There are people on Jow Forums who actually use this pleb distro

> There are people on Jow Forums who actually use this pleb distro

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>Likes Debian
>shits on Ubuntu

embarrassing considering how similar they are

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It just werkz baka

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Ubuntu is great. after distro hopping for a while, you end up wanting something that just werks, you know what I mean?


so debian

There is literally no difference between debian and ubuntu other than the default DE and some preinstall programs you fucking contrarian mong


Use a botnet-D free distro like Slackware or you don't belong on Jow Forums.

I am unironically an Ubuntu pleb. Shit just werkz famalam.

Ubuntu 18.04 is Based. Only Fedora compares really.

Fedora is great in a boring way
It's the boomer of OS's

not saying it's not the same, is just that Debian has a better focus on stability so that you can update between releases with nothing breaking. While Ubuntu releases may change drastically the system, so you would be better just reinstalling. Like Fedora.
And, Ubuntu works out of the box while Debian may not if your hardware is not supported in the free software repositories. But once done Debian will be rolling best. I've heard. But I want to confirm. I'll switch to Ubuntu probably since I want a more up to date distro.
Or Fedora since the free wifi driver works and the default DE looks better.

Ubuntu is cool, but I'l stick with openSUSE :)

Xubuntu. comfy and just werks

because why have automatic dependency resolving when you can do it manually?

Yeah. You can just do it manually. It's perfect and does exactly what you tell it to.

I've stuck with Ubuntu because I have no where else to go.

Though in recent events I have managed to get at least a Quad boot running.

>there are people on \G\ who actually wants things to just werk


When Windows goes DaaS, Ubuntu will be THE OS. No other distro stands a chance.

everybody on r/g/ accepts that Kubuntu is the official linux distro for those who actually get work done and don't spend lonely hours fiddling about with config files.

Agreed. That's why I use Mint.

Fedora Workstation is pretty nice. I've used Linux since 1993 and Debian for over 20 of those years. I still use Debian for my personal servers, but I use Fedora for my workstations these days.

Mint is for faggot contrarians and grandmas
Just use Ubuntu or Xubuntu

whathappenned to her butt

What DE to use is the real question. I would normally go for the default because I don't mind simple DEs or feel a strong urge to rice it up, but gnome 3 feels kind of sluggish and I don't like the idea of webshit/JS on my desktop

Besides that I remember liking gnome 2 and I don't want to have to stray too much from the default config to make it usable.

MATE, XFCE, KDE or Budgie? Ideally I would like something modern with a snappy compositor b/c my gfx card is decent. I am slightly biased against KDE because I tried it first and the kubuntu installer crashed multiple times

>lonely hours
>not ricing with someone by your side


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to use Arch Linux. The configuration is extremely difficult, and without a solid grasp of theoretical computer science most of the options will go over a typical user's head. There's also Arch's minimalist look, which is deeply coded into its design - its collective philosophy draws heavily from Donald Judd artstyle, for instance. The Archfags understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this OS, to realize that it's not just stripped down- it says something deep about COMPUTERS. As a consequence people who dislike Arch truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the wisdom in Arch's Motto "Keep it simple," which itself is a cryptic reference to Eric Raymond's epic Jargon File. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Judd Vinet's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have an Arch linux tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

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this but unironically

Love this pasta.

xubuntu is comfy tho

Does Lubuntu make me faggy, pleb or stoobid?
t. confused

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KDE Neon is better desu
just ubuntu with best version of best DE

After trying most of the "standard/normie-tier" Linux distros I've settled on Ubuntu Mate minimal install, then just download what I need from there
Of course I'm not a hackerman or a 500 IQ arch/gentoo-memer, I don't need to understand theoretical computer science, I just need a simple OS with an internet connection and a few office applications.

Jow Forums when you ask them about ubunut
>that's not real GNU/Linux experience, install gentoo or arch
Jow Forums when you ask them about debian, a fork of ubunut
>it's great for everything you wanna do

she got nanking'd

No. It's lighter than say xfce but loses polish in the process. If you don't have a toaster maybe that. Why would you think that?

I work for a very large and profitable tech company and we use Ubuntu Server on our entire infrastructure. Even use Ubuntu-based containers. How does that make you feel, user?

Same, I am a cowboy astronaut with the secret MI:6 Mars team and we've been running Ubuntu on our Mars base since we first landed there in 1978

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Face it kid, it's what the schools are teaching these days. If you don't Ubuntu, you are an old fogey.

Heh, I expect to get full credit for this btw

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I do :^)

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what are you taking tripfriend? that shit in the screenshot seems berry sirry

>Use debian stable
>Find a bug
Tough fucking luck, gotta wait 5 years for the next release
>Decide to use testing for newer packages
>Everything breaks
lel, it's not supposed to be stable bro, it's right there in the name
>No decent drivers or closed source software because muh freetardism
>(inb4 non-free: unmantained shit)
>Try to compensate by installing binaries from upstream
sorry user we only provide official packages for Ubuntu

Debian is even more shit than Ubuntu

So release are approximately every 2 years. You can use backported package, apt pinning, snap or flatpaks. If a package works on Ubuntu it will work on Debian if the dependencies are met.
Meanwhile on Ubuntu upgrades are a mess and it can randomly stop working because of Canonical incompetence. Plus Ubuntu ask is a shithole

yes and?

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can you run KC on Linux?

It works just fine for what it is, in fact you'd be hard pressed to find a more polished OOTB experience. Has worked on literally every piece of hardware I threw at it, while other stuff like SUSE, Fedora, etc. have been spotty at best. Now i'm not going to say its perfect by any means, and quite frankly I hate the system of PPAs and apt in general. It gets a lot of undeserved hate though, which mostly comes from the kids on here who want to look cool in their screenfetch circlejerks.

