Why does this board feel like it has the highest iq out of all of 4chins?
>Why does this board feel like it has the highest iq out of all of 4chins?
But it doesn't? nu-Jow Forums literally is obsessed over a schizophrenic homeless autist who sucked his brother's cock and got cucked by a literal nigger before finally deciding to an hero?
is much better
My IQ is around 170, so I basically carry 10 people with an IQ of 85 to at least 115. Multiply that with the hundreds of other 200 IQ anons and you got the highest IQ board on Jow Forums.
tranny devis
Everything in diy is easy
>The hard part is getting the tools
Im not a manufacturing plant that can produce materials.
Unless i have to smelt all the shit tools single handedly or do some abracadabra magic to make shit appear from thin air.
>a schizophrenic homeless autist who sucked his brother's cock and got cucked by a literal nigger before finally deciding to an hero
who dat?
It's probably the lowest outside of the retarded boards (anime-b-pol-v).
No it's not. Embarrassing to lie about such things.
Just a bunch of autists here. Sometimes there is high IQ stuff... but highest IQ board? I don't think so. Just look at for instance. I don't really go anywhere other than Jow Forums so I don't know if any others.
That's not how IQ numbers work.
To be fair, Terry actually was smart, shared things in common with Jow Forums, said very memable things, and died very recently.
I think /lit/ and /sci/ are more intelligent
Wow, I leave Jow Forums for the summer and come back to find Terry. wtf?
I dont think tumbler poets are intelligent having a literacy quota requires a dynamic iq so that cancels itself out.
>As for sci half the things there are people posting their homework and theories
Do people actually give a shit about templeOS. It's shit. Like... total shit. It's massively unimpressive... I'd actually be embarrassed to say I made something of that poor quality.
Terry dead*
Ever actually been to sci? There are more shitposts than on s4s. Good thread every other month I'd say
You try writing an entire OS in a language you made up through a compiler you wrote. Shit's difficult. TempleOS is impressive not because it's a legitimate product that can compete with the likes of Windows or macOS (or even some garbage Linux distro), but because of the context. It's highly impressive because one guy made it. Wrote the entire thing from the ground up. Every atom, every pixel is his. That's hard.
Jow Forums is fucking retarded and ignorant
/sci/ is actually smart and /lit/ pretends to be quite well
>in a language you made up through a compiler you wrote.
So just like one of the hundreds of meme language of the year. Plus it doesn't even have any networking stack. So it's basically an unfinished hobby project made popular by a bunch of subliterate autists at Jow Forums
Here are some more
>you can't hate on stuff you can't do
Because you're dumb and dumb people fail at assessing other people's intelligence
/sci/ is now 50% """intellectuals""" from Jow Forums and 50% high school students larping as math/physics majors
What was the phenomenon of retards more likely to not notice how retarded they are called again?
Anyone who claims to have a higher IQ than Richard Feynman and has done fuck all in his life must be shot.
Dunning Kruger effect
Holy shiet all those os's dedicated to saturn and all that nsa nigger distros.
First Christian distro on linux.
This autist was literally trying turn the bible into ai
>wanting christcuckery mixed in with your operating system
Take your meds, autismo.
I'd say less frog posters, on average, but that only gives the impression of higher intelligence. Although let's face it, a single frog poster already brings down the average IQ significantly.
based and redpilled
My lab results actually came in a couple of months ago and I apparently have an IQ of 104, only slightly above normie levels. What do?
>frogposters are mentally-ill trannies
Sounds about right
Shitpost on Jow Forums until the day you die
this is now a Pepe thread.
Post the good stuff
>Why does this board feel like it has the highest iq out of all of 4chins
it easily does not.
have you even tried /sci/?
oh user, i have over 1500 pepes.
will begin posting random pepes.
no context needed
/sci/ shills need to go back
because you probably go to v/pol/r9k and posts here seem genius in comparison
>Pepe thread
>posting Apu
Begone, Rabbit
please do; not like the thread was good anyway
/sci/ is much smarter than this garbage heap of ricing you call Jow Forums
sure thing
>/help me with my calc 1 homework/
>apu is not pepe
this board is filled with nothing but uninformed hobbyists
top thread on Jow Forums
top thread on /sci/
fuck off ass spelunker, keep ricing linux cuz thats all you know how to do with it
/p/ is the patrician board.
>im a Jow Forums user that needs to asks Jow Forums how to hide my porn
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers
Good one.
besides a select few threads i would say overall Jow Forums has one of low lowest IQ's of any Jow Forums board... probably the only ones lower are /news/, /b/, /s4s/, and Jow Forums
Jow Forums is the undisputed high-IQ title holder right now and its not even close
I just checked /sci/'s catalog, it look's just like Jow Forums's except a wider variety of topics.
Jow Forumsek, good one user.
but its /sci/
sci is braindead, just fucking go there
It isn't. There used to be more creativity and bantz here. Now there's mostly consumerism. A lot of oldfags went to Tumblr. A lot had to work due to the economic downturn, I imagine many are staying in that position now that they can make a lot more in this economy. The government education system is creating retards, so there's no one to replace them. We have reached the point where newfag Redditors are talking shit about oldfags.
>electrical engineering
>brain computer interface
>rate my battle station
>stupid questions
>hiding porn
>riced desktop
>gpu's for gaming
>monitors for gaming
>A is a set. Prove that there exists a unique set >A such that A△X=A.
>any tips /sci/?
>muh brain is already semi-wasted trying to solve this.
oh wow the top thread is someone asking for help with his math homework. what's more, he can't even use the [math][/math] tags to properly write the expression. That's basically the /sci/ equivalent of someone asking for help with a homework question and pasting in their code with no codetags
>The government education system is creating retards,
oh yeah
No more excuses, user. Follow your dreams!
and yet it is still leagues above the rubbish posted here
>an't even use the [math][/math] tags to properly write the
well memed my friend, good pepe, furries are degenerate
>cant even quote an entire sentence
thanks for proving my point
where did you go fren
Who the fuck is the frog
right here just looked for pepes with numbered filed name
Epep, and he's a toad.
This board is literally computer /b/.
The only board more retarded is Jow Forums.
heh I was actually just frogposting, the quote was something randomly selected at the time of posting
>eh I was actually just frogposting, the quote was something randomly selected at the time of posti
have a rare pepe
Do we start with the blazingly fast "just in time and ahead of time" compiler?
Lightweight bootloader?
A C-knockoff with inline assembly support, no main function, a proper switch statement implementation, full terminal programming support, no need for a print function, using graphics and 3d models as variables for both input and output? He wrote his own graphics library?
There's more but I ain't gonna spoonfeed ya'. Go watch his archives. Pretty much everything in his OS is unorthodox and innovative.
Not really. /a/ has almost nil frogposting and it's probably one of the lowest IQ boards in here.
ITT: triggered frogposters proving their intelligence by... spamming frog pictures.
> sucking cock, getting cucked, and an heroing isn’t the most old fag thing you could do
Hey nufag get the Fuck off our board. DR-L337 is getting LAID.
my rarest pepe
>proving their intelligence
who ever said that?
I'm afraid your pepe is broken, fixed him for ya ;)
Jow Forums is stupid as fuck though