/comfy/ browser hompage thread?
Homepage thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Wtf is that supposed to offer that a bookmark bar can't?
Also if you are going to do that, put more effort into your HTML/CSS to actually make it a proper landing page.
Someday I'll realize how you fuckers do all that ricing and how you pick the comfiest colors without distro hopping
Are you even using a framework for that buddy?
Go home kiddo
>that nasty green color
Looks like literal shit f a m
I like it, user. Good job!
Yeah there is a lot of entries I need to remove/update.
holy shit thats incredible
Homepages are such a fucking waste of time. Just use your bookmarks you stupid faggots.
Circles Startpage if anyone asks.
nothing really its just a nice homepage to see, also who cares if it looks like 90s html looks fine to me and matches the aesthetic of my rice.
its a fucking homepage i dont need a framework.
what i said to user.
matches my rice
>not using jQuery and a metric fuckload of extra libs to achieve what can be done in pure CSS
Enjoy being unemployed
I wrote this a few years ago but I barely ever use it anymore.
Instead of having search shortcuts, why don't you just add them as search engines to your browser and give them keywords so you can call them easily?
Don't listen to these faggots. I think it's nice
this is a good feature in chrome/chromium. when you hide the bookmark bar it only shows when you have a blank page, why does't firefox have this feature?
In FF just type * bookmark name into the address bar. You don't need to clutter the UI with toolbars.
Mine is kinda meh. I think I actually got it from a template or something a while back and modified it to the stuff I wanted access to quickly.
Deal with it, nerds. There are subreddits for certain music I enjoy that /mu/ abhors, or shows that aren't discussed on /tv/
Anything with more than one click is literally useless and is less effective than a bookmark.
just use a bookmark bar OR memorize the url's you neet
Startpages are retarded. Bookmarks and typing in the letter of your board or site you want to go t is much easier.
They're retarded but they definitely look nice.
I just use F6 and then "4ch", down one on the arrow and enter. No need to move the mouse.
i created this abomination back in high school, thoughts?
the link on the second hitler did nothing wrong just goes to google
i feel you user
you arent alone
how the fuck do they choose the colors they choose?
When i try it looks like an autistic sprinkle
is mine comfy?
oy vey no
im german so that name is not inherently kike'd
my grandfather has an Ariernachweis, do you, jew?
I wouldn't be caught dead wasting time on ricing/linux and even I know there's a script for color schemes
Opposite of comfy.
same here
link pls
Enough, ENOUGH
How the fuck? HOW?? Why won't you spoonfeed me? rrrrrrrRRRREEEEEEEE
>right click disabled
so these are the type of people that browse Jow Forums with me
you need to go back
g*rmans = kikes
This is nice. Template sir?
This guy just won the retard olympics.
Everypne can rice. Read the unixporn wiki. For homepages just learn html+css or get some templates from github and hack around til you like it.
>put more effort into your HTML/CSS
It's simple, and does exactly what user wants.
Lol ok how can i make it more comfy?
back where?
your fonts are looking terrible
>not having a homebrew RSS aggregator as your homepage
p-pls rate
blurred stuff because i'm a faggot
only good one in the thread
Damn that's actually comfy as hell
Nice try, redditor.
>Has startpage
>is redditor
Really makes me think
reddit is good for some things, like specific vidya communities and interaction with devs
the "entertainment" side of reddit, le ebin dank maymays xD, is the problem
>having a homepage
>using bookmarks
I see you consume your state propaganda like a good goy
Share with me please.
Ruri = god tier
use pywal to make a swag color theme that matches the color palette of your wallpaper
I use this one
so these will be the new rice threads?
you ricers have really ruined this board
Dude it's time to use L4. seL4 is a decent choice
>why don't you just add them as search engines to your browser and give them keywords so you can call them easily?
That's what i do
I always have the tab opened so I just switch to it and open a page I also installed webrun so this thing opens up programs for me.
Faggot you aint impressing anyone change that shit
kannste dir nicht audenken sowas
Thank you based user!
lmao autism
>his browser doesn't wipe everything on close, have pocket and fxaccounts disabled, blank home + new tab
based and redpilled
>she doesn't run her own firefox sync server to make sure that her furaffinity account details are kept up to date on all of her devices
Click then. I need to make it HTML5 tho, I know.
is your raifu pregant?