of your freedom.
>Do not pay for proprietary software, it is the enemy of your freedom.
Being stuck wasting time with convoluted bullshit instead of doing with you want is the realy enemy to freedom.
>Lawyers do
You wish. The more arbitrarily a law could be interpreted, the better for them.
Which is why it's a mistake that our nations' legislative bodies mostly consist of jurists.
The more non-specific a law is, the higher the potential to make money with it.
>Being stuck wasting time with convoluted bullshit
This describes all proprietary software.
There are 5 dollar keys on eBay. Why is it so cheap?