Apparently Linux can run Windows games better than Windows itself now, not only faster but even better looking! Year of the GNU/Linux desktop, finally?
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Apparently Linux can run Windows games better than Windows itself now...
Good for you. I'm still stuck at windows because I'm using MatLab and shit to work.
I'm seeing a 5-10% performance gain in some and a 5-15% loss in others. DXVK and Proton have worked wonders and there's a final part of DXVK that is preventing compatibility for a lot of games. When that's addressed by the end of the year, basically every DX11 title should work flawlessly and DX12 compatibility will start getting attention.
If I really want AAA shit to work day one, I switch over to my Windows 10 LTSB install but generally speaking I do everything but gaming in Antergos.
>inb4 arch shitposting
It'll be even better when I get an AMD GPU.
day one AAA gaming I mean*
I hope Windows market share will start declining now
you people do realize those games are propetary
The final portion of DXVK should really help with that. Literally hundreds of recently released games are going to be running in Vulkan flawlessly with a small performance loss or even gains in some cases.
>Linux can run Windows games better than Windows itself now
Wut? Is this real life?
So? Just because I play proprietary games doesn't mean I should run a proprietary operating system and use a proprietary graphics library when the alternative is platform neutral and runs games better in general
would be better if games are made straight with vulkan so we don't even need dxvk
I agree but gamedevs are fucking retards
t. gamedev
Fuck you, DXVK is a great project
Native will always be better than a compatibility layer. That being said, DXVK is fucking awesome and it's amazing what they're doing with so little overhead.
Proof pease? Only actually credible sources for benchmarks made by trustable hardcore GNU/Linux nerds still show significant performance penalties.
Anecdotally I can confirm the visual changes. Elder Scrolls Online has really bad anti-aliasing implementation that can't be fixed by drivers or ReShade injection methods.
Also I'm not sure I'd call 5-15% performance loss (typical worst case scenario) significant.
>arch shitposting
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to use Arch Linux. The configuration is extremely difficult, and without a solid grasp of theoretical computer science most of the options will go over a typical user's head. There's also Arch's minimalist look, which is deeply coded into its design - its collective philosophy draws heavily from Donald Judd artstyle, for instance. The Archfags understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this OS, to realize that it's not just stripped down- it says something deep about COMPUTERS. As a consequence people who dislike Arch truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the wisdom in Arch's Motto "Keep it simple," which itself is a cryptic reference to Eric Raymond's epic Jargon File. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Judd Vinet's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have an Arch linux tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
This. We need real benchkmarks
The problem with Linux benchmarks is that everyone who does them at a professional standard don't go back and revisit older games so it's all just day one performance benchmarks (assuming that's even possible)
Then everyone else are poorfags with mid to low range Nvidia GPUs.
This. We need Frame rate benchmarks
I have currently a 760 gtx. Is there an AMD card that can give me twice the performance than this one?
I wouldn't be surprised if some expensive shaders weren't working leading to the performance ""improvements"" talked about.
That said, if Valve really has DXVK and device Vulkan driver programmers talking to each other, it is completely possible to get performance on-par or better. At this point it's just an alternate DX11 implementation. But I'm not gonna get my hopes up.
What's hilarious is that if we have a platform battle between Valve and MS, both of them have forgotten how to actually make games
Easily. Vega 64 on sale for $399 with Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Strange Brigade and StarControl Origins bundled for free is a good deal too.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Thanks I just picked one up
Exciting times indeed. Now if only I could pick a distro and stay with it. I like debian but it's packages are too old and apt is stupid. I like pacman but the amount of shit that breaks on a typical arch install is not great. I think I just might have to settle with xubuntu because it will have the most compatibility with muh games.
Antergos works on my machine :^)
>benchmarking games on manjaro the other day
>dota 2 says I'm getting a stable 145 fps but it doesn't feel like it
>turns out it was compton making my games shit
>don't even used a compostitor anymore because it fucked up more shit and I fixed xfce/xfwm screentearing anyway.
There is no good screenshot software.
If they finally port ShareX over I will come to the good side, but for now linux is shit
Is this ugly tool even capable of uploading my screenshots directly to my server and then copying the link to my clipboard?
Or even able to record videos too?
