What is the best package manager?

What is the best package manager?

Attached: Package.png (256x256, 15K)

>needing a package manager

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zypper, or to be more specific $(ANYTHING_BUT_APT)


double click

Why is pacman so fast in comparison to everything else bros? What's the wizardry?


try alpinelinux's apk and never look back


Bundles of floppy disks

install cloveros!

App Store

good luck when the install script barely works

I appreciate what you guys are doing with clover but I compile my own binaries to use on my older hardware
And, I don't really trust Jow Forums to compile my code for me, thanks ;)
Portage is awesome though!

I like pacman.


Windows Registry

Attached: what-is-windows-registry-and-do-other-operating-systems-have-one.png (512x512, 7K)





>using a command line package manager like some lowlife hacker, when you can very easily download an installation wizard from google and click next

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Not having reverse dependency resolution, which has the side effect of causing linking errors among other things when doing impartial upgrades or downgrades.

>wots best package memeger goyz? look at mi I azk you cuz I'm a tekfag like yoo i'm nout like d otherz

There is literally nothing wrong with the comparison of package managers.

I'm not saying that comparing package memeger is wrong... I'm say that you're wrong!

Guix. Everything else is bad

apt really isn't that bad when you get used to it's quirks
it will try to delete your entire os if you fuck up though kek

Dnf. Name another package manager with delta packages, I've saved up 80% on download payloads just because of it.


>no dependency resolution

Careful bro. Your edgy elitist asshole is showing for the world to see.

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then why does my registry inevitably turn into a dumping ground over time?

>ctrl+f "guix"
>no results
enjoy having garbage and dependency hell on your system

pic related

Attached: thelorax7.jpg (250x356, 27K)

Fuck you. I posted guix in this thread already

zypper is good but it's implementation on Opensuse is shit (patterns are horrible)
I'm used to pacman, but the syntax is not really logical though.

I use nuget never had a problem yet




Canada Post.

Attached: CopyQ.nS3514.png (635x357, 436K)


try doing a case insensitive search

what does the Guix System Distribution have to do with video games?


sudo apt install gf

Attached: gnudebian.jpg (371x323, 49K)

Lole what's wrong with apt? I've never had many problems with it, when I do, I just reinstall the package with dpkg because it always seems to ruin something only it needs

finally a smart reply

I manage my own packages
I don't need shitty software to do it for me




unironically homebrew