Why do so many young people trust discord? Don't they realize all the shit they talk about could be going to a government server?
Why do so many young people trust discord...
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Because they're really young and cool and epic gamers just like us and they like memes
Yeah that's the kind of people Discord hires man
Damn all that top secret autismo gaming chatter.
They don't really give a shit about privacy
Gaming integration + it just werks
And it looks nice
Pretty sure that anyone reading too much of that game chatter would get cancer!
>the government knows that we killed 8/9 bosses on normal, dang.
this isn't even a meme, according to someone I know who works at discord their internal discord server that's only accessible by employees has an anime containment channel because the normal channels were getting shitted up with anime pictures.
They don't care. Gamers are the fucking worst, as long as they can play video games you can watch them shit for all they care.
I know. I just dont care
It's not just gamers, though. People are using them for all sorts of things now.
>posting dissent on a public image board that keeps logs
top kek my frog friend
Why do so many young people trust Jow Forums? Don't they realize all the shit they talk about could be going to a government server?
It was hiding my IP from strangers by default.
Kek trust?
Free to use >>>>>>>>>>>>>> trust.
>being too retarded to understand what it means to be connected to the internet
Because it’s meant for shit talking with friends and communities. Why would you care if the government is reading through your memes and bantz?
Let’s be honest, if you’re using Discord to talk about personal things or killing people, you deserve to get caught.
a million times this
>According to shit I just made up
My dad also works at Nintendo.
Zoomers are retarded.
Sick bra.
Oh my God, the government knows what I did in last nights raid, I am done for.
>tfw alphabets are going through the thousands of pages of my shitty degenerate erp chatlogs with people and absurds amounts of animeposting
Oh yeah. Read every single sentence. Read ALL of it.
My server enjoys the FBI attention.
pretty much this
I'm on the internet, they already got my info so why give a shit
>trust discord
they don't necessarily. they just don't care about the use of their personal data in the first place.
> Trust Jow Forums instead
Makes sense, yes.
>Don't they realize all the shit they talk about could be going to a government server?
Everything on the internet goes through a government server.
More worried about non-government entities snagging my credit card info, which happens all the bloody time.
Average person isn't talking about illegal things, so it doesn't matter what they write or type.
Discord logs your messages, but it can't log them forever.
If I want to say something controversial I wont say it in Discord. You shouldnt be saying it on Jow Forums either
>Discord logs your messages, but it can't log them forever.
Storage is pretty cheap for corporations.
i kind of doubt it. isnt discord one of the biggest way pedos move CP?
What the fuck does it matter? You can't be on the internet and not be spied upon by government agencies and data broker botnets. Discord is the least of your worries. They have all your info. Name, accounts, surf history, porn preferences... Basically, nothing you do on the internet is private
Dont know what that means but I still kek'd
Controversial, I dont care, illegal, yes.
Jow Forums is not an alternative to discord
They almost certainly sell it to political groups like the splc who give it to antifa and others who harass your employer until you're fired if you engage in too much wrongthink. At least government spies only go after influential people, antifa loons can't stand the idea that any people might think certain things ever.
Also Jow Forums's content can be FOUND IMMEDIATELY on Google.
Most lawmakers have just recently wrapped their heads around Facebook and now figuring out twitter. I don't think they even know discord exist. It just full of porn, weebs and literal crossdressing faggots looking for dick.
>the government knows that I'm depressed
>the government knows I am a pathetic degenerate
>the government knows I'm insecure
>the government knows that no one really cares about me
>the government knows how many people have blocked me
>the government knows how vulgar I am
ok then
>trust discord
They don't. They're just completely oblivious. They don't even know they have to trust or not trust discord because they don't even consider their privacy and aren't interested in preserving it. Normies don't think about software in a way that you do. To them only a human being can invade your privacy, but software made by humans cannot because nobody is actively listening and there are no indications of spyware or anything bad happening because they use software.
I doubt most people even know that servers aren't owned by them. To them this is all just internet voodoo magic doing it's thing and connecting your computers together.
Such as artists, programmers, lurkers, fans, mathematicians, musicians, linguists and somehow still better than Slack.
((they)) will sell that information and make money off that knowledge. advertisers can then use the fact you're a pathetic degenerate and market the new iphone to you more directly.
>*Lifts tail* please yiff my anthro fox pussy moonmoon (^・ω・^ ) desu
I know this is some kind of code you terrorist bastards, BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN!
LOL what? In the tos anything you type, send, or upload is now discord proptrty
I bet it's moot himself indexing this shithole
reasons why discord is trash
Nobody trusts discord most people just don't give a shit about their privacy because most people don't need to.
I use discord and I honestly do not give a shit if they keep logs of my conversations with friends because I don't talk about anything that's illegal or could embarrass me if it got out.
See also:
Why do so many young people trust Jow Forums?