All the sharex clones are shit
you can do that with a very small shell script lmao
>hurr wine can run windows games better than windows can
This has been a neckbeard circlejerk legend for at least 20 years
But why would I want to use another fucking tool for that if the stupid dev could just implement decent features, oh hey lets see its stupid garbge linux software made by complete idiots, that's probably why.
>stupid dev
>garbage linux software
>complete idiots
textbook tourette lmao
This time it actually can because DXVK is awesome.
Yes it can. It has FTP and upload site support.
>Look at me guys,I said I hate video games again!
>Am I mature yet?
Opinion Discarded
On the off chance that that's even true, I'll still stick to Windows and enjoy vsync and more than one monitor
>vsync one more than one monitor
I'll try now
It's true. Show me one example of any distro properly handling 3 displays out of the box
So you're going to blame Linux for Nvidia's awful driver support? lol okay
However may I suggest moving away from Nvidia if you care about v-sync so much? You know, because Freesync is a thing and it's awesome. Nvidia's G-Sync is a $200 premium for less than a percentage of latency difference and they even sabotaged FreeSync support even though it's part of the VESA standard.
realtalk it has nothing with distributions but everything to do with video drivers
with a decent driver and a compositing manager multiple displays should work perfectly (mixed hidpi may be problematic)
intel igpu is the best but not good for gaming
i havent tried amd in a long time but they contributes free drivers and ive heard good things
>So you're going to blame Linux for Nvidia's awful driver support?
Yes. It works just fine on Windows and Mac OS.
>care about v-sync so much
I just don't want screen tearing like it's 1996. Is that so much to ask?
Elementary OS or Antergos OS?
>intel igpu is the best but not good for gaming
I even have tearing with Intel
>Show me one example of any distro properly handling 3 displays out of the box
anything with GNOME 3 running on intel igpu
Because they invested the resources. Blame your shitty GPU vendor for not doing the same with Linux.
They've actively sabotaged Linux at every opportunity and I think their constant investment into DirectX instead of Vulkan points to some sort of deal between them and Microsoft.
Every time people say shit like this, it enables the status quo to remain the status quo.
I wish there were some way for me to support this movement. I would love to use gnulinux instead of windows but the whole dx12 and dx11 thing is a deal breaker for me.
desktop env? compositing? what apps?
Do your research before posting
DXVK is a thing and what is there that is a DX12 exclusive that isn't UWP based?
At this rate I bet we'll be seeing Sea of Thieves running on Linux by 2020.
Install fresh distro of your choice
open browser
witness screen tearing
thats not my experience at all with debian sid, debian stretch & intel hw
Just like I expected the shitty Port wasnt working at all.
sharexin is garbage software
"Can't we all just get along?"
Why can't we come to a point of view where we see "Linux" as the marketing brand and "GNU" as the development code name or some crap like that. Call it Linux. If you're a smarty pants, you know it's essentially GNU.
lrn2send better software next time
>year of linux depends on running exe
Here's the deal
The translation layer seems to impart a notable GPU penalty, upping usage for performing these translations/ allocations.
This means that heavily GPU bound games like AAAs will experience as much as a 25-30% performance impact. This might seem large at first blow but you also have to keep in mind that the project is continually pumping performance and if you run the latest version you'll continue getting improvements, this might be moot one day. Another thing to note is that unlike wine's OpenGL, which introduced TONS of stutter dxvk drop the minimums a bit but overall framerate and delivery is actually quite pleasant.
For CPU bound games it actually shines, the linux scheduler is much more performant than the windows one, so single threaded games will suffer only about 10-20% penalty. Again, this is subject to change the fastest as better threading of the project is worked on. The last low level API translator to do this kind of thing, gallium nine patches on the free and open AMD driver, actually performed better than DX9 once development had gone on long enough and I don't think it's crazy to expect this down the line...
But for more esoteric games, the level of control you gain can completely outweigh the performance penalty.
For instance wine fixes some skyrim windowing issues so the game doesn't crash when you minimize it; a lot more like this one also exist.
Some benchmarks:
Enjoy your walled garden because you're not smart enough to figure out a ShareX alternative, gaylord
>the only way to make loonix worth while is to (poorly) emulate windows
I dont need an alternative, I have ShareX already, who needs shitty amateur software when you can have the chad software?
