This is right.
This is right
This is sacrilege.
Unironically better than the schizoid nobody that nu/g/ worships because he says nigger a lot.
This. I prefer programmers that don't get run over by trains.
This is the ideal male body. You may not like, it but this is what peak performance looks like.
Fuck off, kiddo
The three amigos are Stallman, Davis and Carmac. All born near Unix Epoch.
>like, it
>Percival, my bird, is dying.
>Earlier today there was a Bible passage about "Are not two sparrows sold for a
> penny, but not one falls without the Father's notice?" Pervical started
>coughing up blood about a month ago. Then he got a little bit better, but I
>think he's gotten worse. This is kind of a death watch. I'm waiting for
>him to die.
>I live in kind of a old environment. All I do is, I go to dentists and
>doctors. My parents go to dentists and doctors. And that's all we do. We
>watch tv, they go to the casino. I don't watch tv, I watch...
>Anyway, it's kind of... I feel like I've... I don't really have any... But
>I made God's temple, and now I'm waiting for something to happen. I've been
>fighting to bring it to fruition, but I'm in some kind of prison or something.
>Basically now I just kind of kill time. But I'm God's high priest, so
> there's nothing better to do with your time than kill time with Mr. God and
>enjoy divine intellect all day long. But I live in a very kind of old... I
> think I like it.
>Now that you mention it, I'm kind of glad there aren't kids in my life. There's
> some... I'm kind of, I guess prepared for death. I don't know, I...
>If you have a tooth crowned or something, I think teeth are the first reminder
> of mortality. I think that's when it begins to hit you. Because they don't
>come back. And that's it.
>And anyway, I don't know when my bird's gonna die. I don't know when my
>bird's gonna die. I don't think I've ever seen a dead body. This bird takes
>me a month to die. You know this is something that happens all over the world
>all of the time.
Yes. Plz mods
This is heresy.
Elon is cool guy, but what exactly has he done for me in regards to my 4 essential software freedoms?
stop worshiping degenerates
When this plebbitor is pinned, we can finally rename the site to 'Reddit 2.0'. At least then we can stop lying to ourselves that we're any better.
I agree. Put him right under Terry.
>kym tier file name
>implying 75 percent of Jow Forums isnt active on reddit
If elon musk can make a common lisp emacs then absolutely. If not gtfo
>kym file name
Downloaded this from a torrent package, no idea as to it's host origin.
>implying 75 percent of Jow Forums isn't active on reddit
It is, doesn't mean it should be.
>you can't use reddit :((((((
If you have any self-respect, then you shouldn't. And if you don't have any self-respect, you don't deserve any from others.
Reddit is a mindless circlejerk and an echo chamber the likes of which haven't been met by any other community on the Internet.
>haven't been met by any other community on the Internet
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram...
They are terrible, but they're not circlejerks. These social media sites are just botnets onto which people impose their opinions. Reddit on the other hand has only ONE opinion, and that is the opinion that the person with the most authority holds.
It is a hivemind, a circus of idiocy. One where competition and discourse are crimes and where conformism is a heroic act.
>If you have any self-respect, then you shouldn't.
You also shouldn't use Jow Forums though...
That's the beauty of it. Jow Forums's home both to those with self respect and those without any. It's home to a wide spectrum of individuals while once you've met one plebbitor, you've met 'em all.
This. At least he's someone to look up to. Torso Davidson might have had potential but didn't realize any of it.
Elon is the answer.
>redditors, the plague of the internet
self declared autistic genius. yep Jow Forums
Better than RMS
agreed, but fuck you for being a tripfag, piece of shit!
Elon is a cult leader with a budget.
Elon is a fraud worshipped by Redditors.
Where the fuck is this text coming from.
this is fucking retarded yet...
... this is still correct
What is next? Another shitty random eceleb who no one knows but /v/irgins who lurk here
>implying that Jow Forums isn't 90% /v/irgins
>calls caving hero a pedo
i hate elon musk
>smokes weed once
wtf i love musk now so based
so is 4chin
local subreddits and niche stuff not too bad. Jow Forums is full of meanies that I have to filter but sometimes has good stuff and shit that would get downboats on reddit.
Terry, from a live stream
It fits nu/g/ perfectly
should be the /o/ sticky, imagine the autism
Dumb loliposter
1000% this. Terry made an ass OS that 7 kids replicated in 1 semester. It took terry 10 fucking years.
Ring 0 only, flat memory model...
This shit is doable in a week
>talk to some engineers at work about what they think of elon musk
>they all hate him and think teslas are garbage cars
>things that never happened
ask really any engineers, unless they are silicon valley they all hate him
>Non SV engineer
>Mostly likely a low performer who can't break into the Valley
Opinions discarded.
16bit colors, 600x400 resolution, no networking. This shit is doable in a rainy afternoon
>thinks reddit still likes elon
Nice bait
Someone watched him on joethechimpRogan
desu even if I were a high performer engineer, I wouldn't want to 'break into the valley'
It's like taking a pay cut to work there compared to anywhere else in the world, AND you're surrounded by POZ.
stallman was born almost 20 years before unix epoch, faggot
someone post the Gaben one I did last week
I've lost it after a reinstall
based and redpilled
I wish we could go back to worshiping Stallman and calling Steve Jobs a faggot.
they're both faggits
You had ONE job
the weed was a calculated tactic to tank Tesla stock so he can buy it cheap and then kick the investors out
>did not even inhale
truly white
No he might be considerable for sticky if he dies. Mods didn't sticky Terry properly tho
>Mods didn't sticky Terry properly tho
must have been off their meds again.
t. never wrote a fucking compiler
Dude I love Elon Musk!! Do you watch Mr. Robot? It's sooooooo deep, it's like fight club except for nerds ;P
Poor rich man so overworked, he even worked on his bday ;'(
He's the next howard hughes
In the sense that he's now hurting the brand of the companies he founded because of his erratic behavior.
That's another project many kiddos every year do in a semester.
No, this is right for Jow Forums
Yes. I like this new Elon
Would a mod please ban this guy?
>he doesn't know that Windows licenses are tied to the motherboard
>"LoOKs lIkE WE SurviVEd THis LiCeNse CHEck" after swapping a video card out
I actually cringed. Why is this retard so popular?
Big if true
underrated / igetthatreference.gif
Did your boss tell you to post on Jow Forums because even plebbit can see through all of the Tesla astroturfing?