It's not that we trust discord, it's that we know shit we say on discord is worthless trash
some are beyond the point of salvation
a little girl
I use discord because I play games with some friends every once in a while and they use discord. I really don't care about the security issues because all I'm doing is game call-outs and cracking jokes. If I were to have an important conversation with someone, I would probably have it in person instead of using any messaging service. For everything else, I just use whatever messaging service the other person is using (fb messenger, whatsapp, sms, etc), because, again, I don't care about security in my messages.
>he cant shitpost in real time while playing a game
Its because they promoted the adventure time minecraft episode, can't be an 3pic g4amer with out minecraft adventure time
Because Discord successfully targeted all of the kids and all of the other weirdos lurking around, they have this decent UI and good usability, focussed on gaming, but we all know the focus is basically on chatting to your mates and having a central platform to meet them and discord does all these things right, if you fag dont want to share sensible stuff over discord you dont have to no one says hey fa/g/got share your personal info on discord its up to you, you dont like it? dont use it but its a great way to communicate.
>good usability
lmao bud it runs like fucking dogshit
get a real job
reminder that captcha is probably used to track you
>Muh gubbamint spying
*Posts on Jow Forums
Because it's free and doesn't require any knowledge to use?
Why the fuck do you think OP...
lol no shit, everything is stored forever where have you been? every text you send every email you send every post you make every conversation you have is ALL stored grandpa. get with the times lol
of course they know this. who do you think socially engineered you to be this way?
Yes a lot of people realize that, but most people don't have autism so they don't give a shit about the goberment knowing they just won a game of overwatch.
>thinking you're important enough for CIA niggers to warrant eavesdropping
Eternal reminder.
oh no the goverment now knows my friends jack off to hentai and furry porn
how will citizens ever recover
bow down to big brother now
>expecting any privacy on the PUBLIC internet.
30yr old boomer here I dont use the client. I use ripcord or the web.
They don't care that the government is spying on their erp sessions.
Don't forget, Discord has a literal shill team, and they do it for free. Remember that when you see retards defending them.
you can
you know
ignore the fucking ads.
all of them.
buy what you see what you actually are going to really need or really like and don't let advertisements and marketing campaings dictate what you can buy or sell.
this is basic, fucking, common, sense.
What the fuck is common sense?
>ignore the ads
Kek. You ignorant fool. You ever wonder what the trillion dollar advertising industry is doing with their money?
I live in a third world shithole and I had sociology classes in high school that teached me what common sense was.
You americans and first worlders are literally brainwashed from birth to be consumerist machines that actually buy shit based on dumb ads. And you retards actually fucking do it.
The ONLY fucking reason this entire mass-surveilance botnet ultra government thing exists is because retards with too much money to spend keep buying dumb shit based by ads and "normalfag pressure", and it fucking works. I've been getting the same uber ads thousands of times on youtube every video and I've never used or planned to use uber on my fucking life. Thr botnet has given up on me because it knows that I will never buy the shit advertised to me because I'm a responsible person who can plan out what I NEED and WANT by my own opinions.
The better question is why do people trust corporations at all, they’re literally oligarchical authoritarian microstates
You are a bonafide idiot and also you are dumb ass shit. You probably use WhatsApp and Facebook both of which violate privacy.
Advertisers already own your brain, and they tell you they're not influencing you while they do it. Advertisements are cognito hazards. They damage your mental processes just from exposure.
>I will assume things about you which will prove me right
Ok sure.
Also how am I dumb for using my money responsibly?
So am I just supposed to leave society and go live innawoods then? I mean what can I do besides trying my best to not click or fall for ads obviously directed at me on the internet
What do you use instead? IRC? Don't you realize that anyone in your IRC room could be uploading all the logs to a government server?
>Also how am I dumb for using my money responsibly?
You're not, that's the point. If you don't spend money, there's no economy, that's why your country is a shithole in the first place.
shhhhhhut the fuck up, don't blow my cover
Dumb negro use an adblocker like any person who hates ads. Privacy is dwindling and a battle no one can win. If you wanna have a sour vagina the whole way through life become a digital nomad.
Don't see why they need it, considering plenty of normal, non-Jow Forums people use it already.
yeah i dont know why but my friend group still uses discord even though we have an irc chat.
I didnt say that I dont spend money dumbass. And that's not how economy works AND why my country is a fucking shithole. Stop assuming things.
Ublock Origin doesnt seem to work on youtube at least on my browser, and I use a phone too with Adaway so whatever
Not just that but it literally posts your IP and ISP to everyone when you login.
>phoneposter too
Fucking hell, you're not really helping your own case at all.
>yes goy, buy all this random useless crap or your country will be shit forever
>poorfag detected
>I spend my money on dumb shit I don't need to boost my ego! I'm superior to you because of that
Y i k e s
>poorfag and tired dead memes
Seriously just kill yourself
>cognito hazards
>Runs like Shit
I have a Intel Celeron laptop that runs Discord pretty well.Maybe try to get a better PC.
What is Discord and how is it any different from IRC?
Also what is best IRC Client?
because it throws epic fortnite meme at them on every interface dialog or loading screen