What junior php developer need to know for first job

Web development

What kind of problems need to be able to solve to get your foot in the door?


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you should know that you're not a developer

I know.

succ coccs

>What junior php developer need to know for first job

no, that's a prereq. OP should learn English

Why are you being mean?

>What junior php developer need to know for first job

> What junior php developer need to know for first job
Web development


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>what junior php developer need to know for first job
It will be painful
It will make you wanna kill yourself
It will be a dead-end
You should start learning new languages and change your career path asap
Don't waste your life
You will thank me later

fast things in my mind..

Learn how to connect to a database, create a table add some data. Get that data.
Learn a framework... etc laravel,symfony.
Learn how to connect to a json API (i guess that will get your foot in the door pretty fast).
Debug a php platform for example wordpress.
Learn javascript.

Put something in your mind and say i wanna make this website... etc... create a simple chat or a photo gallery.

$betterLearnHowToUse = array( 1 => "editor with debugger", 2 => "linux enviroment", 3 => "php7", 4 => "composer", 5 => "git")

Really helpfull

// wtf autotype turn my example to etc...

When escaping/unescaping entities, always explicitly state the ecoding.

Does it actually matter? I haven't bothered with seeing what changed in the language since 5.4 at all.

Learn OOPHP, get out of the procedural stuff as quick as you can. Read PHP Pandas it's free and a great resource for learning the basics of OO PHP.

As another person said learn a framework, Laravel is the cool kids choice at the moment Symphony 2 is also worth looking in to. I struggled as a spaghetti code master to get my head around Laravel. I went with another light weight framework called Fat Free Framework instead and got on great with it.

Learn how to connect and consume API's. Payments are a good choice, Stripe, Braintree, PayPal etc Social media

Unless you only maintain old codebases on old, crappy shared hosters, yes.

dropped some pretty good points on where to start but the more important thing is not what you know and instead what you can do (e.g. done in the past). No one needs a dev who can connect to database and "knows" some popular framework, but if you shall have something you could bring to the table you will be wanted.

And the golden tip for you is not to listen people who'll tell you to obenden PHP in favour of other language. Most of these people cannot learn even PHP and shill all day cause they're useless. PHP is one of the top languages and til this day most websites including some amazing ones are powered by it.

>$betterLearnHowToUse = array( 1 => "editor with debugger", 2 => "linux enviroment", 3 => "php7", 4 => "composer", 5 => "git")
>using the non-recommended syntax

>Why are you being mean?

Attached: 214.jpg (500x375, 151K)


My guess is that you don't know spaceship operator??
new php technics that make your life easier
new encryption algorithms ... etc.

Attached: spaceship.png (553x226, 9K)

If you can solve this can of problems, you can do it:

You have a set of Strings


And another String that can be either a sub-string of one of the set or a complete new String.


Design an algorithm that find in the Set of Strings, the one that most appeals to the test String, based on the number of the same characters and the place of them.

In this case would be "38jdnz" because contains two of the same characters, but placed in the same order.

Note that there can be more than 1 in the set of Strings that appeal to the test String.

So, essentially make a fuzzy search algorithm?

Don't listen to this guy, OP: . Php is a pile of shit, but so are most languages. It doesn't really matter, they'll all cause you pain one way or another.
At least php is bloody easy to learn.