Redpill me on the "NPC" meme
Where did it come from, and how come it has taken over Jow Forums in an instant? I go away for one fucking week and I'm already behind on the latest memes
Also memes are technology
Redpill me on the "NPC" meme
Where did it come from, and how come it has taken over Jow Forums in an instant? I go away for one fucking week and I'm already behind on the latest memes
Also memes are technology
Other urls found in this thread:
25% of people have no inner monologue while thinking (a study with only 30 participants found) and therefore must be unable to think complex thought.
I wish the study questioned which method of thought was superior
it stemmed from a Sam Hyde video from 2012/2014 but was repopularized when people on 4clams dug up some study about 75% of people not having an 'inner voice' in their minds when they do stuff. hence the NPC (non-player character), as the videogame terminology where you play as the main character and the auxiliary characters you don't control are the NPC's.
Government psy op to make your depersonalization and derealization worse. Solipsism will make you schizo
That's a very interesting finding, but I find it hard to believe that such a large chunk of non-retarded people aren't capable of complex thought. I mean, someone would have found out by now if so many individuals are incapable of making important life decisions
But I don't think this is true solipsism, since supposedly more than 25% of the population do have an inner voice. IIRC solipsism is the idea that you yourself are the only non-npc in existence
What, so they don't think in words/a voice?
They don't talk to themselves inside their own head? Or are talking just feeling urges and acting without thoughts popping into their heads?
This is from a poorly thought and made study, you shouldn't even entertain it.
Niggers largely aren't capable of complex thought.
>only thinking in words counts as thinking
These npcs...
Some faggot posted pic related on all the boards
Jow Forums cancer
is k, NPC user
It's a thing that Jow Forums blew up, those fucking autists...
>we live in an age where shitposts are studied for the benefit of mankind
I dont want to leave this planet.
"A non-player character (NPC) is a video game character that is controlled by the game's artificial intelligence (AI) rather than by a gamer. Non-player characters serve a number of purposes in video games, including: As plot device: NPCs can be used to advance the storyline."
Could it be for goys who play their expected part in the jewish game of white extermination and world domination? A white pawn if you will?
r9k and v meme
on other boards that werent muh feels it was used to criticize the common shitpsoters that used wojak and pepe but now it has quickly mutated itself into being used as an egoboost against people you don't like, e.g cringe, s o y, zoomer, etc
They are capable.
You can think spatially or visually. Can even do a complex chain of thoughts without a single use of language. In fact you're basically limiting yourself with it.
Idiots read a small sample size study which suggests that a certain percentage of people don't experience interior monologue. These idiots then proceeded to confuse lack of interior monologue with lack of sentience and lack of cognitive ability and rushed to assume that people who lack interior monologue are somehow inferior to people who talk to themselves or maybe even that they lack sentience.
Why would this have anything to do with intelligence?
I'd say neither. I experience interior monologue, but I can program complex software and think about advanced mathematics while having no interior monologue. You don't need to talk to yourself in order to solve problems.
I think some interior monologue can be a good thing, but excessive interior monologue actually makes people worse at thinking. I hypothesize that the NPC meme is popular partly because it gives somewhat mentally disturbed anons who experience excessive self-talk a way to reinterpret their self-talk as a source of superiority.
makes fucking sense, but instead of no 'inner monologue' it should be no self awareness.
>That npc boomer sōyboy cuck not following the latest memez xDD
That's not what the study said, retard.
I wouldnt place too much faith in a study like that. Its still pretty interesting to discuss tho.
I talk to myself constantly, mostly a garbled mess of my native language and english with some made-up words added to the mix. I also have a mental CAD drawing complete with physics simulation that I use when i try to visualize stuff. Comes in handy a lot. Thanks to my CAD I have a pretty good working memory and spacial awareness, but im bad at things like writing, talking and remembering faces.
What does this thread even have to do with Jow Forums, except for NPC being a term used in computer games?
That’s where “I think, therefore I exist” came from, right?
It came from /v/tard incels who think they're superior because they post on a Mongolian cave painting forum known as Jow Forums. It's literally fedora tipping 2018 edition.
>Government psy op
This sounds dumb but I believe it.
>Redpill me on
what do you mean? you want us to tell you made up lies about it?
Just CAD thier face and put it in your face folder user, then you'll remember.
