Has Linux gotten tear free window management without input lag?

has Linux gotten tear free window management without input lag?

Attached: ForeverAlone.jpg (1101x620, 83K)

Yes it has for years you're just a retard.

do linux driver coders get paid?


Like emulators, drivers are fun to write so they're generally decent when the thing is well documented and at least exist when the thing is not.
Now GUIs, GUIs are a drab to write, everyone hates writing GUIs which is why linux sucks at em in general.

>tfw you want privacy but also a usable computer
>ubuntu key log spying
>fedora sounds cool
>newbie forced to do a DKMS on a github to use wifi drivers
>linux mint sounds cool
>drivers come with live usb
>constant screen tearing
>nouveau driver re-enables itself from time to time

Never had these things. At least not in my experience.
>since 2003.

install i3

>what if compiz
>what is compton

>has Linux gotten tear free window management without input lag?
no, don't let anyone try to tell you something else. people here will also tell you that every DE works without tearing out of the box. Jow Forums is full of memes.

*forgot to add. It gets even worse if you have an Nvidia GPU. Then you can forget about it completely. Wayland doesn't work in the first place (unless you use meme Nouveau drivers which deliver like 20% of the actual performance) and on X freetards will tell you to enable ForceCompositionPipeline which basically decreases your GPUs performance.

I made this thread because I heard a rumor about 9 months ago that Wayland has odd input delays in spite of not tearing.
Micro$oft Windows engineers managed to solve this problem to everyone's bewilderment and fanfare.
I can't find the articles I had read back then on Google Search :(

>Now GUIs, GUIs are a drab to write, everyone hates writing GUIs
>Being this uncreative and oblivious to what ease of use mean
The absolute state of the Linux community

maybe try not using a nvidia card

>Has to consider OS support when buying hardware

Cinnamon? It works fine for me on Debian once I disabled mouse acceleration.

?? but thats completely fine, you dont buy a x86 pc to run android nativelly

It's always had it if you don't use a shit GPU

Android doesn't try to be cross platform in this case

Microsoft doesn't even know how to write for their GUIs...

>everyone hates writing GUIs
Not people who are good at it and get paid for it...

I can't argue with that, but they do apparently have a more solid foundation, hence this bait thread.
trips of truth