Confess Jow Forums
Confess Jow Forums
satania best girl
i once farted on a man's balls
I enjoy using it.
I want to suck that furry husbando knot
my favorite distro good your favorite distro bad
me too, i got a mac for free and its unironically not bad
I'm thinking about suicide every day. And imagining ways I can die.
I'm here just because irl I have no friends and feel lonely.
I pacman -Syu without checking if there are any issues at least half the time, hoping that I will have some problem to fix.
y do yu haf no frens?
After falling in the “install Gentoo meme” I bought a MBP 13” no touchbar, I also use an iPhone 7 and browse Jow Forums boards with “The Chan app”.
A year ago I was complaining about normies and anything related but now I just wanted something more user friendly and I really got use to macOS features and hotkey commands. It makes thing a bit more easier on my day to day.
None of classmates shared similar interests, so eventually I stopped communicating with everyone who thought about me as a friend.
Now I'm too old to find friends.
I use arch btw
I took a dump in the corner of my boss's office while he was at lunch last Friday and blamed it on a blind coworker's service dog
i fucking hate r9k memes and r9k crossies. it's not my fault you're a dysgenic goblin with a suburban white woman's fixation on status. just shut the fuck up
I've been using Gentoo for about 1 year, I love it! But my HDD passed away and I installed Winshit LTSB on the new one, mostly because of those winfags shilling it. It's not that bad! I will stay in windows a few months. Gomen ne, gentoo-chan, I'm too lazy to install you again and configure i3.
I'm posting from a mac
How can you confess what is established fact?
believe it or not there are gabushitters lurking here
They are everywhere.
When I see thread which I think does not belong on Jow Forums. Instead of reporting and saging I make retarded posts in it to piss everyone off.
If it's tech support question, I recommend something I wouldn't use or do.
I've killed animetard once. And I'll do it again.
God, I hate those disgusting attention whoring anime pedo faggots so fucking much.
I use an iphone and it's comfy
I preach usenet but lately it's been dogshit and inside my heart I'm starting to think it's actually close to dying out.
Don't think about it, do it. At this point in your life, It's the only thing you're able to accomplish.
>2.6GHz base clock
>four ports TOTAL
Okay, I get the display is good and the laptop is shiny and all and you can use the emoji bar meme for shitposting and you get a free NSA-fingerprint-database-updater, but WHY FOR 2599 (-300 savings) DOLLARS?
Imagine being this much of a brainlet. You are literally holding human progress back
i hate computers
>Paying more than $100 for a laptop
I can understand the MacBook meme but $300 Beats...
(((WE))) did 911, and hacked the election. (YOU) have an avatar for a President
What provider do you use and what newsgroups? I'm thinking of buying a block and start posting there
I'm assuming iPhone X isn't included in your pic related because you stole it right, Jamal? Give them back.
I'm just way too fucking tired and stupid to get the most out of Linux, bash scripting, C.
I'm close to just going back to Microshit
When I built my first gaymin computer when I was 13 crysis was all the rage about "benchmarking" well I didn't really understand the concept and ended up playing the whole game at like 14 fps and thought I was cool
Do na suicide yourself user, dying is bad. Plus you could fuck it up and end up like this girl (these are the "good" after surgery pictures. the original face is much, much worse) Just go to a psychiatrist, get some antidepressants and do some talk therapy
i disabled meltdown and specter patches
i take a heavy interest in linux and various different computer related hardware to try and ignore my desire to be a girl
what did she try to shoot herself?
pwease exploit me daddy~
I stopped using linux for all my home server / hypervisor shit, it felt too fucky and finicky. install Windows Server 2012 R2 and haven't looked back.
kinda tastes like salty milk
She tried to shoot herself up the chin with a hunting rifle... and FAILED. Badly.
i licked a negro once
I failed to install Clover OS today
I consider fTPM and TPM 2.0 as software within Intel PTT as secure as a hardware TPM
I login as root