I sometimes think "with words" and sometimes I don't
Doesn't make a difference
>and think about advanced mathematics
you wish
If we go to the other extreme of this finding, we can also essentially say that 75% of people have mental issues like split personalities or schizophrenia, because why else would you have an inner monologue? We can further reach and say that this phenomena only occurs as a result of insufficient social contact with other humans that we have to make up imaginary voices to affirm what we are thinking.
As you can see, it's extremely easy to spin information any way you want, and an article could have been written in just that manner to, for instance, normalize mental issues as being something less of an exception in the grand scheme of things. They simply chose to do the opposite.
Ive tried doing that, but it takes a bit of effort and things like them getting a haircut or taking off their glasses etc. can easily throw me off.
you are a literally autistic
It wouldn't have taken off except there is one guy that gets pissed off in every thread posting about NPCs. Reminds me of Jow Forums and the gem roasties.
Not joking but you should consider consulting a professional
forced meme from a discord group, they did pretty decently with the boomer/zoomer wojak, hope this'll take off as well.
>I'm a NPC, and I'm better than you.
You know when you play an RPG and you visit a town and there's people walking around in a loop doing inane crap, and speaking to them they basically always say th same thing? That's the majority of humans, just an NPC doing nothing of value
The term "meme" originates from the 1976 book The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins.
This is true, as I type this comment on Jow Forums, I am reading it out in my head, which is the inner voice OP is referring to?
But If I am trying to solve a complex problem, I am thinking in terms of functions or relationships. I might describe each entity with a word but the easiest way to plan out the problem is often thinking about arrows that connect and define relationships between entities.
Shit was fucking published in 2011. Some retard dug up ancient history and now you are perpetuating it.
I don't have monologues, I don't talk in my mind. I have thoughts in a strange format that I don't know how to explain in words, and then I have to translate the thoughts in human language(which gives me trouble in communicating with people, especially if the though is complex).
is that way, schizo
They looked at multiple studies and found that only 25% had an inner monolog. You didn't even try to read it. FPWP
I'd say having to think in words ("ok, now I'm going to do the dishes, first I'll open the tap and put some soap in.." how the fuck does that even work?) as opposed to pure thoughtform is more retarded, no?
the study is poor, but they don't talk to themselves to do things.
i personally don't think i talk to myself that much either, i just kinda do things without forming sentences in my head. even when i'm thinking about a problem it's not really words, it's more synesthetic. it's like a river flowing. it's thoughts, but without words.
are you me wtf
You're not weird, there's just more variation in these sorts of "thinking styles" than most people seem to think.
For example:
This is about mental imagery/visualization but the debate is similar.
it was a forced meme literally forced in one day by the same guy creating thread after thread on pol
ITT: autists rediscover philosophy
Me too. The only times I'm doing monologues is when I'm formulating things I'm going to relate to others later. Imaging having inner monologues as your primary mode of thinking, no wonder people are so fucking slow and generally incapable of forming complex thoughts.
>Sam Hyde
he can't keep getting away with this!
Cotton-Eyed Joe
Zoomers have grown up with social media and hypnotic children's shows that have given them a broken psyche. This makes them go around talking to themselves as their primary mode of thinking. Normal, sane people who just use abstract thoughtforms and visualization are "NPCs" to them because they get impatient with the zoomer slow as fuck "inner monologue" of media brainwashing.
It's the just normalfag's way of feeling speshul
Holy shit, you took the words right out of my mouth. This world just keeps getting crazier each generation.
>it stemmed from a Sam Hyde video from 2012/2014
solipsist arguments are older than that, including the use of "NPC" in them
I don't even talk inside my head when I'm reading, I just kind of absorb the information
This is just the new "reality is just a simulation," "we've entered an alternative timeline," unprovable bullshit that pseudo-intellectuals like to spew.
I wouldn't be surprised if in the future some pop-culture, theoretical scientists decide to claim that free will has finally been disproven. And that will be memed by gullible idiots just like how everyone thought the world was going to end on December 2012.
>thought pops into my head
>mind voice starts repeating it back to me
>suddenly realize "why am I thinking of this whole sentence when I already had the thought in a fraction of a second"
>suddenly realize I'm actually saying to myself "why am I thinking this whole..."
psyop. you intuit things before you subvocalise them. the psyop is designed to make you forgo intuition entirely in favour of thinking solely via subvocalisation. this way you can only repeat already learned information to yourself and aren't able to form new thoughts.
I agree, if you're talking to yourself with words while you try to solve difficult problems you are a brainlet
> new meme
> increas insecurity
Hmmm, does this look familiar to anyone?