Why don't you have 14TB of storage, Jow Forums?


Why don't you have 14TB of storage, Jow Forums?

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I do tho.

I have 32GB (8 4TB HDD in RAID0)

Neat. But 2 8TB drives are cheaper and I'm a poorfag anyways

Because I got 4*8TB for less than $580

>Formatted storage in Windows: 12,9TB

dropped fuck windows

>4K Native drive

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living in the edge

I have about 30 GB of files

I'm done with mechanical storage.



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I have 4x10TB sitting in a box in my kitchen


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Last time I bought a seagate it died within a month, then when I tried to return it their website literally just didn't work.

Might aswell send my files to /dev/null

>what is a filesystem

>anything besides FAT and NTFS
Pick one.

12.9TiB is 14TB.


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Datacenter results on drive longevity actually show Seagate to be the best. I use nothing but Seagate these days. Fantastic drives. Their barracuda drives are top tits.

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>Competitor at 14TB Helium drives now

WD can't compete with Seagate at all these days

Because it's not an SSD. I'll never buy non SSD again, period.

their my passport drives are really good though
4tb for 80 bucks on black friday that I can hook up anywhere because it's powered by USB?
hell yeah

Also I'd like to mention that I need to buy at least 2x of any drive I get for redundancy. So I get 4TB for $160 technically
yes I'm pretty autistic

b-but muh PMR recording technology

S-seashit is SMR shingled magnetic recording and it s-sucks ass!!

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These are client drives, they don't use shingled magnetic recording at all

Even Toshiba doesn't use SMR


WD pretty much owns every other hard drive manufacturer though. They just decided to keep the premium ones in the WD name, and experimental ones through other brands.


Damn I wish I had that

4x8TB here

Not if you are using it for security camera DVRs with tons of writes.

because i dont even need more than 1TiB
i still have 2 2TB hard drives though

Because I'm not a data hoarder.

Ironwolf Pro 14TB will be sweet for NAS

Got 21TB right now ( 5x 6TB WD Reds in Raid Z1) in a HP N40L. Still got 8.3 TB free space.

I've got another N40L that I need to upgrade the drives. Be sweet to have 5 14TB drives in it. But hell I'll be happy with 10TB drives at lower cost.

I value my data

I’m wandering what will be rebuilt time for 4pcs in raid 5


imagine losing 14TB of data

>Now you can lose 14TB of data!

the future is now, old man

Imagine not planning for your drives to fail and not backing up

How many writes you got white boi?

>HDDfags will never know this feeling

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because there is no reason a consumer-grade hard drive needs more than 4 terabytes of storage.


not even once

Instead of more capacity, hard drives desperately need better write/read speeds. It's such a fucking pain in the ass to back up a 4tb hdd. Like a fucking entire day if you have files of random sizes. Exasperating. Backing up that hdd must take like a week or something if it starts going kaput.

I have an external 4TB Seagate that's been overheating for years. It still runs perfectly fine. No idea why. It will probably just die out of the blue someday. WD externals are the worse though. Internal drives tend to be better regardless of the brand.

I ordered 4 HGST 2TB drives and they were all faulty. Shit happens some times.

Yeah man if you buy Seagate, you better be planning to do backups. Unfortunately, about all a person will do is run weekly backups until that thing is dead. 14TB on a hard drive is AIDS.