There's a directX12 to Vulkan being worked on by the wine guys themselves. It's called vkd3d and it's developing fast.
On a walled garden operating system
What trouble is it giving you user?
it'll be the first d3d>* system to simultaneously support only a few games and all available games
the trouble of being bad amateur software sadly
ShareX dude is shitposting
ignore him, I'm running it and it does everything
Post here so we can at least help.
It relies on other programs to function in a kind of modular way and if you don't have them all you can run into unexpected behavior.
Post some error output here and I can help.
Little by little, Wine takes all the games from windows, going from the oldest.
Most Windows machines can't run windows 3.11 games anymore, but wine can.
There is a shitton of software in .exe so being able to understand and "virtualize" the windows API will be extremely useful in the future. It's the same logic that's behind dosbox or any console emulator.
In the long run this sort of project is the only way you'll be able to run those programs at all, even Windows doesn't keep compatibility forever.
wouldn't the API translation be done on the CPU?
Do shaders running on the GPU even call any APIs? I thought they were pure compute code running on the same hardware regardless of platform.
Not quite sure what's drumming up the overhead on the GPU. Could be subpar allocation.
An issue was raised on the DXVK github to use an AMD backed Vulkan memory allocator to perhaps increase performance but Doitsujin was against the idea as it might cause regressions. He's probably got his plate full just bringing it up to feature parity with directx11.
is there any way to use proton to run adobe applications on linux? its the only shit keeping a windows partition on my drive but I couldn't find anything.
Proton is quite steam specific at this point.
You can use wine to do pretty much anything these days which is really just a more up to date version of proton requiring slightly more tweaking and works with much more stuff than just games.
Get the latest wine if you can, you might want to use staging but beware of regressions.
Wine-staging contains a bunch of dirty fixes that need to be cleaned up to work in normal wine and sometimes cause issues but normal wine updates slower, so if it works just go with normal wine.
What it does is setup a C:\ windows directory as a .wine folder in your home folder and allows for any x86 program that requires a windows environment to operate by providing everything it needs and all the APIs.
Just open a terminal and type wine application.exe to run it, you can set it as the default opener too but I like to see the output if something goes wrong unless it's an application I run all the time.
good facts.
Antergos worked perfectly with mine out of the box. Currently using GTX 1080 + proprietary drivers.
All I had to do was position them properly in the Nvidia control panel, like you'd do in Windows.
>the only way to run "windows" software optimally with the hardware you paid for is to run another (better) operating system
Matlab runs on Linux though?
No Mabinogi yet?
Don't care yet.
I wouldn't say it's optimal but it's worth the price of unshackling myself from the Microsoft ecosystem I want no part of.
DirectX is retarded and gamedevs who use it are even more so.
Running the game at higher resolutions and sampling it down seems to fix it
No it doesn't. Post screenshots because whatever artifacts are there are being destroyed by that awful resolution/youtube compression.
It's not even 1080p/60 for noise reduction purposes. What a joke of a video.
Just try it, it gave pretty good results for me
It's 1080p though? Framerate won't matter for picture clarity
I'm playing at 8K resolution via DSR (and getting 10FPS as a result). It didn't fix the problem.
At what resolution will this problem go away? Because it's certainly not anywhere under 10K. 16K? 32K? What kind of super computer are people that say this well documented problem doesn't exist or is completely mitigated by DSR?
>having any faith in valve programmers
their new friends UI is in a electron wrapper and hogged 20-40% cpu when in fullscreen the first month
I don't know man, sorry, the game looks pretty good to me, more than good enough to be enjoyable, the only thing awful in this screenshot is the JPG artifacting because PNG was too big to post
Dark Souls 3 has the very same issue with AA and DXVK fixes it.
Quality shit, this thing.
that time will come once we kill windows. once linux overtakes it as the best gayman platform the devs will have no further reason to use DX
>a modern windows game that works in modern windows works better in wine
what a time to be alive
youre forgetting that xdvk runs on windows too
That's exactly what supersampling AA is. It was the holy grail of AA for years until recently we surpassed GPU performance over the actual screen sizes we have commonly available and it became feasible to do so. Many AA technologies even use that to lesser extent, like only rendering the edges of things at higher resolutions instead of the whole game.