Debian, Arch, Gentoo, OpenBSD, or FreeBSD?

Debian, Arch, Gentoo, OpenBSD, or FreeBSD?

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Your mom




Gentoo is the best


If you're a """"""linux expert"""""" aka have dunning kruger: Arch
If you need something that works: Debian
If you need a custom system like the autist you are: Gentoo
If you like your computer lacking important features a desktop OS should have in $CURRENT_YEAR: OpenBSD
If you like barely working, cucked shit: FreeBSD


9front : ^)

Gentoo. Install it.

FreeBSD was a blast to install and compile everything for. But once I got everything working I started noticing things that were missing. Like WIDEVINE for watching the video streaming that comes with Amazon Prime or Netflix. Or Steam Play, or Steam at all (couldn't get it working with Linux compatibility, but did sort of have a few games working via wine).

Gentoo seems like it would be almost as fun as FreeBSD (except gcc is less fun for me than clang for some reason), and you could get the necessary proprietary bits like WIDEVINE that are only on Linux/Windows/Mac (just not on any *BSD). But it's a meme so I haven't installed it. People tell me it's awesome though.

The mere mention of OpenBSD will bring in a copypasta drone who will spout things like "the filesystem is a joke" and "remote holes in default install is a stupid metric", but I honestly like OpenBSD. I have nvidia though (unfortunately) so no good driver, I'll consider it on my laptop I'm getting. But the same stuff about lack of WIDEVINE or Steam exists that exists with FreeBSD.

Arch is a great distro for up to date packages and the availablility of software in the AUR. But at the cost of instability (not necessarily crashing, rather changes to functionality with new version of software). I recommended Manjaro to a newb who wanted the latest stuff (he was interested in nvidia driver 396) when he complained in #debian.

Which brings me to Debian. My favourite distro, the one I am currently using and feel like I'll stick with for a long time unless I get distrohopping fever again (last month was *bad*). I grew up on Knoppix and Ubuntu, so I like the familiarity of apt, my hands still type the - after sudo apt to type apt-get even though it's deprecated, and all the commands are intuitive to me. I like having newer packages so I'm running sid instead of testing/stable, so I get stuff like the latest GNOME (which has problems, alas) and KDE+blur (which I'm currently running).

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fuck off kevin


Debian is very easy to install now, and it offers a bunch of releases that could interest you. For a desktop, I'd recommend going for Debian unstable (sid), since the stable version doesn't support anything past ~2017 and the testing version is generally more prone to breaking than unstable.
Gentoo and Arch are both not as hard to install as you'd think, but Gentoo takes much longer to install since you need to compile everything. Install either of those if you'd generally want to get more involved with your system (don't get me wrong, the distros have huge differences, they just serve a similar purpose).
OpenBSD is even more of a dinosaur OS than Debian stable, but it's extremely secure and has a great team supporting it. It's also great if you want something closer to UNIX I suppose.

What's the KDE equivalent of tilix? Any other tiling terminals that you'd recommend?



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server - FreeBSD
desktop - Windows
laptop - Windows

Konsole provides a split window mode

you could also use tmux but that's a higher learning curve

>For bleeding edge
openBSD --current
if you bought into the hyperthreading meme, arch is more stable than deb testing
>If you're into stable shit
Again, if HT
Debian stable

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Router - FreeBSD (pfsense)
Server - Linux (Debian)
Desktop - Windows
Laptop - MacOS


I'm running Arch. Literally all the software is available but it sometimes breaks during routine updates. On the other hand I can customize it on a deep level, not just window decorations but filesystems and whatnot, more easily than on other distros.

The Arch Wiki is a phenomenal resource, the best Linux resource on the internet. That being said, since I use Gnome and it's getting good and stable I'm likely to try Fedora next. Rolling sounds good, but it's better to not have to upgrade all the time.




i wish they have binary package repo it's pain in the ass to install source-based distro on old laptop

Qubes OS + Whonix

Arch + Gnome

install gentoo

I use Lubuntu, alternate ISO for RAID and good GPU drivers

For me it's Debian


Void or FreeBSD.

no gdm on arch is broken piece of shit and never will be fixed

The only redeeming thing from BSD, ports, Gentoo does better.

>preferring autismo ganoo utils to based bsd utils

And the funny thing is, FreeBSD still shits over Gentoo despite being one of the few Gahnoo/Linux distributions that praise BSD.

dubs tell the truth

Server - FreeBSD / OpenBSD
Desktop - macOS

debian testing

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Dick Cheney says: Install Arch and take control of your computer like I took control of Iraqi oil fields!
Install Arch Linux today!

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Sounds to me like the problem is that GDM (and probably Gnome as a whole) is a buggy, broken mess that's only held together on other distros by downstream patches and tweaks that haven't made it upstream.


Real men use Debian

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rolling release distros are great


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That's my man right there, using debian and i3

my nigga

>all that tranny porn
you are big gay

I just switched to lightdm because gdm is a shit with nvidia.

here's a little help

you'll never figure out how to install gentoo

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fuck arch idiots


DragonflyBSD for BSD since FreeBSD cucked

Debian is the standard Linux distribution and there shouldn't be anything else ideally.

Void Linux + musl
(and maybe Gentoo if you have the time, which is the best distro out there)

Why? Because a lot of distros.
Baby Ubuntu, old slag Debian, Manjaro and Arch are great but they still use systemd and are not near minimalistic. Parabola is also great, but fuck GNU coreutils, and their repo. Stallman is a kike and shouldn't even listen to him. Fuck glibc.



Funtoo, It's fun

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to use Arch Linux. The configuration is extremely difficult, and without a solid grasp of theoretical computer science most of the options will go over a typical user's head. There's also Arch's minimalist look, which is deeply coded into its design - its collective philosophy draws heavily from Donald Judd artstyle, for instance. The Archfags understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this OS, to realize that it's not just stripped down- it says something deep about COMPUTERS. As a consequence people who dislike Arch truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the wisdom in Arch's Motto "Keep it simple," which itself is a cryptic reference to Eric Raymond's epic Jargon File. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Judd Vinet's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have an Arch linux tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

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Deep down you know there is only one choice

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Arch is for brainlets who can't into Gentoo.


What's that make everyone else then?


have they finally integrated a pfblocker alternative?