Stop liking cubicles

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get the fuck out of my cubicle Robert no one gives a shit about your fucking flyers

Neurons do regenerate dumb dumb

A cubicle is all I fucking want in my next job. Open offices are just cancer - can never just sit and do my work without some badgering me for this and that, someone breathing down my neck, or people looking over my shoulder

Just fuck off already

You can take my cube from my cold dead hands. I will never be an open floorplan cuck.

>being an office cuck


Cubicles get a bad rep because it makes everyone look like an office drone, but give the people in an office space the freedom to arrange the furniture and barriers in their own piece of space, and I guarantee you that they'll try to build something resembling a cubicle.

>interact with faggots all day
>you generate new neurons that specialize in making you a faggot

Okay, what do you propose instead?
Open plan is a terrible idea for patently obvious reasons.
Building everybody their own office is expensive to the point of being infeasible.
What else is there?

It's funny to look back and see everyone complaining about cubicles, because ""modern"" open-plan offices make cubicles look luxurious.
Funny in a sad sort of way. I wonder what horrible new arrangement will make us look back with fondness on open offices

The Firaxis model. A dedicated room per team.

Fair enough, I could see that working.

Remote work.

>Hey user do you want to come join us at the ball pit with some soys latte?

As lawyers,research,medics or any self respect human.

>he has so few neruons he wasn't able to read the other paragraphs
Honestly, I mostly just feel sorry for you bro

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do basements count? would explain a lot of the stupidity here

I do retail inventory, spending all day roaming stores and counting stuff.

Cubicle life looks bretty gud to me.

Yes basements made heavy mental damage persons.

We have hot design and mobile working. We've packed so many people into the office that desks are a first come first serve affair, and anyone who hasn't got a space can take a notebook and work anywhere in the building theres wi-fi. Plenty of people double desk and bring their own pop out stools to sit on.

Open Plan offices are just awful, they might look "pretty" to management, but with the constant interruptions and generally shitty environment, you are delaying every single project that is executed within one.

Fire everyone with non-technical skill (Management, HR, marketing that isn’t psyops, etc.).
Spend all the money that you’d save by no longer paying them and no longer having to deal with their constant stupidity negativity impacting profit margins on an office renovation designed for genuine productivity and not what dumb people think productivity is.

Just wear headphones. People never bother the guy wearing headphones.

I worked for a company that gave everyone their own office (ok, some people shared but still). If you're not stupid with your building designs and build for long-term energy efficiency then it can work.