What the hell do i learn?

How do i learn the latest version of java or C++ as a beginner?
The wikipedia says that older versions of the java language arnt even supported.

Which C++ version do i learn?

Both java and C++ books dont specify the version being learned, and if they do, they say version 5 or 7.

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do the languages change completely, i mean wtf?

You're doomed.

> google
> C++11



Never gonna make it




no ur not


Object oriented languages are a meme especially for learning

Attached: 41gHB8KelXL._SX377_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (379x499, 27K)

Just learn whatever you like, if you learned one thing you can move on to the next one quickly anyway.

Learn this. Truly understand it. Now you can program in any language.

>older versions of the java language arnt even supported


How is object orientated a bad type of language?

How can you understand all by learning that?
I thought C++ was the same but better?

Also C doesnt have a library like C++

WAIT, C DOESNT SUPPORT OBJECTS, so how the hell is it better?

oop's a bloat, you don't need it, there is a reason why terry used c when he was building God's temple

Fuck off retard, OOP makes everything tidier and easier.

no it doesn't there's plenty of evidence proving otherwise

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OP learn Go it's the C of our times I swear

>it's the C of our times I swear
See you shouldn't listen to this guy, Go is the Java of our times, it was made for managers to manage medicore programmers.

>compiles faster than your C++ bloat
>strongly typed with a very rich and intuitive standard library
>backed by Google, one of the best companies in the industry
Sure thing pal, go back to your COUT >> "SHIT" > XD

Java is backward compatible back to the first version so whatever you learn will be usefull. Newer versions have some improvements and that's it. You can learn new gimmicks on the go.

Python is the future my dude

Learn Kotlin. Or Clojure. Both of these compile to Java bytecode, and both are miles ahead of Java itself.

>OOP fags

This. Begin with C, get a proper grasp of it and you'll know what you want by then. Just avoid python and scripting shit, unless it's lua, for secondary tasks.

>C++ books
I recommend "C++ primer" by Lippman and it covers C++11.

C language has still its own market, as it is a must for some types of embedded software.
Also Linux kernel.

>oop is a meme
>implying you cannot mimic objects in C

Its all the same just the new versions add stuff you will probably never use unless you need to and you will know about it by then

>miles ahead
>thin, leaky convenience layer


Java 9 and 10 are literally slower than Java 8