What does Jow Forums think of weev?
What does Jow Forums think of weev?
A testament of Jow Forums's chronic cognitive dissonance.
He's internet famous, which means he's a faggot
bash the fash
nake mor utoob content , now!!!! i subcsibred you just fo that
I can't wait for his nigger killing A.I., shit's gonna be cash.
Not funny, not woke, just an asshole who panders to losers
hey look a niggerfaggot
A gay nigger
seems to be a legit sociopath
very cool guy, helps keep the daily stormer up and women/niggers down. he has sacrificed a lot for the good of humanity.
white trash sack of shit from Arkansas. Did some cool stuff but ruined it by actually being a white supremacist instead of just being a white supremacist for the lulz in a satirical manner.
t. still mad as fuck sam hyde had a tv show
cool once but extreme faggot once he turned full poltard
>jewish nazi
ITT NPCs and mudskins who don't appreciate the quality of the technical accomplishments of either Weev or Hyde
Literally who?
the guy that made encylopedia dramatica and the guy who made tim and eric
Prison really fucked him up. Its sad honestly.
As a badgoy who has talked to him as a nobody. He has always been nice and humble when talked to. My only complaint is his pagan views but that isn't even a complaint really.
I wish there was a torrent of Troll Inc. Hacker wars was pretty good but weev was the best part of it.
I met him irl. Actually a very nice guy to talk to in person and I'm quite certain a lot of his views are, at the very least, greatly over-exaggerated for the purposes of attention and taking the piss out of people.
is npc the new buzzword? asking nonironically
my favorite beat poet
a jew working for the FBI
>it's ok to shill socialists when they are nationalists
>also granpa fought against the good guys
>fuck him
literally a ginger dwarven nazi degenerate.
Is that a sip?
>encylopedia dramatica
Gamers rise up brotha!!!
As a person he's a shitty, edgy motherfucker. Also an ex-prisoner.
As a programmer he's mediocre at best. He hasn't done anything important or interesting.
He's only "relevant" thanks to contrarian fucks who find the Svastika funny and some, obviously retarded, white supremacists.
>this comic
captain doesn't get it
He's jewish.
Therefore not white, nor nazi.
Anyone has his twitter? Please share.
No, he is Bavarian
Can you elaborate on that thought? I dont know who this is
He's a self hating Jew. His family name is Jewish. His parents have said they've Jewish blood. He flipped his shit when he ceased to be an only child and his parents adopted a couple of niggers. He's a walking cliche of the unloved child who acts out because his parents gave more attention to siblings, adopted or not, and it irks him even worse that they're niggers. He dislikes the fact his parents spoke out about his Jewishness and blamed his prolific drug use on his mental health problems.
Nothing leds, nothing more. Hit the nail.
>Also an ex-prisoner.
his conviction was overturned, his time in jail was wrong, he broke no laws but judges are retarded and don't care about reading the law
>implying laws are just and that anyone who breaks any of them is evil
weev is a Jew.
>I'm only pretending to be retarded!
Protip: topographic German names are almost exclusively jewish. You won't find an ethnic German named Berliner or Krakauer or Auernheimer the same way you won't find an American named Johnny Chicago and Mikey Las Vegas.
I feel mildly uncomfortable being reminded about this.
Oh look, another Jow Forums eceleb cock sucking thread.
Why can't you shitposters just stay in your containment board?
for now
dunno if it'll stick