Sql fags btfo

You dont need to learn SQL since you can write databases completely in Java.

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>You dont need to learn SQL
True enough

> since you can write databases completely in Java
Ok ur retarded

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You can write databases in basic.
And it probably will perform better than java if you use freebasic.


Well yeah, you can do that, but it will just suck. If you want your application to suck, feel free.

How do you store data in a fucking script??
I know you can control data flow through programming languages, but how can you STORE IT using either Java or Basic the same manner as a SQL Database? Am I missing something?

But SQL is easy to learn

> What is a hard disk.
> What is non volatile memory.

Do you even computer?

I know what a hard disk is, dude. To create something COMPLETELY IN JAVA or COMPLETELY IN BASIC implies that the mere execution of code is enough to create a database. Well, it looks like you need to store the data somewhere after all, huh. In which case:
a) no, you can't write databases completely in Java or Basic, and
b) why wouldn't you use a standard solution like SQL or NoSQL to store data?

Okay let's store the entire database in an XML file then parse and write it every time we access the database

But you cant use it in games or creative works, so its usless for freetime use.

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Why not?

>online inventories
>actual worlds
>user generated content

If you're too much of a brainlet to learn SQL, let me know what database you write so I can stay as far away from it as possible.
Oh who am I kidding it will probably be successful because web retards will flock to it like they did to mongodb.

>But you cant use it in games or creative works, so its usless for freetime use
What? I mean most games won't use sql directly I guess, except for the online backend if any. But I have no idea what you mean by "creative works"

Prove you can, nobody uses SQL for creating games becuse you simply cant.

by creative works, i mean actual games that are creative, fun and not shit like fortnite, minecraft or any other game after the ps2.

Are your retarded?
SQL its NOT even a programming language, its just a language to make database queries
Plus I'm pretty sure some games uses SQLite

Are YOU retarded?

You just confirmed you cant make games with it, which is what i just said.

There's no point in learning SQL since everything will be on the blockchain in the future

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I'm sure games like brogue use databases
>Inb4 moving goalposts

It's not because you can't make games with something its useless.
Go make a game with a fusebox.

Why are you talking like SQL is used to "make things?" It's only purpose is to interact with your database. There's no reason for why I can't use some graphics library for my frontend and some query session like jdbc for data management. Besides you would only need these things for large-scale (multiplayer) projects. Nobody "uses" SQL for single player games. Not because they can't but because there is no point.

>Nobody "uses" SQL for single player games.
Even in this case, I'm sure some games use SQLite to store saves

OP is retarded but you are getting there
Where do you think databases are stored?

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The moment you want to do advanced queries against your datasets I am very sure your abstraction will produce very bad SQL and then it helps to understand what it going.

You can create rudimentary databases by writing C/C++ structs' to a file, and then assigning a pointer to read them

You really need to learn how computers work dude. You might use a programming language to construct a program that creates a "database" in working memory, and populate it with values, but once you kill the process, the memory used by your program is deallocated for your process, and you lose the database. That is, unless you write a representation of your database to non working memory, aka a hard disk, floppy disk, or an array of flip flops, your database will be lost. The next time you run your program , it will create a new db, unless you tell it to load one from disk/another place in memory.

This is how all computers will work when running a program created with any programming language.

What's the verdict, Jow Forums?

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