>Turn on computer for the first time this morning >Within two minutes of getting logged in, pic related comes up >"Important updates including security fixes" >No way to stop the update besides rebooting >Still installs the update anyways
Why the fuck does Microsoft desire to shove updates down your throat? There's no way there's anything that important enough in that update to force an install.
if you want an insecure computer, feel free to stop wuauserv from starting completely.
Colton Cook
You have a virus in your computer.
Christopher Russell
It would help if they at least put what update was installing, or linked SOMETHING. Looks like some sort of AVG easy clean-up shit.
Daniel Cook
update services get re-enabled automatically once an update is old enough, group policies are disregarded, theres no escape goyum
Ayden Ross
Windows is only operating system that makes sure user has no power. you need to copy few tb data overnight? Lol lets install updates and reboot. you need to do presentation? Lol updates and reboot. Need to finish something? Lol no. This is not about "want to have insecure system", this is about operating system deciding things for you.
Charles Diaz
It actually really is. If you don't update hackers will fuck your shit up. MS got fed up with winfags constantly ignoring important security enhancements.
Jaxon Thomas
>this is about operating system deciding things for you you think microsoft is doing it just for lulz?
Jace Stewart
Why are you using Windows 10 you absolute cuck?
Camden Gray
>but you can keep using this PC a- arigatou gozaimasu g- goshujin-sama...
Angel James
Nah. Even at MS people outside of updates team have frequently sent angry messages about their shit.
Dominic Lee
Feels good to be the only person on Jow Forums that can actually disable automatic updates on W10
But anyways, I see where Microsoft is coming from. Back in school, teachers would always click "postpone" on the W7 popup and updates would NEVER get installed. Some computers never had any updates whatsoever installed and they had virus shit out the ass.
Sebastian Allen
>Feels good to be the only person on Jow Forums that can actually disable automatic updates on W10 Hi, fellow leet hacker.
It doesn't make me feel good, though. It makes me feel depressed about humanity. Of all the legit terrible things to complain about in W10 people pick a literal non-issue.
Brandon Brown
>comes back in a week >guise all my shit has been encrypted from malware >look in the mirror and realize you're retarded
Jaxson Young
>unhook pc >remove all forms of communication to home >wrap pc in tinfoil to be extra sure >install windows 7 with tinfoil still around >disable all windows "security" features gud job
I don't give a fuck "why" they are doing it. My bet is on training users to be submissive idiots ("if they don't mind when we restart their systems, they will not mind all that data gathering on them"). This "ms just want user systems to be up to date" doesn't hold water - os is tool to let user do things. If os decides to stop working in middle of user doing something important then it is not doing its job.
Jace Bell
>non issue I have lost 4tb of backups thanks to w10 rebooting in middle of night while I was moving data from dying hdd to new one. >non issue fuck off.
Hunter Parker
>Windows *Windows 10, ftfy
Jayden Hall
No! My Vista computer was fine before its first update. After that it was fucked.
Landon Torres
>My bet is on training users to be submissive idiots thanks, this answer was what i was looking for
You should have backed up that data to OneDrive, you dumb ass normie.
Connor Murphy
>forcing boomers to keep their shit updated and secure Where is the issue?
Elijah Rivera
>backing up 4TB of important data without supervision You deserved it.
Isaiah Nelson
Clearly it’s an OS made for idiots.
Alexander Harris
I wouldn't mind if Windows was competently designed and didn't require a restart to install updates.
Caleb Butler
They did this because 99.999999% of users are absolute actual fucking retards who never update anything and would be browsing around with every virus under the sun.
As a technically proficient person, I'm sure you can figure out how to disable it if, for some reason, you need to.
Robert Phillips
oh, so I had to stay next to my pc for over 24hours (yes, dying hdd was that slow)? Yah, what about no. I have to sleep and go to work. What about "operating system should not kill what user is doing"?
Caleb Jones
>using Win10
Deserved it.
Nicholas Clark
If it's dying then you need to supervise it in case of an error, and you need to backup in parts (to lessen a chance of an error screwing things up)
Ian Davis
This, my windows update does not look like that. Thank microsoft for making interfaces so simple and easy to do plishing with.
Jace Kelly
How did you managed to stay out of date for so long user? Last build launched on April 2018