Don't mind me, I'm just doing another comfy Ubuntu install ;^)

don't mind me, I'm just doing another comfy Ubuntu install ;^)

Attached: fuck_arch.jpg (1000x922, 60K)

Ok. Good thread

based and redpilled

>freecucks hate other freecucks

basado y rojoempastillado

Truly the worst "community.".

And windows 7/8/10 users are all buddy buddy, right?


idk but at least we can install programs


Attached: 1473962333416.jpg (1182x1581, 993K)

>sudo Pacman -S programName
Woooooow, so hard. I wonder how far your goalposts are going to move next

what if the program isnt in your repo?(which it wont be)

All of the programs that I use are in the official repo or the AUR. Worst case, I have to add a ppa, or whatever my system equivalent is and then update, and then it can be installed as normal.

Fuck, many programs even have a double click installer nowadays. Get out of here with your arguments from the 90s

>needing extra steps to install software

Attached: 1536546111484.jpg (488x499, 32K)

>find website for your program
>click the tiny download link (not the big one, that one's malware!)
>wait 60 seconds because you didn't download the malware
>download the installer
>run it
>click 'yes I want to actually install this'
>click through installer
>select custom install
>uncheck spyware components/toolbars

Sure is great not having a package manager

There you go, that's the movement I was waiting for.
Kill yourself, frog

> What is chocolatey

>archfags this upset

Attached: 1536546111484.jpg (470x499, 31K)


That's not even an argument, you moron.

Stay assblasted, kid.

Attached: 1532752250815.jpg (480x480, 57K)

Why install ubuntu when you can install opensuse instead?


Why install this when you can install that?

>all those compression artifacts

Attached: 1535545319484.jpg (1570x1536, 396K)

nice digits, also that was the state of that image when I saved about 3 years ago.

found a higher quality image

Attached: 1486871398889.jpg (1000x922, 116K)

Yeah, because that shit breaks every time

Not even once.

Attached: 1526919678534.jpg (2272x1704, 272K)

>All those bikes but no grass
Why even have a backyard?

pacman has everything ever go die

to store bikes in you brainlet


Attached: golden kek warp (2).png (709x462, 660K)

reminds me of the border difference between haiti and the dominican republic

Attached: 0252a00434c93218667315310cfc5f74.jpg (640x480, 99K)

What do?

Attached: 1509425704021.png (800x600, 54K)

> he didn't post the good version

Attached: bikes.jpg (1024x768, 189K)

Untick the desktop environment and install a tiling window manager like a sane person.

click them all

Except once I am done building my pool and house they will be beautiful and designed to custom specification, last forever and can be carried to any os I choose
You on the other hand are stuck using whatever ubuntu decided is good for you

I wish I didn't have to be cucked by windows and be cool like you guys. Sadly I have to use adobe software

Attached: memes academy.png (640x360, 246K)

personally, i would never use any system that isn't gentoo. archfags are too retarded to compile from source and probably write really shitty algorithms for their first-year college python classes.

Kys niggers. If you're too nigger to install Arch or Gentoo, just use Antergos. It's way better than plebuntu, plus it's Arch based.

>Arch fags SEETHING

unironically unclick every single one

all the gtk thingies from gnome without the harmful bloat

10/10 thread, just use Antergos you nigger

Give them all back Jamal.
