Beaker browser and dat ass website

>beaker browser
>feels like the early days of www
>build your own webpage
>publish free (no money)
>share with friends via p2p

what's the Jow Forums opinion?

Attached: beaker.png (553x539, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Does it run on Chromium?

that logo isnt really impressive

Attached: beaker browser twitter.png (930x825, 240K)


no thanks, also

>shitty meme bootstrap website
yeah it's trash

or in beakerbrowser



Attached: using beaker.png (786x732, 62K)


What are the problems with Electron?

Nice viralling attempt Beaker shill

It's automatically shit

It's bloated and it takes 500 years to compile


what's the best/least worst alternative?

Is this some shitty Electron clone of Freenet?

>Is this some shitty Electron clone of Freenet?
check the source code and let us know

Applications created with electron are packed with the entire chromium engine which results in;
a. unacceptable huge output size (approx. 80 megabytes)
b. This.

Let's make a new Logo, who will start ?

discord and skype are built on electron

Attached: beaker electron fork.png (1092x658, 103K)

dat:// is where I’m dumping all my web components. When I’m done, you should be able to import my UI elements straight from it. Really easy reuse, and Id love to see reusable components finally happen for the Web so we’ll see. WCs are not without problems.

We have a Twitter clone called Fritter at dat:// It’s not bad but not perfect yet. It needs a rewrite to make the code more approachable, and it needs to scale better. Every users profile is a dat site that publishes posts, likes, etc using json files. We index them using, effectively, a web crawler embedded in the app. Totally p2p, so that’s cool. But- to scale we need to integrate something out of the browser that can constantly index/crawl and won’t suck up local device resources.

Attached: beaker leddit.png (941x733, 144K)

Why use a dedicated browser instead of zeronet?

>Why use a dedicated browser instead of zeronet?

I'm not sure
what's zeronet?

Sure looks like it.

discord and skype are shit

Sounds like you're a nobody who doesn't matter or have any money

>dat:// is a peer-to-peer protocol, which means that visitors to a dat:// site connect directly to one another, downloading and sharing files. Participants on the network are called peers, and when a peer contributes bandwidth to re-upload a site’s files, it’s called seeding.
So it's literally Chromium/Bittorrent, or as I'd like to put it Chromium plus Bittorrent.

it's called freenet

I prefer NetZero myself. Sometimes I will jump on Juno.


Attached: 54787876.png (996x549, 416K)

it's literally a beaker from the up side down

Attached: beaker.png (191x297, 42K)

I'm fond of prodigy

I'm too poor for prodigy. Also, what was up with compuserve email addresses?

This is really easy to use compared to muh blockchain.
If P2P depends on fast networks and a large swarm then having a streamlined system is necessary.

I dunno
I miss Gopher protocol

>This is really easy to use compared to muh blockchain.

what's the use case?

Why did you even bring up blockchain?

now that's a protocol, not like this www today

safety and security ?

Attached: beaker safety.png (958x789, 124K)

Why not use zeronet?

I think they might as well make their own browser and have zeronet run natively.

Maybe fork Brave? combine BAT with Stellite for donations etc?

Or fork another browser?

I've never heard of/used zeronet

link us

So it's open source. Okay, but if I were to use a chromium browser I'd go with brave.

P2P Websites
All you have to do is run the Zeronet software and use any browser to access "zites".

I think they should roll their own with zeronet included.
TOR can be used for more security which it comes with as well.

Pic is an imageboard on it.
URL is in the name.

Attached: Millchan - ZeroNet - colon 43110 slash 1ADQAHsqsie5PBeQhQgjcKmUu3qdPFg6aA.png (1351x557, 42K)

Wasn't there a thing that was just like this last year?

>Wasn't there a thing that was just like this last year?
probably this same thing


most comments are 2 years old

How's the project?

>How's the project?
It works?
If you have anything to contribute, go ahead.

Difference from IPFS?

It's another example of decentralized technology.

Tangentially related.

So... Basically ZeroNet tied to a browser?

Attached: 1536202674171.jpg (870x894, 188K)

>being used by discord and skype

It's going to ship with the next Brave browser, along with Tor and IPFS.

>>Why use a dedicated browser instead of zeronet?
>I'm not sure
>what's zeronet?
Basically the exact same thing. Trying to become the next dEePwEb. Like Tor but faster for for frequented pages. Anonymity + p2p

Tor already ships with brave and it's practically useless. They do absolutely nothing to make sure you can't be fingerprinted. They don't isolate fonts and don't hide screen resolution. It's definitely not a ready Tor Browser alternative.

>P2P Websites
>All you have to do is run the Zeronet software and use any browser to access "zites".
>I think they should roll their own with zeronet included.
>TOR can be used for more security which it comes with as well.
>Pic is an imageboard on it.
>URL is in the name.

I've been to that board...I know what you're doing

Attached: d62.jpg (200x191, 6K)

yeah, this browser locks its protocol to the browser so it'll die in irrelevance, at least IPFS is intended to run on plain JS and is multi platform

Beaker does not seem to have the goal of privacy or anonymity.

Beaker's goal seems to be returning website creation and hosting to the individual via P2P technology.

>What are the problems with Electron?
It works on everything.

I'm waiting for Mozilla to add support, there seems to be interest from the devs

Except mobile devices, and it probably doesn't run without compatibility layers on *BSDs, so, you're full of shit.
If you think using electron is a torture, try writing software based on it. ASAR is pure cancer, and combined with build times it makes getting your stuff up and working a torture.

What's a bother?

we aren't visiting honeypots

Electron is literally Chrome.

This browser is literally Chrome.

They will also integrate tor

I've just come up with a 4chinz name for electron
>be a stripped down stumpy ver. of chrome
>not a chrome app but not the full browser
Anons and /gentoomen I present

The Chromelet.

if you're implying illegal activity then look at the top boards. All normal stuff.

>I know what you're doing
What? Spreading awareness?
I'd be great if more real users joined and shills didn't.