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using proton and dxvk, performance just like on native windows.

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It's a shit distro if you have multiple GPT disk
I get this problem trying to install ubuntu
grub-efi-amd64-signed failed installation /target/ Ubuntu 18.04
Ubuntu seems to have nvidia 390xx problem
I stayed using Arch KDE

this guy gets it
if debian stable we actually stable it'd be worth using

man, gnome lags so bad it's pain to use compared to any x wm

I don't really care if someone on Jow Forums thinks I'm stupid because I want my computer to just work so I can focus on things other than maintaining my os.

Ubuntu minimal installation + i3wm, what's wrong with that? Just werks.

>No decent drivers or closed source software because muh freetardism
debian is known for not suffering from freetardation. The FSF doesnt like them. You literally just edit sources.list and add "non-free" at the end of every deb line and you get all the closed source drivers. Then you stop being a retard and fuck off

Ubuntu is great, except canonical is infected by SJWs so you do need to use the offshoot distros. The SJWs are too dumb to touch the backend and underlying stuff so they just fuck with the GUI. Choose Xubuntu or something and you skip all the SJWware

What the fuck did you just fucking post about me, you absolute beginner? I'll have you know I worked for ten of the biggest silicon-valley industry companies, and I've been involved in over two hundred top secret projects including NodeJS. I am trained in refactoring the most fucked up code, and I'm the top C++er in the entire fucking internet-connected universe. You are nothing to me, but just another IP. I will fucking revoke your commits from your gitlab account with absolute dedication using only one Rasperry Pi client. Mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with posting that shit on one of my numerous very personal blogs? Your devices are fucking bricked, kid. My attack software can be anywhere, anytime, and it is tasked to remove your entire git contributions from planet earth. Not only am I extensively trained in remote cross-firewall device-hacking, but I have access to over 100 of the United States CIA and NSA git repositories. If only you could have known what doom-bringing C-one-liner you have raised from my fucking hands, maybe you would have held your fingers. But you could not. You did not. And now you're paying the price, noob. I will hail havoc upon your puny online-presence and you will drown in your own badly designed software. You're fucking offline, kiddo.

>He doesn't manually direct electrons throughout his processor
Faggot pussy get off my Jow Forums

Terry uses ubuntu. Ubuntu is superior, niggers.

>debian is a fork
rope yourself already

Kim Kardashian hacked it off to feed her ever growing asshole

Well shit... I just might
Just found out it's the other way around

Ubuntu is great, its one of the distros where you can actually get work done and not have to fix shitty fails because your system either has to compile 24hrs or rolling release breaks everything like arch, get over it neckbeard, gentoo sucks

Is there any GNU/systemd distro that is as popular as Ubotnetu and its forks?

>Jow Forums
>openly admitting to being wrong
>not shitposting or just bailing
what's wrong with you

what's the current latency to us earth dwellers? 5 minutes?
guess now I know why Jow Forums is so salty when someone mentions games

had some weird graphic glitches last time I tried it
similar to salt and pepper on analog TVs

Have you actually tried either?
I get not wanting gentoo as it's literally a timesink on older processors.
(I know people who let their PC run during the night so they can compile the latest packages)

The arch part I don't.
Before turning it off I always do
>pacman -Syu && pacdiff && poweroff
and I never had either headless server, i3 laptop or KDE desktop break on me in the 6 years I'm using it.
There was one time a font didn't work after an update (terminus), but that's about it.

I know the install process and tb.h following the noob guide makes it pretty easy.
The hardest part is choosing what applications you want to install afterwards (except with KDE, where everything is already included)

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Arch is actually pretty ok it only broke once for me it wasnt even critical, but I was one of the lucky dudes in my group, others got the full program of fucked up arch shit.

My Linux distro with slightly different defaults is better than your Linux distro with slightly different defaults!
Great bait kid try harder next time.

but i like windows7

This, no bloat while still having access to proper packages

i used screenfetch on the non-full installation, and it had 1800 packages.
impressive bloat, i don't even understand where it all went. Like, the fucking installation didn't even include vim.

if you wanna use ubuntu start with a server install, which is already impressively bloated, and build up

After some distrohopping you will eventually settled on Ubuntu or Debian
The others are too unusable and they are all like toys

After trying plenty of distros I finally settled on Ubuntu Budgie
Everything works. Everything is fine.

Had to remove a few packages though. Like Thunderbird and that shit

Unironically Fedora 28

>no bloat

you must be new here

>save a screenshot in a Word Doc

Is this the state of CS education?

so linux is the rick and morty of the desktop os world?

Xfce is the only way, user

Never had anything break from a release on Arch

If you have to do this, use other distro instead, ffs

The professor doesn't seem retarded, I assume it's a limitation of the software he uses for grading and content management

yeah probably

If you need dependency management, please go back to windows and don't forget to enable automatic updates.

Hope you are enjoying your tall triple whip caramel frap mocha iced macchiato frappucino, faggot hipster

There's literally nothing wrong with using *buntu if you know what you're doing.

I use Lubuntu because I can install in software RAID, text mode and good GPU drivers out of the box

>but gnome 3 feels kind of sluggish
Gnome runs very well in Ubuntu, I don't know what voodoo they've done, but I haven't experienced a single freeze or a crash on 18.04. They should share their fix with everyone because Gnome does not run this well on other distros.

I like it, it just werks, easy enough for a complete imbecile to use while not giving up on any of the functionality of debian.

Why I am unable to install it? I am a noob on Lubuntu, using Crossover 17 and the default GPU drivers. Every tutorials I tried failed